The overwhelming might of the shadow monarch {86}

{The code that will delete the player training system has been entered}

{The system will now be deleted}

{All power limits placed on the player have been removed}

{Accordingly all power limit placed down on shadow soldiers shall be lifted}

{The power of Igris has been restaured}

{The power of Malgrim has been restaured}

{The monarch of Shadow "Ashborn" Has returned to the world of eternal nothingness}

{Are you sure you want to delete the system}


Kenzo looked at the screen before pressing yes,he was glad for the help that the system had given him but now it was time for them to part ways.'

As the Frost Monarch and the Beast Monarch relentlessly attacked Igris, the loyal shadow soldier stood firm, a formidable wall against the onslaught. Their blows, infused with elemental fury, rained down upon him, the force threatening to shatter even the most indomitable of defenses. Igris, however, refused to yield, his obsidian armor absorbing the punishing strikes.

His form flickered with the eerie glow of shadows, a testament to the strain on his ethereal being. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, Igris persisted, an unyielding force of loyalty and resilience in the face of brutal assault.

Then, in a moment that shifted the tide of battle, Igris seemed to draw upon an unseen wellspring of power. A surge of energy radiated from him, causing the air to crackle with newfound intensity. The Frost Monarch and the Beast Monarch, momentarily caught off guard, witnessed a transformation in Igris's capabilities.

No longer a mere defensive shield, Igris unleashed a counteroffensive that took them by surprise. His strikes now carried a potency that bit into their frosty and bestial forms. The battlefield echoed with the clash of forces as Igris, fueled by a surge of strength, turned the tables on his adversaries.

The Frost Monarch and the Beast Monarch, accustomed to their dominance, found themselves on the receiving end of Igris's empowered assault. Shadows danced around Igris as he pressed the advantage, proving that even in the face of overwhelming odds, loyalty and determination could carve a path to unexpected strength. The once-unyielding defender had become a formidable force in his own right, a shadow soldier reborn in the crucible of battle.

A sudden chill swept over the battlefield as the Beast Monarch, sensing an ominous presence, dropped to all fours. A shiver ran through his bestial form, and a primal fear clawed at the edges of his consciousness. The air itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of an impending revelation.

In that moment, an intense aura enveloped the surroundings, and the ice, once unyielding, began to crack and fissure. The Beast Monarch, caught in the grip of truth fear, watched with widened eyes as the shadows within the fractures started to writhe and surge.

The ice, a symbolic barrier against the force that now emerged, yielded to the unseen power within. The truth fear intensified, weaving a tapestry of dread in the Beast Monarch's mind. Whatever dwelled within the shadows struck at the very core of his existence.

As the cracks widened, a figure stepped forth from the shadows, bathed in an otherworldly darkness. The silhouette of the Shadow Monarch, wreathed in an ethereal glow, cast a foreboding presence upon the battlefield. The Beast Monarch, now fully immersed in the truth fear, could sense the weight of an ancient power, a force that transcended the boundaries of their battle.

In the face of the emerging Shadow Monarch, the Beast Monarch, once a formidable predator, found himself reduced to a mere prey, ensnared in the grip of a fear that spoke of undeniable truths and the inexorable advance of an ancient force.

The Beast Monarch, overcome by the pervasive fear emanating from the Shadow Monarch's presence, recoiled instinctively. His primal instincts, heightened by the encroaching truth fear, spurred him into action. In a swift and desperate move, the Beast Monarch leaped backward, distancing himself from the frozen figure of Kenzo.

As he landed, the ice beneath Kenzo's form exhibited new fractures, multiplying and weaving an intricate web of cracks across its surface. The air resonated with the ominous sound of ice breaking, a symphony of impending doom echoing through the battlefield.

The Beast Monarch, his bestial senses acutely aware of the escalating danger, watched with trepidation as the frozen figure within the ice seemed to stir. The cracks, like fault lines, traced an intricate pattern across the icy prison that held the dormant Shadow Monarch.

As the cracks in the ice multiplied, revealing the ominous emergence of the Shadow Monarch, the Frost Monarch, undeterred by the encroaching truth fear, barked a command to his compatriot.

