chapter 9

So, Storm who went back to sleep because he was still tired from the sex that him and his now mate Pearl which the family didn't mind at all so while Storm was sleep Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda was talking to Pearl asking how was her first time being in heat how their darling submissive body to was to her and Pearl said everything was good I made sure to gently with my now darling mate and he was gently to everything darling body was soft like dough same with his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast soft to like Jell-o to and they full milk to so I had to some from the source itself and they all nodded at this and they was all smirking at this because the they all had sex with their darling except Wanda but she said she would get him later and they nodded at this so they begin to take care of their darling thing from his Garden which is getting better to along with Lust worm daughter tank which they told Anna and Pearl that there would be some new species coming in soon and make sure to not hate each other and they nodded at this knowing that darling second awakening would create some new species without him knowing about so if there some new species there darling Storm don't know about them so after they got finished taking care of darling everything they went back up stair where they saw there Darling in his green nightgown where they saw his purple panty boxer and they saw some of Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast cleavage they then see him drinking some fruit punch juice in large cup and Storm aw his mate put large cup of fruit punch down table and said hello to them and say hello back and Storm told them he was wake now and that he was just on his Ps5 playing some game real quick they nodded at this.

So, Storm then grabs his large cup of fruit punch and went back up stair to his room after Storm made it back to his room, he then went back to playing some game on his PS5 he then went up and got ready for today he then put on cyan sport bra, for his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast and he adjust them and he then put on black jogging pant and orange shoe with his inventory belt on to he then put on a red shirt that show some of cleavage to he then adjusted his hair to he then went down stair saw his entire family ready and Storm then talk to them and told everything was fine his body just was little tired after his body absorb all Pearl Cum and Lust energy she was had in her heat cycle they nodded at this the time was 11:30 AM almost twelve a clock and Storm then told how he was going to go train for a while and they nodded at this told to have and they would bring some food in his training and he nodded at this so Storm then went to training begin to train in all of weapon in his inventory belt from sword, shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Spear, to Katana, to trident, shield to bow and arrow to staff fighting and everything to he then train in all of weapon he got in his inventory belt to including his tinker construct weapon to making him stronger in weapon and he train his hand-to-hand combat to he then got done finished training he then went to his manly form and took off his cyan sport bra and then put back on the red shirt and he then talk to Wanda about how Naruto world after he absorb the ten tail beast and Wanda said everything is going fine and right Rose has already kill those so call god in the Naruto like nothing and if wondering how can she do that it because she is a higher being I can't tell you what she is all I can tell she love you very as son and mate to so even I want to tell you still too weak to understand how strong your family really is along with your creation and Storm look down and nodded at this and Wanda pated his head said it alright because you still learning about your ability so it going to be hard to understand how strong your ability that way you train in them because they are getting stronger and after you took those essences your ability became super charge and Storm nodded at this.

So, Storm then asks Wanda what their mission right now and Wanda said are mission today is to assassin some child trafficking ring and along with people involve and Storm nodded at this and Storm then ready his bow and arrow his bow was nether-rite diamond, and his arrow are diamond- nether-rite with element aspect and he had over 10x-thousand arrow ready and they then begin to jump from building to building until they came across abandoned warehouse were they quickly blended in shadow where they saw commander of child trafficking they saw children under 10-year-old all the way up to 13-year-old in cage they were very malnutrition from being the cage for too long with having some dirt on them along with some sickness to they then begin kill all the member in warehouse and Storm was snipping all of them with arrow while Wanda was using pure hand-to-hand combat to snap there neck like twig after they got finished kill all child trafficking human scum they then free all of children not before cleaning all them and giving them some food and they then call 911 and told them send ambulance to after waited for siren of the police and ambulance to after that arrived they was going in second and they did 13-times they even begin to cause fear among human trafficker because all they would see is red mask killing them so now they begin to call man that was killing them red mask and they couldn't truly see him excepted the mask he wore so they begin be careful try to have their little auction in mansion but many rich people had child trafficking auction was also kill and had police and many ambulance call on them to rescue to kid along with woman who was kidnap to and it many poor people angry that the so call noble of society can be so evil in going after children and woman and many other people all because they had to money to do and to them they was glad such scum was dead for many don't have worry about themselves being next on list of rich noble.

