chapter 4

Storm then felt the sun hit he saw that it was Noa and Lola that was cuddling him he then woke up and he then took off shirt and he then put on a red sport bra for his Undecuple-Z-cup breast he then put on a yellow shirt and green jogging pants he then gently woke up Noa and Lola told them its time to get up and they did get up not before seeing their mate gigantic cleavage for quick second he then went down stair with rest of his family where he saw a breakfast feast and he then join his family for breakfast and begin to eat with them while also starting a conversation from how garden doing and Rose said after you gave 5x-more rain cloud along with instinct making green sun more stronger but not harmful to all plant life and Storm nodded at this he said he was going to start his training with superpower and Rose nodded and make sure you have your three sister beside you darling now who would be with on your training and Storm then said I choose Yang, Lola, Mary to beside me in training and all three women nodded at this said we be ready darling and after they got finished eating and doing dishes Storm then check on his Lust worm daughter and his Garden see them happy and doing fine he made sure they fine to he then went to his backyard where his old Garden was where he saw Yang, Lola, Mary waiting for him he then told them he hear and they nodded at this they then pull out scroll where show his ability and bloodline ability he got and when they read ability and bloodline ability and they shocked at his ability and Yang ask Storm what ability he want to work on first he said I want to work on my omni-element manipulation ability because I think can help be more versatile in everything and Yang nodded at this and said I agree now she then told Mary bring 4 empty bucket and Mary did just came back with four bucket.

So, Yang then had Storm try to summon all for element from water, earth, fire, wind in the bucket and so she also told Storm to focus on all four elements first and he did just that he first focus on all four bucket in 4 minute later Storm did just that 2 bucket had a fire inside that won't goes out and second bucket had mini tornado in and rest a pile of water and pile of dirt in and Yang, Mary and Lola clap for him in delight saying how good he is and now will begin first element train now which element do you want to start little darling of our and Storm said the first element I want to start with is earth because I believe that earth can help be stronger in element and Yang nodded at and Said Lola will be teaching you on earth manipulation and earth control to maybe one day be to create dirt out of nothing to and Storm nodded at this and so Lola then begin to train Storm in earth manipulation and earth control and thank to bloodline it took him 2 days to get earth manipulation and earth control down real good to where he can control all type earth from stone to other earth material but he is still learning earth manipulation and earth control and thank to Lola teaching he was learning in his own to and with Lola teaching he felt himself becoming even stronger with element of earth to where he can make a earth wall of anything now thank Lola teaching because she always bring thing that are connect to earth from stone, sand, crystal, diamond, iron, metal that had earth in them and she also increase them material to where he had use his earth manipulation and earth control on pure mineral to and Lola been training him in earth manipulation and earth control for 10-days now and he gotten earth manipulation down to where he summon earth from dust in the air and he can even us dirt with earth manipulation and earth control even Lola was shocked at how well his earth manipulation and earth control training going and she said until he can make a earth appear from nothing he would not be done so he did just he train in earth manipulation and earth control until for 20-days and that when Storm summon a earth from thin air like nothing and Lola then look at Storm congratulations darling on mastering earth element now what would be your second element you want to master.

So, Storm then said his second element he wants to master is water and Lola said then go to Mary, she would teach you all about water manipulation and water control to you can do same thing what you did with earth manipulation and earth control and Storm nodded at this he then begins his water manipulation and water control with Mary and Mary then begin to teach Storm everything about water manipulation and water control and what make them deadly and Storm begin to learn water manipulation and water control now he first started able to summon water bubble as time went on he begin to be able to control water better and he can make some weapon out of water thank to Mary teaching and he was able to get better with in water manipulation and water control and Mary told her now mate little brother that he is doing good with his water manipulation and water control and if he keep training he would be able summon water from nothing to and be able to summon it from thin air to and so it took Storm another 20-days to master water manipulation and water control he master water manipulation and water control to where he can control all liquid and be able summon water from thin air no matter what and Mary then said would be third element you like to master and Storm said my third element I like to master would wind for speed and quick movement and Mary nodded and said go Yang she would teach you all about wind and fire since those are last element you going train and then would like to see all do you do in fight with your element after you master them all and Storm nodded at and he then went to Yang.

