The dragonic threat {93}

Kenzo stood atop a building in the Sakurajima Colony, the aftermath of his ruthless confrontation with every ancient sorcerer evident in the lifeless surroundings. The colony bore the marks of his relentless pursuit, with few surviving the merciless onslaught.

His gaze shifted towards the points displayed:

**Kenzo Tatsuo**

**125 points**

As he contemplated his achievements, a Kogane materialized before him. Kenzo regarded the creature and spoke, "I want to add a new rule."

"Players may transfer any number of points between one another," Kenzo declared. The creature waited for a moment before making an announcement. The echoes of its proclamation reverberated through the colony, signaling the implementation of Kenzo's newly introduced rule into the culling game.

Pretty neat feature,anyway it was time for him to go through the Tokyo No. 2 Colony,which as the name implied kind of cover all of Tokyo.

Kenzo wanted to speedrun this as fast as humanly could but before going there he remembered why he started to take things a bit seriously.

A few hours earlier he had summoned the beast and frost monarch for their one time summon.

Usually he felt like as if he wouldnt be able to catch them as his shadow soldier because they lacked any shadow whatsover,it was probably because they were fragment of light or something else but to him the thing that made the most sense was the part about them being fragment of light.

That would explain their lack of shadow,anyway the binding vow was simple,under those very taxing conditions which were,he will not use them for battle and only used them for questioning along with the other restriction which was,he would only be able to sumon them once before they vanish and he would be unable to do so anymore.

Pretty heavy restrictions there but it worked and now he had gotten more information about why they had attacked him earlier.

Pov change

Kenzo was seen looking at the two new shadow soldiers that he had summoned, they were the beast and the frost monarch, he didn't even bother trying with the plague monarch, he didn't find her that useful, she looked like she was just there for the ride and while he fought those two mainly this little theory of his was confirmed.

She didnt know much but those two did and so Kenzo opened his mouth and said "Why did yall attack me"

"The monarch of destruction and king of the Dragon ordered us to"The frost monarch said as Kenzo looked at him.

"Explain"Kenzo said to which the frost monarch just said.

"We fough and attacked the monarch of destruction a few month after he had found a vessel and try to kill him while he was weak but instead we almost died,the fight was onesided and we only survived because we had entertained him enough and he said he would let us leave if we could entertain him more"The frost monarch said and as he finish the beast monarch continue by saying "We told him that the shadow monarch also had gotten a vessel and that he could be the challenge that he wanted"

As the Beast monarch stopped the frost monarch continued saying "He sent us and told us to test you,he said if the shadow monarch host was weak enough to die to mere maggots like us then he didnt even deserved becoming a monarch"

The frost monarch then added "As soon as you had killed us,he knew and that why he is on his way to you"

"The monarch of destruction want to clash with you and want you to entertain him,he will arrive here soon and will look for you as soon as he lands,"The beast monarch added.

"And what if i am not there to meet him"Kenzo added to which the beast monarch just replied "Then he will do what he is best at,the thing that he is the monarch of and lay waste to this planet until you show up"

Kenzo looked as if bad news were just piling up but he just opened his mouth and said "Between me and him who is stronguer"

"The monarch of destruction is stronguer and his attack are way potent that your but you do take the speed and ability,"The frost monarch said looking at Kenzo.

Kenzo sigh to himself as he realize he would have to face a litteral god but that was what made it fun,the thought of facing someone stronguer excited him but it was more than that.....if he lost then.....

In the wake of the foreboding revelation, Kenzo turned his attention to the Beast and the Frost Monarch. The weight of the impending clash with the Monarch of Destruction bore down on him, and he sought to gather as much information as possible.

"What's the Monarch of Destruction's main ability?" Kenzo inquired, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

The Beast Monarch responded, "It's the Breath of Destruction."

Kenzo's curiosity deepened, and he probed further, "Tell me more about it."

"The Breath of Destruction has the power to erase something from existence," the Beast Monarch explained. "It can wipe them out completely, leaving nothing behind."

A shiver ran down Kenzo's spine as the gravity of the Monarch of Destruction's ability sank in. The concept of complete erasure sent a chill through him, realizing the formidable nature of the impending adversary.

"Oh for fuck sake,who decided to give him a buff up hollow purple"Kenzo said before he opened his mouth and said "What does he look like"

"The dragon monarch look like..."Before they could finish though,it seemed like time was up as they vanished from his grasp leaving Kenzo alone in the room to ponder on his thoughts.

Kenzo stood alone in the room, frustration etched on his face. The sudden disappearance of the shadow soldiers left him with a sense of urgency and an incomplete understanding of the Monarch of Destruction.

"Damn it," Kenzo muttered to himself. The looming threat of the Monarch of Destruction and the limited information at his disposal weighed heavily on his mind. He needed to prepare for a confrontation that held the potential to reshape the fate of the world.

"Fuck it then, if I have to face a buffed-up Sukuna, then bring it on," Kenzo declared with a determined look on his face. The resolve in his words echoed in the room, cutting through the tension that lingered.

Embracing the challenge that lay ahead, Kenzo steeled himself for the impending clash with the Monarch of Destruction.