So, Storm and Wanda became hero in eyes of people for getting justice for them and rest of them family know about this to and encourage them to keep doing what they're doing in both of world from the world supernatural as the purple mask and in Naruto world as blue mask and blue flash and in the unground fighter club and supernatural unground fighting club as orange mask to and from all of his fight her earn over $10x-million dollars and from them bounty they get to they earn over $200x-thousand dollars a week from each bounty the kill and earn for people hire them for bounty hunter kill Storm in bounty hunter world was known as black mask because he left nobody alive that was his hitlist causing fear among many rich people to along with many corrupted company to and Storm and Wanda was back home Storm then went to his room he was now in regular form with his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast out in them opening he then put on purplish blue nightgown and he then on reddish black stocking after he did that he then went down stair to see that Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda and Pearl had mad dinner so Storm sat with them begin to eat food that prepare and Storm even talk to them about a lot thing about bounty hunter business is going and his unground fighting is going to both world and how he became vigilante so help get rid of true scum from the earth along with helping those who need help and they all nodded at this he even talk about the Naruto world for a while and see how he literally absorb the Ten tail beast and he was now strongest tail beast in the Naruto after all of his tail fuse together he regrew second tail which Wanda saw explained it to them and they also nodded at this.

So, Blazen then helps Rose with dishes really quick he then went back to his room after he said goodnight to his mate after he arrived back in his room, he then went to bed to take a quick nap and the time was 7:00 clock pm so he took his nap and he then begin to feel something crawl on around his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast he then opens his to see 10 centimeters (5.8 in) pink ant crawl on his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast he then see pink ant close to gigantic nipple but he felt the Pink ant won't do nothing so he then saw pink crawl from Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast went to his face he then saw the Pink Ant was queen and Pink Queen ant then look at him and just lay down with for a nap to after he woken up he still saw pink ant Queen now staring back at him with her pinkish blue eyes and Storm then gently place his hand down for the Pink Ant queen crawl on top his arm he was still wearing his nightgown so he then went down stair to so rest of family Pink ant Queen when saw the Pink ant Queen it was Wanda who told that Pink Ant queen was another of his creation from his second awakening and Storm nodded at but this Pink Ant queen potential to become stronger just like your lust worm and Storm nodded at and Storm then said the pink AAnt queen shall be known as Lust Ant queen and the now name Lust ant queen crawl all over Storm body in excitement and causing him to moan from her crawl because his body is now sensitive to pleasure touch he then went unground base where he saw his Garden was doing fine with green sun and mini cloud he saw that his 12.9 million-gallon aquarium was now a 30-million gallon aquarium making it to where his Lust Ant queen can survive in there with his Lust worm daughter he also saw Lust Ant queen as his daughter to so place in one of pink forest where his Lust worm daughter don't go to so Minute he did he saw his Lust Ant queen daughter making a hole for herself to lay her egg and the hole was about 10-thousand ft big and his Lust queen Ant daughter then begin to Lay her egg every 20-second and the egg color was pinkish red for worker and pinkish green solider, and pinkish blue for gather other thing like rotting thing and material that nobody need.

So, Storm then left the unground base where he then put on bluish yellow sport bra and red pants and orange jogging shoe, he then went down stair and saw the time was 6:00 am he then helps make breakfast with Rose and Wanda they thank by kissing their darling on lip and he told them no problem and Storm even begin to train his evolving god eyes making them stronger to where he found out he can all of move Uchiha can do from them like Amaterasu, Genjutsu ability, Izanagi, Kotoamatsukami, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Kagutsuchi, Kamui, Memory manipulation and he can use them on both eyes and he even got his own ability one on his right eye is call Domain to where if he activated this ability in anyplace he control life like it been a part of him and second ability goes to left eyes which is call create to where he can create anything from this ability making the strongest one he got thank to eyes evolving none stop they begin to have no weakness to them to where he can use them all days with no repercussions and so Storm then close eyes made them regular again so Storm then hear about how Rose has recuse some women from the Naruto world because all of their village made deal with the government to give them some of their technology to reverse into their own but was betrayed by government group and woman was going to be turn breeding stock by some of corrupted member of the government but Rose then cause a massacred to place where the Naruto woman was being held so when Storm heard this he got into his Manly form which his Manly form now look it had long spikey pinkish orange hair and his height was after his second awakening fuse both Manly height and feminine height together to a now 6'1 and he his eyes was bright orange to so Storm then place his yellow sport Bra in drawer in his room so Storm then change to blue shirt and purple pants to after his change he went down stair to see Rose with Mutiple woman from the Naruto that was beauties in their own way and Storm knew who each of woman where this woman are, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyuga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame.

