chapter 7

So, after Storm gave all knowledge, he knows about Naruto to Wanda told she would be careful now on because like Storm told her he only watch show the show can give false information about Naruto world including showing how strong they actually are and showing how bad it actually is and Wanda took that to heart gently kiss him on the lip as a thank and he then went hang out his daughter pearl who was just hang out with mother and aunty and grandma by the way he saw smile on her face as he went to hug her which she return with her love to and Pearl also said she knew truth of her birth how he actually pregnant with her not mommy but him and she say ask that make you my Mommy and does that my mommy my daddy and Storm told her yes it does and Pearl nodded and hug her new mommy with all her love because it Anna told her everything because she was smart for age but none less they then stop hugging and Storm ask Pearl what she want to do and Pearl ask can she play his game and Storm nodded at so then Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna follow them to his room where Storm set game real quick and gave Pearl the controller and he then sat her down in his lap while her head went snuggle on his Undecuple-Z-cup breast so all them watch they daughter and Niece play game all days until it was bed time.

So, now been 2-year and Storm was now 16-year-old with height of 5'10 and Pearl was now 13-year-old with height of 5'6 and weight 200-pound which is good and so how health Pearl is and Storm then still fight underground supernatural now he even begins to fight Naruto Ninja now to in the unground he even became supernatural hunter thank to Wanda helping showing that some supernatural are evil and they need somebody like them keep them under control which they did in the unground supernatural fighting ring people call him the orange mask when he hunt evil supernatural he is call the purple mask he hunt be using all his Minecraft weapon to Wanda also train to be a hunter to but also teach himself control because in the supernatural world human are mainly good for food and other deed for the supernatural so when hunt they busted human slave auction that being deal with vampire and they busted down human food auction that control by werewolf and including child trafficker by cyborg that want Cybernet from human to be young again and they also hunt regular people down to that cross the line they was not hero they even busted down Ninja base that was trying train children for they war they started in their world and they massacred them to and the More Storm fought Naruto Ninja he begin to adapted to their power become stronger to so after they last hunt where they fought against chunin ninja and Anbu black ops Ninja they was guard base when they open door to base they found children experiment and supernatural experiment to they all of them mercy burn they body to ash they then went home went they got inside the house Storm was hug by Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Pearl asking how his day went and he told everything what went down and they nodded Wanda come from behind told he did a good job and Storm then ate dinner they made after eating and doing the dishes he then went up after he got up stair to his room.

So, Storm then begins to sweat a lot a pink, purple aura was surrounding him he then felt himself vomit black liquid he even felt his bone crack and everything he felt like something was smashing his head in and didn't stop he even begin to sweat black liquid to and pink, purple aura got bigger he felt his everything in his body burning he call out for help in a weak voice and that when Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Pearl, Wanda show up that when Wanda said he going through his second awakening and all of the black liquid you see are impurity and all of his bloodline are going through a cleansing and bloodline I gave him in the Naruto are manifesting to making the cleansing even more difficult than before and not only that his body is changing to fit some of those Bloodline and they all nodded at this they saw his hair become longer and spikey and pinkish orange to it was both manly and feminine and they watch as his body more feminine with slime body with a hint of muscle to and even saw how his height became 6'1 and they also begin to hear Storm moan in pleasure now to because they begin to see his thigh becoming bigger and Hip becoming more childing bearing then before they also saw how his butt became bigger and thicker to it even had a bounce to it now they even saw how Undecuple-Z-cup breast became bigger to and Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex, Anna, Pearl, Wanda all begin to comfort Storm in his painful and pleasure awakening they also us their ability they been hiding from Storm to clean of the impurity which was still coming out of his body and it 20-Days for Storm cleansing to be done and they also took turn watching him they even clean him afterward they just waited for Storm to wake up the minute say they darling and father awake they hug him immediacy and also kiss him to and Storm then ask what happen Wanda told him that he went through his second awakening which gave him new bloodline and upgrade his old bloodline to another stage now and Storm nodded at this he.

