The death of the Zenin clan (91)

So the plan was simple really, Maki would go to the Zenin clan to get some curse tool, Yuki and Mahito would stay behind to protect Tengen, and Kenzo would eventually have to come back from time to time just in case because Tengen was quite paranoid that she may get sniped.

Kenzo would also be near Yuji when he is not looking over the overgrown thumb as he was the only living person alive who could vibe check the king of curses.

Yuta would be on his own, Yuji and Megumi were supposed to go find a guy that really liked gambling.

If he was honest Kenzo could really handle all of that just fine, he just didn't like the fact that he couldn't open the back of the prison realm, for Christ sake he even started to use Domain amplification.

He could visibly feel the seal weakening when he was doing it as technically he was neutralizing the seal, although there seemed to be something stopping him, he felt like if he had done that then something bad might happen to Gojo.

As if there was some sort of kill switch in place.....Kenzo sighs to himself....guess he really needs to find the front of the prison realm and try it that way.

"I will get you out of there blindfolded dumbass," Kenzo said as he held the cube in his hands before putting it back inside his mini pocket.

Pov change.

"Well look who showed up, those scars seem to have left a mark, "Naoya said looking at Maki.

"You judge women based on their appearence,and here i though you only looked at their ass"Maki added looking at Naoya who just looked annoyed saying "What bring you here scum"

"What did Kenzo abandoned you after he realize how useless you were,did he leave you after seing those scars on your body"Naoya said with a smile on his face.

"Unlike you, he is not like that"Maki replied quite bluntly.

He seemed enraged and wanted to hit her badly before the fear of what that monster might do to him scared him shitless, he remembered that day like the back of his hands, the day when he had met a death god....the day that he had almost died.

Instead of getting to angry he just stood up and walk away as Maki continued on her way toward the Zenin clan warehouse.

It didnt really help that her mom insult kind of invaded her ears but Maki was not paying attention to them at all,out of nowhere Maki then felt her curse energy in her body disappearing slowly as a tear fell down her cheek.

She was crying and as she open the vault,she saw it....her sister corpse.

Maki rushed toward Mai and rushed toward her body checking for a pulse.

"Mai..Mai..wake up..get up..please wake up"Maki said as tear fell down her cheek,Mai body was visibly hurt as the light in her eyes seem to be slowly vanish.

"You..idiot..why did you come here"Mai said coughing up blood.

"Breath...Breath"Maki said to her sister trying to stich up her sister wounds but nothing had worked.

"I'm sorry that I was a burden to you," Mai said, blood dripping down her face.

"No, you are not a burden. You are my sister," Maki replied, doing her best to stitch up her sister's wounds.

"I will take away all the curse energy that we share with my death but not before giving you a gift," Mai said, and a sword appeared near Maki's leg.

As Maki held the sword, she could hear her sister's voice urging her to kill them all. Soon after, Mai died in her arms.

Time passed, and Maki walked outside the warehouse with a dead look on her face. She was met by her father, who casually remarked, "I'm guessing that the trash is dead."

Maki said nothing, and her father continued, "I wanted to kill both of y'all. You were a curse to us all."

Still silent, Maki watched as her father's head fell to the floor, a chilling conclusion to a tragic chapter in their family's history.

The Kukuru Unit closed in on Maki, surrounding her with lethal intent. Each member displayed precision and coordination, wielding their blades with calculated movements. Their aim was to injure Maki severely, to break her spirit but not to deliver a fatal blow.

She looked at all her opponents before she started to pull out her weapon, this would be a massacre.

Maki, though outnumbered, stood her ground with a determined expression. As the first attacker lunged forward, she swiftly dodged the strike, countering with a precise slash that left the assailant staggering. Her movements were a dance of deadly grace, a testament to her formidable skill.

One by one, the members of the Kukuru Unit attempted to strike her down, but Maki's agility and mastery of the blade proved unmatched. With swift, calculated strikes, she incapacitated her adversaries, leaving them writhing on the ground in pain.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Maki's resolve remained unbroken. Her blade moved like an extension of her will, ending each and every one of the Kukuru Unit's lives with lethal precision. The clang of steel, the flash of blades, and the cries of the defeated echoed in the air as Maki emerged victorious, standing amidst the fallen adversaries, her stoic expression unchanged.

In a whirlwind of calculated movements, Maki swiftly engaged the members of the Kukuru Unit before they could even react. Her blade danced through the air with deadly precision, seamlessly transitioning from one opponent to the next.

The first assailant lunged towards her, but Maki's reflexes were quicker. With a swift sidestep, she dodged the attack and delivered a precise strike, incapacitating the first adversary in an instant. Before the others could comprehend what had happened, Maki seamlessly flowed into her next series of movements.