"Attack him again! We cannot let him awaken fully!" the Frost Monarch ordered, his voice cutting through the eerie silence that had settled over the battlefield.

However, the Beast Monarch, still shivering with remnants of truth fear, cowered away from the impending danger. His primal instincts, usually attuned to aggression and dominance, now screamed at him to flee. In an unprecedented act of surrender, the Beast Monarch raised his massive form in a display of submission.

"I... I give up! I won't fight that thing again!" the Beast Monarch stammered, fear etched across his bestial features. Without waiting for the Frost Monarch's response, he turned and bolted away from the unfolding scene, retreating from the imminent awakening of the Shadow Monarch.

The Frost Monarch, left alone and now facing the approaching shadowy figure within the fractured ice, grunted in frustration. The battlefield echoed with the retreating steps of the Beast Monarch, who, overcome by an instinctual terror, chose flight over the prospect of confronting the awakening force within Kenzo.

Fury blazed in the eyes of the Frost Monarch as he witnessed the retreat of the Beast Monarch. In an enraged fit, he redirected his aggression toward the awakening figure encased in the fractured ice – the Shadow Monarch within Kenzo.

With an icy snarl, the Frost Monarch lunged forward, intent on delivering a lethal strike. Yet, standing resolute in the path of impending danger, Igris, the loyal shadow soldier, intercepted the attack. His obsidian armor gleamed in the eerie glow of the battlefield, a testament to his unwavering commitment to protect his liege.

The clash of forces resounded through the air as Igris engaged the enraged Frost Monarch. Each strike, fueled by the Monarch's icy fury, met the impenetrable defense of the shadow soldier. Igris, a silent guardian, skillfully deflected every blow aimed at the awakening figure of Kenzo, standing as an unyielding barrier against the onslaught.

The Frost Monarch, frustrated by the resilient defense, intensified his assault, summoning icy projectiles and unleashing freezing winds. But Igris, undeterred and steadfast, shielded Kenzo from harm. The battlefield became a dance of elements – frost against shadow, rage against loyalty.

Amidst the chaos, Kenzo, still within the fractured ice, remained untouched, his form a silent spectator to the clash between the enraged Frost Monarch and the unwavering sentinel that was Igris.

Suddenly all of Kenzo shadow soldier started to kneel as Kenzo walked out of his ice prison,his body giving out a huge amount of power.

"I dont remember giving you the permision to run your mouth and i also dont remimber giving the beast monarch permision to run away"Kenzo said codly as he looked at the frost monarch.

Kenzo had remembered deleting the system and also remembered the familiar notification of his stats being maxed out before the system went away.

As the frost monarch looked at Kenzo only one thing came to his mind....a wall which he wouldnt overcome,a difference in power so huge that it was comparing a normal human to a god.

He felt like an insignificant bug as he looked at Kenzo staring into his soul.

Kenzo ignored him before spreading his senses all around trying to find the beast monarch.

"Found you"Kenzo said in a cold voice completly ignoring the frost monarch as he had foun the beast monarch.

'is he turning his back toward me....this is a great opportunity,i need to attack him now and take this opportunity as it wont come twice,it doesnt matter how much stronguer he is then me,this will end him'The frost monarch though before procceding to attack Kenzo with all his might,he poured all of his power into one final strike.

As the strike reached Kenzo,with one finguer he stopped the frost monarch attack as the frost monarch weopon got destroyed by Kenzo middle finguer.

"I will save you for last so be a good boy and wait here until i come back"Kenzo said looking at the frost monarch.

In the blink of an eye, Kenzo materialized beside the cowering Beast Monarch. The sudden appearance sent a shiver down the monarch's spine, his fear palpable in the wide-eyed stare and trembling limbs. The once defiant and predatory figure now stood as a mere shadow in the overwhelming presence of the Shadow Monarch.

Kenzo's gaze bore into the Beast Monarch, a cold and unwavering intensity that mirrored the inexorable power he wielded. The air seemed to thicken with the weight of impending judgment as the Beast Monarch, stripped of his bravado, quivered under the scrutiny of the immortal force before him.

