The fight go on {130}

A maniacal cackle erupted from Sukuna's throat, a sound that sent shivers down Gojo's spine despite his usual nonchalance. Having a body of his own again, even a weakened one, seemed to invigorate the King of Curses. He grinned sadistically, a chilling contrast to the ruined cityscape around them.

"Someone going a bit cray-cray in the head," Gojo drawled, his voice still laced with amusement, though a hint of seriousness flickered in his sapphire eyes. This wasn't quite the decisive victory he'd envisioned.

From the wreckage, a shadowy hand, seemingly detached from the devastation, reached out and grasped Megumi's unconscious body. With a silent tug, the form vanished into the inky depths, whisking the young Jujutsu sorcerer away from the battlefield.

Sukuna, his gaze locked on Gojo, spoke, his voice dripping with malice. "I am going to rip away your scale and cut you like a fish." The threat hung heavy in the air, a promise of renewed violence.

Gojo simply rolled his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "What you finna do," he mocked, using a slang term that seemed out of place amidst the apocalyptic scene, "call mommy and daddy to help you?"

Gojo, a glint of battle lust in his eyes, charged towards Sukuna. Sukuna, deprived of the Ten Shadows Technique, met him head-on, unleashing his full might.

Capitalizing on his four arms, Sukuna employed Domain Amplification to bypass Gojo's Infinity, before shoving him forcefully in the face. Gojo coughed up blood after absorbing the blow, then retaliated with a forceful blue-infused punch of his own.

The two titans clashed, trading blows with ferocious intensity. Neither sorcerer yielded an inch, creating a whirlwind of raw power. Sukuna finally pushed Gojo back. Gojo, utilizing his blue technique, hurled a building towards Sukuna, who promptly dismantled it before impact.

Gojo, concealed amongst the debris, landed a surprise attack on a grinning Sukuna. Undeterred, Sukuna lunged for Gojo's gut, only for Gojo to nimbly leap over the attack and deliver a backspinning kick to Sukuna's face.

With a swift spin, Gojo attempted a downward axe kick on Sukuna's head. However, Sukuna reacted quickly, blocking the powerful blow with two of his four arms.

"Block this," Gojo challenged, a surge of cursed energy emanating from him. As Gojo descended with a smirk, he unleashed a full-powered red technique towards Sukuna's face. In a last-ditch effort, Sukuna activated Domain Amplification just before the attack landed, mitigating most of the damage.


The King of Curses reveled in the chaos. This was the battle he craved, a feast fit for a god. Satoru Gojo, a worthy opponent, satiated his hunger for a worthy fight. The tremors wracking Sukuna's body weren't from fear, but pure exhilaration. He had finally found a challenge that pushed him to his limits.

"Don't disappoint me, Satoru," Sukuna roared, a savage grin splitting his face. Gojo mirrored the battle lust, charging towards him with renewed vigor.

The sorcerers became a whirlwind of motion, blows traded with inhuman speed and precision. Kicks met kicks, each attack meticulously countered.

"You are strong, Satoru Gojo," Sukuna conceded, a hint of grudging respect in his voice. "But unfortunately for you, that strength only reigned supreme because you were born in a world without me."

With a flash of movement, Sukuna seized Gojo's wrists with two of his four arms. The remaining pair formed a hand sign, and a booming voice erupted from his stomach.

"Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine!"

Gojo's eyes widened in alarm. He instinctively activated his Red technique to create distance, but Sukuna's grip held firm. Gojo feigned a Blue attack, a tactic Sukuna recognized just in time to release him. He didn't want to risk another Unlimited Hollow at point-blank range.

As Gojo launched himself away, a barrage of invisible slashes ripped through the air, carving bloody streaks across his body. Reacting on pure instinct, Gojo activated Falling Blossom Emotion, mitigating the worst of the damage.

Meanwhile, Sukuna stood atop his ominous shrine, a cruel smile playing on his lips. This was his chance. Within the domain, Gojo's Infinity was nullified, leaving him vulnerable. It was now or never.