Her strikes were a blur, a deadly symphony of slashes and parries that left the Kukuru Unit bewildered and defenseless. Maki moved with a grace that belied her lethal intent, dispatching each opponent with ruthless efficiency. The sound of blades clashing and the echo of defeated cries filled the air as Maki moved through the group like a force of nature.

The entire confrontation unfolded in a matter of moments, leaving the Kukuru Unit incapacitated before they could mount any significant resistance. Maki stood amidst the fallen adversaries, her blade still and her expression unchanged, a silent testament to the swiftness and precision with which she had ended each of their lives.

As stronger sorcerers from the Hei Unit arrived to confront Maki, the atmosphere crackled with heightened tension. Unfazed by the new challenge, Maki remained poised and ready for the next wave of adversaries.

The Hei Unit, presumably more formidable than the previous assailants, launched their coordinated attack. However, Maki's response was nothing short of extraordinary. With a lethal combination of speed, skill, and precision, she swiftly engaged the Hei Unit.

The clash between Maki and the Hei Unit unfolded in a series of lightning-fast exchanges. Each strike from Maki's blade found its mark, incapacitating her adversaries one by one. The Hei Unit, despite their presumed strength, struggled to match the sheer prowess displayed by Maki.

In the end, the outcome remained consistent – Maki standing amidst the fallen Hei Unit, her blade stained with the remnants of battle. The swift and decisive victory showcased not only Maki's individual strength but also the undeniable fact that she was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Naoya approached Maki with a mocking look in his eyes, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Maki Zenin, do you even have a heart?" he taunted, his tone dripping with condescension.

Maki, unfazed by his provocations, met his gaze with a stoic expression. "My heart is none of your concern," she replied calmly, her words carrying a quiet intensity.

Naoya's mocking grin widened, enjoying the psychological game. "Or is it that you've buried it so deep under the weight of the Zenin name that you've forgotten where it is?" he continued, his words designed to provoke a reaction.

Caught off guard by Naoya's attempt to speedblitz her, Maki's instincts kicked in with lightning-fast reflexes. Instead of evading, she expertly sidestepped his onslaught, smoothly redirecting his momentum. With precision timing, she met his charge with a powerful punch, her fist connecting squarely with his face.

The impact was swift and punishing, causing Naoya to stagger backward. A couple of his teeth clattered to the ground, the unexpected counter leaving him momentarily stunned. Maki, unfazed and undeterred, stood her ground, her stoic expression unchanged.

Naoya, now nursing the aftermath of his failed attack, glared at Maki with a mix of surprise and irritation.

Naoya, fueled by his misogynistic beliefs, refused to accept the reality unfolding before him. Despite the evident prowess displayed by Maki, he clung to his biased convictions that a woman, especially Maki, could not possibly best him.

His disbelief manifested in a mixture of frustration and arrogance. "You think a woman like you can beat me?" he scoffed, trying to undermine Maki's capabilities.

Maki, unbothered by his sexist remarks, maintained her composure. Her actions spoke louder than any words could, and she remained poised, ready to counter any further attempts to belittle her based on gender.

Naoya, fueled by his refusal to accept Maki's prowess, attempted to use his speed advantage in a series of rapid attacks. However, each time he lunged at her, Maki skillfully evaded, countered, and left him reeling from the unsuccessful attempts.

Frustration etched across Naoya's face as he grappled with the reality unfolding before him. "This can't be happening. I can't lose to a woman," he muttered, the denial evident in his voice.

Despite his continuous attempts to overwhelm her, Maki effortlessly parried each strike, her movements a testament to her superior skill. Naoya's internal struggle intensified with each unsuccessful attack, his misogynistic beliefs clashing against the undeniable proof that Maki was a formidable opponent.

Maki, silent and composed, continued to dismantle Naoya's defenses with a calm determination.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Naoya believed he had found the perfect opportunity. As he thought Maki was momentarily vulnerable, he aimed a sneaky strike at the back of her head, convinced that victory was within his grasp. His fist inched closer, and a triumphant smirk crept across his face.

However, in the split second before impact, Maki, ever perceptive, anticipated his move. With lightning reflexes, she pivoted and, in a stunning reversal, delivered a devastating punch. The force was so immense that Naoya felt the crack of his own skull, the realization of his miscalculation hitting him like a ton of bricks.

The air filled with a tense silence as Naoya, now disoriented and humbled, crumpled to the ground. The impact of Maki's counter left him stunned, shattered illusions of invincibility dissipating with each groan of pain.

Fueled by the promise she had made to Mai and a desire to break free from the oppressive chains of the Zenin clan, she embarked on a relentless and vengeful path.

With lethal precision, Maki confronted and slaughtered every single member of the Zenin clan. The echoes of battle, the clash of blades, and the agonized cries reverberated through the air as Maki systematically dismantled the oppressive structure that had confined her for so long.