So, Rose the came in with the scroll he then put his blood showing his new status and ability to the minute he begin to read his status he was shock at his status now read {Ability: absolute survivability, absolute life creation, absolute death manipulation, weapon creation, omni-element manipulation, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, absolute destruction, omnificence, absolute body, absolute potential, absolute regeneration, absolute restoration, absolute parkour, golem creation, absolute immune system, creation, destruction, insect generation, arthropod manipulation, energy manipulation, energy control, energy lordship, absolute immortal, absolute regeneration, absolute organic manipulation, weather manipulation, nature manipulation, disaster manipulation, abnormal weather, disease manipulation, Eternal evolution, chakra manipulation chakra control },bloodline{: Alpha submissive male human, ultimate Alpha human, Alpha transcendent human, Alpha primordial human, ultimate ascendant human, Alpha prime superior human, ultimate transcendent sex demon, Alpha Uzumaki, Alpha Senju, Alpha Hyūga, Alpha Uchiha, Alpha tailed beast, Alpha Amazon, Alpha Gargarean} Storm was shocked at this he then got up felt himself was still weak and he saw that breast was grew to he then ask what his breast size now and Rose said your breast size now Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast and Storm was shocked at this but he still got up feeling his new Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast bounce he even heard sloshing in them knowing he still got breast milk to Lola then came in with a blue sport bra and Rose said they upgrade all of your growth type bra turn them into ultimate growth type bra including his clothes to and Storm nodded at this he then put on his blue sport bra felt how snug his gigantic breast became.

So, after Storm got dress in his new growth type clothes see how comfortable they are he felt fine he even saw that his long hair has become spikier, and it was also pinkish orange, but he did but long hair also only went to his shoulder making it better to now he also felt that all of ability was supercharge now he then gain knowledge from both all of bloodline he then begin to send charka to eye he then awakening his Sharingan the minute he did that he saw that mirror show his eyes became black with pink Tomoe it just one in he then stop chakra in he sent charka gain to his and said Byakugan he then saw orange eyes has become pinkish purple with no vain showing show that all of his bloodline has evolve them to new stage and so he then went to his manly form to see how it how look he the same with orange eyes dark pinkish orange hair instead of light pinkish orange hair he saw that his skin was still light brown he saw that he had swimmer build with a nice six pack and many more to he then went back to regular form he put on inventory belt he saw that all of his weapon was fine and grew stronger to so he talk to his family and ask what else now and Rose told he train again because now his talent has increase to making them wonder what else he can do now and he did just he now train for 20 hours and hang out his family every other day like nothing he also figure out since he got omni-element manipulation chakra element affinity is also connect to them to where he can just create any type of jutsu with no problem showing how strong he since he also got tailed beast bloodline energy pool will increase to a huge level he don't grow no tailed but he can stronger than any tailed beast in Naruto world.

So, its took Storm 10-days to get use to his new body and he mainly stay in manly form when going outside but with his family he stays in his regular form, and he also found he don't need to do hand sign to do jutsu he just need to think of jutsu and he can perform it like nothing thank to his ability he found thank to his bloodline he can master different kind weapon from whip to lasso and he us his weapon creation to create different kind of whip and lasso and shield and polearms he then sent them to inventory belt to where now it can hold over 50-thousand item now with how strong he gotten he also created many Katana and Kunai and shuriken throwing knives to place them inside his inventory belt he was now in his manly form he was purple pants with Black combat shoe with dark orange shirt with black combat vest on he was also wearing his purple mask he then change his hair to be blue instead of orange to keep up his disguise he also made his hair look like short and spikey he then went with Wanda on their hunt they hunted many thing this from vampire faction force turning human and werewolf faction force turning human and many other faction to and in every hunt Storm went he felt himself growing stronger in everything from his fighting technique to his weapon technique to his energy manipulation he even begin to hunt Naruto Ninja down to since they kept kidnapping children to join they world or trying to information about their world he even had to fight some of Naruto character ninja like Kabuto and Orochimaru sometime like Kakashi or might Guy in those base to making them retreat back to their world leaving them with scar and everything to hell he even had to against Minato which people call yellow flash when he fought thank to ability he was able to copy Minato flash technique down make his now people are calling him the blue flash all of Ninja of Naruto was shocked at this.