"Open," Sukuna commanded, delving into the darkness within his mind. He retrieved a weapon unlike any other - a crackling arrow imbued with both fire and lightning - and aimed it directly at Gojo, unleashing a devastating assault.

As Sukuna unleashed the crackling arrow, the monstrous mouth in his belly let out a thunderous roar, chanting, "Scales of the Dragon! Repel, Twin Meteors!" With the final syllable, Sukuna performed a devastating dismantle, the air itself warping around his impossibly fast movement. The moment the attack concluded, the stomach boomed again, resuming its chant.

Gojo, a whirlwind of blue and red cursed energy, had barely dodged the initial onslaught. The combined efforts of his techniques deflected most of the damage, but before he could fully recover, a searing pain erupted in his left arm. Sukuna's dismantle had been too swift, severing the limb in a clean, brutal slice.

Gojo, now a crimson-stained warrior, glared at Sukuna with a mixture of fury and determination. Yet, despite the gruesome wound, his eyes held a steely glint. Would Gojo succumb to the onslaught, or would he find a way to turn the tide even with a handicap? The battle hung in the balance.


Satoru Gojo, for the first time in a long time, felt a flicker of unease. The last time he'd felt this way was...forgotten. A primal instinct screamed at him that he might actually lose this fight. Yet, the realization only twisted his lips into a feral grin. This wasn't fear, it was exhilarating. Pure, unadulterated excitement coursed through him.

With renewed vigor, Gojo dodged a dismantle that would have cleaved him in two. He charged towards Sukuna, abandoning ranged combat for a brutal brawl. Falling Blossom Emotion coated his body, mitigating the worst of the onslaught, while his masterful use of the Reverse Cursed Technique simultaneously healed his injuries.

"Impressive," Sukuna conceded, a rare flicker of respect crossing his eyes as Gojo's fist narrowly missed his face, leaving a crater in the concrete.

Gojo barely evaded another dismantle that whistled past his neck, leaving a searing wound that instantly knitted itself back together thanks to his technique. The tide of the battle, however, remained firmly in Sukuna's favor.

"Open!" Sukuna roared mid-fight. An ice shard materialized from the darkness within the domain, hurtling towards Gojo's face. With a last-ditch effort, Gojo contorted his body, narrowly dodging the projectile. The shard slammed into a nearby building, instantly freezing it before shattering the structure into a million pieces.

Gojo's eyes widened in realization. Sukuna's domain, the Malevolent Shrine, seemed to be a repository of various cursed techniques. The question gnawed at him: where did Sukuna store them all? His gaze then darted towards Sukuna's markings...were those the seals?

A horrifying realization dawned on Gojo. The black box Sukuna kept accessing wasn't just a gruesome portal – it functioned like a complex program. It acted as a conduit, accepting cursed energy as input and manifesting it as a desired technique. Perhaps Sukuna had delved deeper, unlocking the true potential of the box. Could it be that the King of Curses had essentially mastered a method to copy other sorcerers' techniques?

This revelation sent a shiver down Gojo's spine. The implications were dire. If true, Sukuna's power transcended anything they'd previously encountered.

A/N The last part my own theory so take it with a grin of salt,for me its go like this, Sukuna seem to be the only one with those markings in the whole show and i was wondering why for,i did some ressearch and figure out criminal use to get tattoed in order for normal people to know they were criminals but i dont think those tattoes will carry over as Sukuna quite litteraly is in a new body.

So i went with the ideas that where he store some of the curse techniques he has,either that or that was his punishment for trying to evolve past what a human should,anyway as for the black box.

After relooking at it,i was like,huh this thing sound very much like a computer,you give it data and it give you what you need so i was like,does this work the same for curse techniques and so i went with the idea that Sukuna was a jujutsu scholar and so study the process and i thought,what would be the best way to get the job done without seing it and then it hit me...I mean he could eat, so hum is a far stretch to say that apart from the fact that he might just be a cannibalism he is also doing it in order to copy someone's black box or something.

And I say the reason Sukuna thought that Jogo wouldn't be aware of the black box is because he is a curse spirit and basically would never have figured it out as curse spirit and human are not the same.

I feel like I am high for thinking this but hey it is what it is.