How to jump 101 {121}

A chilling click echoed through the air, a sound so subtle that only Kenzo, the Shadow Monarch, seemed to register it. His eyes, attuned to the movements of shadows, darted towards Sukuna's feet. Unlike Gojo, whose focus remained on the King of Curses himself, Kenzo's gaze pierced deeper, penetrating the inky darkness beneath Sukuna.

In that fleeting glimpse, he saw it – the unmistakable form of Mahoraga's wheel spinning ominously within Sukuna's shadow. A flicker of concern crossed Kenzo's face. Mahoraga, the divine spear, held the power to obliterate any cursed object it touched. And there, hovering above Megumi's trapped soul, it spun, a constant threat.

"We need to wrap this up," he declared to Gojo, his voice laced with urgency. "Before he turns you into a fraction."

Gojo scoffed. "Fraction? Me? Do I look like some mathematical equation to you?" His tone was brash, laced with his usual arrogance, but a flicker of surprise flickered in his blindfolded eyes.

"Well, you will be a fraction if we don't end this quickly," Kenzo countered, a hint of amusement in his voice. "A Kit Kat bar, perhaps? You wouldn't be the 'honored one' anymore, but you'd certainly be known throughout heaven and earth as the divided one."

Gojo's playful retort came swift and sharp – a well-aimed punch to Kenzo's shoulder. Despite the lighthearted exchange, both sorcerers were acutely aware of the gravity of the situation.

Gojo, his Infinity technique distorting space around him, launched back into action. Kenzo, a phantom in the shadows, orchestrated his own strategy. His shadow soldiers, unseen by Sukuna, began to maneuver, flanking the King of Curses and creating openings for Gojo's relentless assault.


Miles away from the earth-shattering battle, a group of Jujutsu sorcerers watched in stunned silence. The battle they witnessed defied logic. Gojo and Kenzo, facing off against the King of Curses himself, seemed to be treating the fight like a bizarre game. Gojo's playful taunts and Kenzo's cryptic jokes were a stark contrast to the raw power unleashed around them.

One particularly observant sorcerer, however, furrowed his brow. He recalled Kenzo's earlier comment about Gojo becoming a "fraction," a "Kit Kat bar." A sudden flash of understanding illuminated his face. Mahoraga! The divine general! It must be adapting to Gojo's Infinity, waiting to exploit an opening and cleave him in two.

Back on the battlefield, the fight intensified. Gojo, ever the reckless one, decided to take a gamble. Without a word to Kenzo, he formed the hand sign and uttered the chilling words, "Domain Expansion: Infinite Void!"

A wave of swirling darkness emanated from Gojo, engulfing the area in his signature domain. Sukuna, however, remained undeterred. With a guttural roar, he countered with his own domain technique, "Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine!"

The two domains clashed, a swirling vortex of cursed energy. Unlike Gojo's barrier-based domain, Sukuna's domain was a brutal, open field. It mercilessly assaulted the exterior of Gojo's Infinite Void, a constant reminder of the threat within.

However, Gojo, having anticipated this very scenario thanks to Kenzo's warning, held his ground. Months of relentless training against Kenzo's own barrierless domain had prepared him for this moment. The Infinite Void, though under immense pressure, remained strong, its impenetrable barrier shielding Gojo from Sukuna's direct attacks.[A/N I wonder how they got months worth of training in 3 days}

But Gojo wasn't content with just holding ground. He saw an opportunity, a daring gamble fueled by their recent exchange. With a confident smirk, Gojo bolted towards Kenzo, his fist cocked back for a devastating punch.

Kenzo, however, was prepared. He anticipated Gojo's impulsive move, a result of their unorthodox battle style. In that split second, with Gojo's fist mere inches from his face, Kenzo executed a masterful switch. Exploiting his connection to the shadows, he swapped positions with Sukuna in a blink of an eye.

The result was a scene straight out of a twisted magic trick. Gojo's powerful punch, intended for Kenzo, landed squarely on Sukuna's face. A sickening crunch echoed through the air as Sukuna's head snapped back, a look of surprise contorting his features.


The tide began to turn. Gojo and Kenzo, their unorthodox partnership proving surprisingly effective, pressed their attack on a suddenly defensive Sukuna. The King of Curses, his initial confidence shaken by Gojo's unexpected maneuver, found himself struggling to fend off their combined assault.

Undeterred, Sukuna resorted to a newfound tactic – Domain Amplification. With a flick of his wrist, he wove a thin veil of his own domain around him. This technique, though not a full-fledged expansion, allowed him to bypass Gojo's Infinity technique for a fleeting moment. He seized this opportunity to unleash a torrent of physical attacks, his raw strength momentarily unimpeded by Gojo's cursed technique.

Gojo, however, was a master of hand-to-hand combat. He weaved and parried, deflecting most of Sukuna's blows with impressive agility. Kenzo, meanwhile, watched with sharp eyes. He saw the frustration flicker in Sukuna's eyes as his own cursed techniques remained dormant – a key limitation of Domain Amplification.

Seizing his chance, Kenzo materialized behind Sukuna with a shadow soldier by his side. The soldier, weapon imbued with cursed energy, launched a surprise attack. Sukuna, caught off guard by the dual assault, was forced to deactivate Domain Amplification momentarily to defend himself.

This lapse in defense was all Gojo needed. He unleashed a devastating punch, his Infinity technique warping the very air around it, landing squarely on Sukuna's jaw. The blow sent the King of Curses reeling, temporarily disoriented. The fragile balance between the domains fractured further, cracks appearing in the barrier separating Gojo's Infinite Void and Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine.

A/N fun fact Kenzo is not going all out, doesn't want to accidentally kill Megumi.

The Kenzo that went into the momarch domain dungeon.

That fight would be a high diff or extreme diff but current Kenzo....yeah