So, Yang then told Storm if he wants to master wind manipulation and wind control, he focuses all of his intention on wind manipulation and wind control because wind is everywhere it don't matter where you wind will be by your side and Storm nodded at this, he then started his wind manipulation and wind control training and it took him 2-days to get wind manipulation and wind control down like nothing and Yang then increase his wind manipulation and wind control training telling him he got to know how to infuse his wind into weapon and make wind construct appear to and Storm nodded at this he then be to train even more harder in his wind manipulation and wind control and it 7-days to infuse wind into his weapon and it took 11-days to make wind construct weapon and it took him 20-days to master the art wind manipulation and wind control to where he can cause internal damage to anyone with wind and he make multiple tornado like nothing and he got so good at his wind manipulation and wind control that he make barrier wind surround his body and Yang then told Storm that he master wind manipulation now it time for fire and me, Lola and Mary would help you master fire because fire it same thing as wind and earth it around but hard to control and Storm nodded at and the color of the fire matter to because color fire show how powerful it is and Storm nodded at this and Lola then told Storm to focus on his element fire and that when Storm open his eyes saw purplish orange flame in his hand and Yang, Lola, Mary was shocked at the color of his flame and Storm ask them way they was shocked at this flame and Yang said because your flame is a growth type fire basically giving you the ability absorb any type of fire known to mankind and Storm was shocked at this all of your element are growth type and Storm nodded at he then unsummon his flame and Storm then ask how special is his fire and Mary said your fire is so special that it is strongest there is because of growth type and if you absorb fire that are hotter your fire will absorb them to and what is that many people with fire manipulation have to absorb other fire to make their fire stronger than before but for you all need to do is train and absorb fire something with all of your element and Storm nodded at this and Lola then said since your fire is special it got to have name for it and Storm then said since all of my element are growth type let call them omni element and Yang nodded at short but strong I like because most people with special element always give them dumb like heavenly this or that and sometime it would even be call god this element or that element like your element haven't reach that rank yet and but your is perfect because omni mean literally mean god potential because the world omni mean growth to.

So, Storm nodded at said it perfect name to and Yang nodded at this and said now let start your fire manipulation and fire control training and Storm then begin his training in fire manipulation and fire control to where he can summon a ball of fire or stream of fire to, he trains in fire manipulation and fire control for 20-days to where he can summon fire from thin air now and he can create weapon and construct of fire like nothing he can even cause disaster with his fire and Yang told Storm that he master all of his element now he just need train more to control more element to and that he had to grow by himself and Yang then said that he would need fighting experiences and she knows right place all Storm need do is focus on transforming into more of manly form and Storm did just and Storm then felt himself change a lot the minute he stop focus he open his eyes to he now had long orange spikey hair along with height being 6'5 and he was swimming built to he was not to buff or not skinny he was just right with a nice 6-pack on and Yang nodded at Storm manly form saying how it make him strong to and now he was ready to get experiences in fighting many other thing now he just need to put on his mask which he went to his room put on his black marital Gi pants along with Black combat boot while having an orange sash around his waist and he then put on a orang shirt he was also wearing purple fighting band he then put on his orange mask and Yang said looking good darling now Rose agree for me to get you some fighting experiences and also don't worry your plant and lust worm daughter are doing fine we just took care of them just and Storm said thank you and nodded did you ever wonder why we don't take you out at night is because that when all supernatural creature came out and prey on human being in which we don't care about it just when they started to target use we got involve in showing them their place among the food chain and Storm nodded at he then follow Yang to garage where came across a purple and blue Bugatti and Yang Storm got and Yang the took out car key turn the car and drove off in incredible speed in car and she was not having no trouble driving the car.

So, after Yang and Storm was driving in the Bugatti just passing up every car and not getting into no car crash and they then arrived at place call fantasy-bar, and they then went in, and Storm saw multiple people there and Yang then went up to bartender and said ring fighter and the Bartender then said go downstair and Yang then went downstair and Storm follower her downstair when they went downstair they came across boxing ring and Storm then see two people fighting he saw that people where male werewolf and human male that had fire around him both of them kept fighting until human male came out on top and werewolf just got up went for a sucker punch with his claw which pierce the male human and werewolf then said pathetic is that all you element human have always thinking you finished the fight and werewolf then drop the dead body of fire human and Yang then told Storm that he can go fight and his fighting name is orange mask and that she bet 900-thousand for him to win and while everyone else bet 10-thousand on the werewolf and Storm nodded he then went to boxing ring and got in and went to other side and he then waited for the referee to start the countdown and the werewolf was just looking at his opponent like trash and he was also wondering who is behind the orange mask.