So, Storm also figures he was going against Alternate universe of Naruto to where it seems that some of character was alive like Minato and Kushina Uzumaki and many other he also knew he is fighting hunting different Ninja village to Village Hidden in the Leaves, Konohagakure,, Village Hidden in the Sand, Sunagakure, Village Hidden in the Clouds, Kumogakure, Village Hidden in the Stones, Iwagakure, Village Hidden in the Mist, Kirigakure and Takigakure Village Hidden in the Waterfall each of them had they own tailed beast or jinchuriki he also went to their world made name for himself in their world many people call purple flash because he made his hair purple in there world this time he was wearing blue mask to many people call him blue mask demon for how cruel and strong he is many people begin to call him second coming of Madara Uchiha which is kind of funny to Storm he always left they world after leaving message to all of village in the Naruto world and he train to make himself stronger than anything before and many of family members help him train to he also knew when to take break with his family he also train his daughter Pearl to who was starting to look just like her Anna and them combined with she now 13-year -old with height of 5'6 weight was 200-pound she now dark pinkish orange hair and now orange eyes with light brown skin he even begin to grow her curve with little bit big thigh and child bearing hip and big butt and slime stomach and her hair long to her shoulders to she also had Double-D-cup breast which kind of shocked the entire family with her growth but knew from seeing they darling Storm and Harem sister Anna that would be killing many people who tried to get to her when she stop growing they would be defending her with everything they got to keep to boy away for her.

So, Storm also been taking care of other lust worm daughter and Garden to this time he created over 20-mini green sun and 300-rain cloud in Garden since he also taking Some of Naruto plant seed and fruit seed and tree seed he also found many seed in place call forest of death which he took many fruit seed and tree seed and plant seed not caring if some of them is already poison or edible to because he just love his Garden he also been feed his lust worm daughter the body of everything they hunt down making them stronger and while also feeding them left over food to he also one of his lust worm daughter became a titan lust worm making her second Titan lust worm but Anna told him that she won't get a human form since she is Alpha of lust worm she would be the true leader while the second Titan Lust worm would be commander and Storm nodded but he love them none less making them all happy for that he also had to fight group call Roots which he found out was led by Danzo and Akatsuki which he had to secret us his sharingan taking it to third level making him able to copy and cast illusion to and able to chakra network to had the retreat see it was impossible to kill him he made sure to rip Danzo arm off that was made out wood and sharingan inside on while ripping his other eyes which also had sharingan and Storm took them to if he can absorb to increase his own strength.

So, Storm did succeed in absorbing the wood arm with sharingan and the other sharingan making his own sharingan stronger to he also felt his manipulation and control abilities increase to he also still fights in supernatural unground fight club as the orange he then hunt has purple mask causing all of evil and cruel supernatural to go into hiding trying plot against purple mask and Wanda which they found out was also hunting them to because they know number one rule don't fuck with Ranger family and many supernatural tried them and some of them are near extinct making so to be careful about that it just some of supernatural don't understand that rule keep trying to fuck around until they find out which many supernatural cursing other supernatural that also had alliance with witch and mage, mermaid and other female supernatural group making them even more danger because if they mess with the alliance they knew they would become extinct no second chance at out so they had to be careful even mafia and Gang and corrupted police and politics had to be careful with because they are riches person in the world and they lost count of how rich they are because with money they have the restore many destroyed country from war and many other thing they mansion was also literal on land that claim which was island that trillion time bigger than any state to which they did not tell Storm about because they don't want to shock even more so they bought a 10-island that cannot be inhabitant and connect them to their trillion size island which everybody knew but they did not tell what it was for.

