Maki get[117]

A surge of energy, fueled by the desperation of the situation and the unexpected arrival of Maki, coursed through Yuji's battered body. He may have been physically spent, but his spirit remained unbroken. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between him and Maki, their shared training and unwavering determination forging a wordless bond.

As one, they launched themselves at Sukuna, a whirlwind of coordinated attacks. Yuji, fueled by his recent black flashes, unleashed a barrage of precise punches, aiming not for overwhelming force, but for pinpoint accuracy. Maki, utilizing her enhanced reflexes and her cursed tool, the Playful Cloud, moved like a phantom, flanking Sukuna and striking with lightning-fast precision.

Sukuna, initially caught off guard by the unexpected assault, quickly regained his composure. However, as he raised his hand to counter Yuji's attack, a flicker of pain shot through him. He felt a resistance, a tightening within his own body, hindering his full power. It was Megumi, his soul fighting back from within the depths of Sukuna's cursed being.

Frustration contorted Sukuna's face. He attempted to unleash a powerful cursed technique, but the resistance intensified, crippling his movements and forcing him to redirect his attack partially. Yuji, capitalizing on this momentary lapse, landed a solid blow to Sukuna's chest, sending him staggering back.

Maki, seizing the opportunity, followed up with a series of blindingly fast blunt hits with her Playful Cloud, each one leaving shallow bruise on Sukuna's body. The King of Curses, accustomed to overwhelming his opponents with sheer power, found himself frustrated and increasingly cornered by the coordinated attacks of his weakened opponents.

The realization dawned on him: with each attack he attempted, Megumi's resistance grew stronger, sapping his power and hindering his ability to fight at full capacity. This unexpected development cast a shadow of doubt on his earlier confidence.

Yuji's fist connected with a satisfying thud against Sukuna's chest, sending a ripple of pain through the King of Curses. Despite the obvious blow, Sukuna merely scoffed, his annoyance growing by the second. "You truly are very dull," he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension.

Maki, seizing the opportunity created by Yuji, materialized behind Sukuna with lightning speed. Her fist, imbued with cursed energy, arced towards the back of his head. However, Sukuna was faster. He twisted with inhuman agility, deflecting Maki's attack with the back of his hand. The force of the blow sent a shockwave through her arm, momentarily numbing her fingers.

Undeterred, Maki pressed the offensive, lashing out with another swift kick aimed at Sukuna's knee. He blocked again, this time with an open palm, the sound of bones meeting echoing through the air. Despite the impact, Maki remained undaunted, a resolute glint in her eyes. She took the blow head-on, a spray of crimson mist escaping her lips as blood trickled down her chin.

Sukuna, ever the sadist, couldn't help but acknowledge her tenacity. "Not bad," he grudgingly admitted, a flicker of twisted respect momentarily replacing his annoyance.

The brief exchange was a microcosm of the battle itself. Yuji and Maki, fueled by determination and fueled by love for their friend, fought like cornered animals, their movements synchronized despite the lack of spoken words.

Sukuna, recognizing Maki's relentless pursuit, employed a cunning tactic. He shifted his focus to Yuji for a split second, feigning an attack. This subtle shift was an expertly crafted bait, designed to lure Maki in and exploit a potential opening.

As expected, Maki, ever the perceptive fighter, recognized the fabricated vulnerability and seized the opportunity. She darted towards Sukuna, her movements swift and decisive, aiming to capitalize on his momentary lapse.

However, Sukuna, anticipating her reaction, unleashed a weakened dismantle technique. Despite the limitations imposed by Megumi's resistance, a dismantle, even weakened, remained a devastating attack at close range. The technique, fueled by cursed energy, carried immense destructive potential, capable of inflicting catastrophic damage.

Just as the dismantle hurtled towards Maki's head, barely inches away from delivering a potentially fatal blow, a shadowy tendril erupted from her own shadow. This unexpected intervention acted as a shield, intercepting the dismantle with a resounding clang. The cursed energy dissipated harmlessly, leaving behind a faint scorch mark on the ethereal barrier.

Sukuna, momentarily stunned by this unforeseen development, watched as the shadowy hand retreated back into Maki's shadow. A wide grin stretched across his face, devoid of humor but revealing a twisted sense of amusement. "I thought as much," he chuckled, his voice laced with a chilling satisfaction.

A figure, clad in shadowy armor and wielding spectral weaponry, materialized from Maki's shadow with a silent growl. Its fiery eyes, burning with an unknown purpose, fixated upon the King of Curses. In a blur of motion, it launched itself at Sukuna, unleashing a relentless barrage of attacks.

The King of Curses, despite his weakened state, roared in defiance and met the onslaught head-on. The clash was a whirlwind of shadows and cursed energy.While the figure dealt significant damage, Sukuna's immense power, fueled by his regenerative abilities, allowed him to hold his own.

Suddenly, a chilling voice, devoid of any warmth, sliced through the chaos. "Maximum output... Dead Calm." The air shimmered, and a thick layer of ice materialized around Yuji and Maki, encasing them in a frozen tomb.

The shadow warrior, recognizing the threat and its primary directive, abandoned its offensive against Sukuna. It shifted its focus towards the ice prison, its form flickering with a flicker of urgency. Teleporting with inhuman speed, it appeared before Maki, its spectral hand outstretched towards the icy barrier.

Sukuna, panting slightly, emerged from the rubble, his body marred by numerous cuts and bruises, yet visibly healing at an accelerated rate. He observed the scene with a hint of begrudging respect tinged with curiosity. "So, its main purpose is to protect the girl with no cursed energy," he mused aloud. "He must have one under that brat's shadow too, but why isn't it coming out? Has it not realized yet that the brat's body has been taken over, or does it only come out when the brat's life is in danger?"