So, both Storm and werewolf waited for referee to started and Storm got in a boxing pose while the werewolf had it claw out and both then heard referee said start and Storm then surround his hand in earth and begin to send out quick blow and nice haymaker and some kick while also dodging werewolf claw strike and swipe while Storm then begin to an two superman punch to werewolf chest sending him flying to one of rope he then did earth infuse close-line making the werewolf cough up some spit then werewolf then begin to increase his speed to where he was nothing more than blur and Storm then had to start blocking the werewolf attack from claw swiping and feet swiping and trying to go for a bite to while Storm was using his wind manipulation to help keep up with werewolf speed it doing him some good to and with his superior adaptation and reactive adaptation and essences of evolution and his endless evolution his fighting skill that was not existent begin to get better at every dodge and every hit and blow to and Storm then use his water manipulation on the werewolf he then made all of blood of the werewolf go to his heart causing it to rupture like a balloon killing the werewolf at last he then hear referee said we got are winner now what your name and Storm said my name is orange-warrior and referee said to winner orange-warrior he then left the ring and saw yang with pile of money she won when betting on him and she said she won over 910,000 thousand dollar from him and Storm nodded at this they then went to purple and Blue Bugatti and Yang then put all of the 910-thousand dollar in the trunk close said trunk got in the car drove back home with nobody follow them afterward when they got Yang then took Storm to a safe where place 910-thousand dollar in and she told that this safe is for him and money in also belong to him because he won the fight and earn all that money and Storm nodded at this and Storm then just how much can this safe hold and Yang said this safe can as much as it can it will grow with more treasure coming in and Storm nodded at this he then told that she can spend some of his money because he don't know what to use on and Yang nodded at this they then went inside mansion where Rose welcoming them home and Yang told Rose how Storm won his first fight ever against werewolf and Rose nodded in happiness said good job darling.


So, Storm nodded at this he then went to his room where he took off his orange mask along with pants, his shirt and purple fight band and shoe to he then went back to his regular form, and he then put on red nightgown he went to bathroom where he saw him back to true form with his Undecuple-Z-cup breast out in the opening now to and he then went down stair in red nightgown and saw that his mate Rose made dinner and Rose then ask how did his first fight went and Storm said it was good as felt went I felt my self-learning something new about myself and also felt my improve in skill that didn't know I could do and Rose nodded at this said with your ability all you need to is just fight and train and learn because of if do all those thing you will become stronger than anything be able fight off army like stronger warrior can and Storm nodded at this and Rose then walk up Storm and gently unwrap his nightgown making Undecuple-Z-cup breast bounce real quick she then look at Storm for the go ahead in which he did and Rose then begin to drink Storm sweet breastmilk from the source itself making Storm moan in pleasure from having his Undecuple-Z-cup breast suck on and she did for 30-minutes she then stop drinking from Storm Undecuple Z-cup breast and she then wipe some of leaking breast milk off and Storm then fix nightgown and went to his room not before kissing his Mate Rose on the lips and making her moan to and Storm then said if you and the other want mate just tell and I be ready and Rose nodded at this he then made to his room and went to sleep.

{Semi-lemon over}

So, after Storm then went to sleep and when he did Rose then begin call Yang, Yin, Mary, Alex, Lola, Noa, Sam, Lily, Tammy, into the kitchen where the begin to talk about Storm progress in his power and Yang said he already master his element ability now he just need time for the grow stronger and Rose nodded at this and Yin then said he and not only that his bloodline is also helping him grow stronger but thank to us claiming he would be sense by anyone not even strongest being can sense him and Rose nodded at this and Said good let help are darling grow stronger than before and how darling daughter and garden doing and Tammy said everything is going good with darling lust worm daughter and garden and also Lust worm now has queen lust worm that is bigger than a titan-boa being 50-feet and weighting 3.50 ton making her biggest worm alive and also garden also begin to adapted rain cloud and sun now making them able to produce every ripe fruit in 5 days and Rose nodded and Yang then said his fight at underground club was amazing he fought werewolf but thanks to his ability he begin fight like true fighter now we won over 910-thousand dollar in fight and Rose nodded at this said good now have the supernatural figure it out that are son is submissive and Mary said now even if people find out we kill quick before the information is launch after all are grandma and cousin and nieces and aunt want to claim him next and Rose nodded at said you aunty and Grandma will be here on Friday to mate with Storm and girl nodded at this and they also went bed now.