So, Storm was now home he saw that his all of his family in the living room watching tv when they their darling they turn the Tv off and told him to sit down couch which he did, and Rose then begin to explain that their home is on is on island that bought when he was Young and made this mansion on them they also 10 more island had have them connect to their island when he was born he made all of none habitant island made them inhabitant which they use for his birthday when his own garden and His lust worm daughter tank and Storm was soaking it all he was shock at and it finally hit why nobody could find them and Storm then ask why are telling me this because darling it time for other abilities to awakening and that when Rose pull out a box that had 22 item which had different color liquid Rose told Storm that if he were to drink these essences would be become stronger than anything before while also giving him knowledge on different path and Storm nodded and Storm then what are essences and Rose then begin to tell what essences she got from the essences of Z-Fighter to Essences of Diamond from{Steven universe} to Essences of Element, to Essences of Home, Essences of artificer, essences of crafter, essences of scholar, essences of mad doctor, essences of blank, essences of rule breaker, essences of luck, essences of primordial, essences of sorcerer lord, essences of master magician, essences of Arch-mage, essences of nomad, essences of adventure, essences of Rob insurances, essences of dungeon, essences of cultivator, essences of evolution, essences of Shinobi and Storm nodded at this but Rose told he can only drink six right now so what would it be Storm then said I choose essences of element, essences of blank, essences of scholar, essence of nomad, essences of adventure, essences of Arch-mage, Rose nodded and Gave essences that Storm pick out place the box back where it belongs so Storm then drunk all of essences after that Storm then felt himself becoming stronger and smarter to then before he felt his talent increase as well to he and he then Noa come holding a scroll this this it read{Ability: absolute survivability, absolute life creation, absolute death manipulation, weapon creation, omni-element manipulation, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, absolute destruction, omnificence, absolute body, absolute potential, absolute regeneration, absolute restoration, absolute parkour, golem creation, absolute immune system, creation, destruction, insect generation, arthropod manipulation, energy manipulation, energy control, energy lordship, absolute immortal, absolute regeneration, absolute organic manipulation, weather manipulation, nature manipulation, disaster manipulation, abnormal weather, disease manipulation, Eternal evolution, chakra manipulation chakra control },bloodline{: Alpha submissive male human, ultimate Alpha human, Alpha transcendent human, Alpha primordial human, ultimate ascendant human, Alpha prime superior human, ultimate transcendent sex demon, Alpha Uzumaki, Alpha Senju, Alpha Hyūga, Alpha Uchiha, Alpha tailed beast, Alpha Amazon, Alpha Gargarean}, {Essences: essences of Scholar, Essences of Blank, Essences of nomad, Essences of adventure, Essences of blank, essences of element, essences of Arch-mage} Storm nodded at this so he then felt how his mind because more stronger and how his manipulation his energy to such degree that it can cause a disaster and he felt even more close to the element he then went to training room and begin to train in his new abilities.

So, Storm also begins train more into his weapon and element and gaining knowledge to that can help him to he was back in regular form after he got finished talking to his family, he was now wearing his training his purple sport bra for his Sexdecuple-Z-cup while wearing green jogging pants and red combat shoe he kept training in all of his other ability to from weapon creation to omni-element manipulation to creation and destruction ability omnificence to absolute destruction to absolute life creation to absolute death manipulation to golem creation to insect generation to arthropod manipulation to absolute organic manipulation where he found he can turn anything that organic into something else and he also found that some of ability he had passive and instinct which was learning more about them to where he wanted to us his disaster manipulation and dieses manipulation in the Naruto show them place once and for all where they can stop sending people to invade this world since it was getting annoying to keep kill or injuring weakling like no tomorrow he also found that Naruto village can even protect their own weapon or secret like nothing where Akatsuki was hunting their Jinchuriki all for the name peace which he found funny because their no such thing as peace if longer you have something the other person want there would always be war just for the resource he was now finished thought and done training for today.

So, Storm just chill with family after his training done his Aunty Wanda came back from her adventure in the Naruto where she told Storm that fourth shinobi war started in their world and Storm nodded at this said ok this just Karma showing them their place and if they bring their war here I make sure they wish they didn't do and Wanda nodded at kissing saying ok darling and she also ask how are feeling with Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast Storm said there fine Rose been helping milk them for a while and rest of family love even my Daughter Pearl love them and it seem that she would reaching age to where she want to have sex soon and Wanda nodded at this said it fine darling and so what other do you enjoy about them Storm they make everyone comfortable and i am glad that you accepted with breast and Wanda nodded at this said of course and now how have your training been Storm said it been fine thank to essences I been growing stronger with every single training while also still learning more about my abilities and Wanda nodded and said good keep up the good work darling so after Storm was done talking Wanda he then went to his room where he begin to play some of his game real quick.