The silence that enveloped them spoke volumes, a foreboding prelude to the imminent reckoning. Kenzo, now standing next to the terrified Beast Monarch, held the reins of power and fate, ready to mete out the consequences for the actions that had transpired on this shadowed battlefield.

In the presence of the Shadow Monarch, a cascade of fear surged through the Beast Monarch's thoughts like a relentless tide. His once defiant and bestial demeanor crumbled, replaced by an overwhelming dread that permeated every fiber of his being. As Kenzo appeared beside him, the Beast Monarch's mind raced, unable to comprehend the depth of power that stood before him.

'What is this...? This power... It's beyond anything I've ever faced. I thought I was the apex predator, but in his presence, I'm nothing more than a helpless prey.'

The Beast Monarch's mental monologue echoed with the realization that his perceived strength, once a source of pride, was now a mere illusion in the face of the immortal force that Kenzo embodied. The relentless gaze of the Shadow Monarch bore into his soul, stripping away the façade of bravado and exposing the raw vulnerability that lurked beneath.

'I can't escape. There's nowhere to run. He's everywhere.'

As the Beast Monarch quivered with fear, an involuntary bow formed in his posture. The monarch, once standing tall, now found himself lowering to all fours, a symbolic submission to the indomitable force that stood before him.

'I... I must submit. There's no defiance left in me. He is beyond anything I can comprehend.'

The mental turmoil continued, a symphony of terror playing out within the Beast Monarch's mind. The echoes of his own fear reverberated through every thought, a stark contrast to the once-mighty creature that had dared to challenge the Shadow Monarch. In the face of this existential terror, the Beast Monarch, now humbled and broken, awaited the judgment that Kenzo, the immortal ruler of shadows, would inevitably mete out.

In the surreal silence that enveloped the battlefield, the once-proud Beast Monarch, now reduced to a trembling shadow of his former self, found his voice quivering with desperation. As he bowed on all fours before the indomitable presence of the Shadow Monarch, the words of surrender and pleading began to spill from his quaking lips.

"Forgive me... Shadow Monarch," he stammered, the words laced with a profound fear that echoed in the desolate air. The once-mighty creature, who had instilled fear in others, now groveled in the dust, his humility laid bare.

"I beg for your mercy. I... I am nothing compared to your power. I was blinded by arrogance, and now I see the error of my ways," the Beast Monarch pleaded, each word carrying the weight of genuine remorse. His eyes, wide with terror, searched for any sign of leniency in the cold gaze of Kenzo.

"I had no idea of the magnitude of your strength. Please spare me. I will submit to your will, serve you, do whatever you command. Just spare my life," he continued, his voice cracking with desperation.

The Beast Monarch, once a force of nature, now clung to the last vestiges of hope, hoping against hope that the Shadow Monarch, in all his immortal might, would show mercy to a broken and defeated creature. In the face of this cosmic reckoning, the once-predator begged for the mercy of the shadow that had cast its judgment upon him.

Kenzo, his voice as cold as the shadows that surrounded them, considered the desperate plea of the Beast Monarch. The Beast Monarch's words of submission and supplication hung in the air, a frail plea for mercy.

"You will serve me better as a shadow soldier," Kenzo declared, his decree sending a chill through the air. In that moment, the fate of the Beast Monarch was sealed. The once-mighty ruler, now reduced to a quivering mass of fear, had a new role assigned—one of servitude within the shadows.

Before the Beast Monarch could fully grasp the implications of his new fate, Kenzo, without a hint of remorse, put an end to the monarch's existence. The battlefield bore witness to the swift and decisive judgment, and the life of the once-proud ruler of beasts flickered out like a dying ember.

Kenzo then went back toward the frost monarch that was utterly beaten by his army.....

"My liege,we have taken of him,you may now pass on your judgment to him"Igris said bowing down to which Kenzo nod before taking the dagger that Igris was offering him approaching the frost monarch and saying "Like i said at the begining of this fight,you three would make a great addition to my army"




The frost.beast and plague monarch....the shadow monarch was all that remained.