So, Storm was shocked at woman his mate Rose recuse but he just went to the kitchen grab a bottle of blue raspberry Soda and he then grab himself a light snack which was a bag of BBQ chip and just sat down on one of couch in front of his Mate Rose and just look at her and said good job darling now since you recuse these kunoichi what going to happen to because I know we got a lot of room here but what if there just to try and get information about to give back to their village and Rose said don't worry darling they was betrayed by their village and one of them seal off again and some of these woman was brought back to life to so no one will miss them since then and what worst is that these woman was going to be treated as breeding from both supernatural world and regular world and don't worried I kill everyone that government try to give are weapon to in the Naruto world and Storm nodded and kunoichi woman welcome to are home I hope you enjoy it here and I hope and I hope we get know each other and all of woman nodded at this and Storm then got drinking blue Raspberry Soda and eating his chip and Storm then put the trash away went to the training room where he begin to train in his ability to so Storm first begin to use his creation ability and begin to create different kind of weapon along with material and mineral to he even upgrade his inventory belt now it can hold up 100x-billion item and material and mineral to it can even stack item together to.

So, Storm was now finished with his training he then went to check on his lust worm daughter and titan lust worm daughter and his lust queen ant daughter to along with Garden to see if they was alright to and they was all doing fine he saw that lust queen ant had lay over 200x egg and there was now 10x-thousand lust ant in the aquarium and Storm nodded at this and the time was now 3:30 PM and Storm saw that Kunoichi had truly accepted this place as their home he talk to some of them wondering how they life was before their world connect to each other and they told how good their life was until his world connect to their and some even told that their glad to in home because some of them was abused in their village to and Storm nodded getting all of their information to how after blue mask and blue flash show up trying to stop them kidnaping children in his world it just became worst because some Hokage and leader was brought back life to help them fail in process causing more slaughter to shinobi and kunoichi of different village then fourth shinobi war happen and they had to fight against old allies and new enemy along with fighting the ten tail beast and then saw 9-tail-scorpine-wolf absorbing the 10-tail beast like snake along with seeing his 9-tail fuse together and gaining another tail showing that he above the tail beast now and Storm nodded at all this said thank you for telling me and went back to his room where he begin to play on his PC of different game on it to.

So, Storm was now on his computer playing Game and everything he saw Wanda and Tammy coming inside room and Storm then pause his PC computer game and turn around to them in his manly form which he told them he was going to be in while until he can trust the kunoichi and both Wanda and Tammy nodded at this and Wanda then told Storm that it was time for work and Storm nodded at so Storm then put on his black mask and change his clothes his shirt was now black with orange skull on and his pants was now black with orange line on them and his shoe was black combat boot shoe with orange string on them and Storm then took out a wooden-nether-rite bow and golden-diamond arrow with element aspect and dust on to where no can know the weapon he even took out some diamond-nether-rite throwing knives put them on his on his shoulder like nothing and so Storm and Tammy and Wanda then went out for the night and begin to free run against different building they then came across a abandoned warehouse where some large weapon trafficking was going so Storm and Wanda and Tammy begin to their little massacred killing all of the leader of weapon trafficking while leaving the cannon folder alive because they knew they was force to do and they call police and was gone and stop over 50x-weapon trafficking and 20x-drug trafficking and 100x-human trafficking and many people were excited about having the scum off the face of the earth and they did same thing to the supernatural to they stop over 200x- force turn human from being victim to vampire and werewolf and cyborg to and took down over 500x-supernatural drug dealer to making them hero in the eye of people so after they little hero work they went back home making sure no saw follow them to and they then arrived home and Storm went to his room where he took his hero clothes and put on a yellow shirt and blue pants and orange sock and went down stair and saw his family and kunoichi eating dinner he then hear Rose say his dinner is in the microwave and Storm nodded his heated his food up real and join them in dinner and Storm told how his day went along with some of his hero work to making them nodded at this his family wasn't shocked about his hero work the kunoichi was because now they figure out his hero identity and the kunoichi ask him if he was the blue mask and Storm then pull out a blue mask and said yes he was Blue mask he got many mask identity each are for they own good and the Naruto woman nodded at this and that when Anko say thank you for telling us you are blue mask we all ways wanted to know who you were because it been many woman dream to meet and Storm nodded at said don't worried I can understand why you was looking for because I was putting many hidden village in their place because they kept kidnap the children of this world trying to turn them into weapon of mass destruction and they nodded this.

So, Storm asks the Naruto woman would they like go on some hero work and they nodded at this and so it now been 3-year since the Naruto world woman was recuse by his mate Rose Storm was now 20-year-old and Pearl was now 18-year-old now sport big childbearing hip and hug thigh and big butt and light pinkish brown skin and purplish, orange eyes and now she is sporting some Octuple-K-cup breast showing that she have both her father and mother breast gene inside of her even the Naruto woman was jealous of her breast size because they never seen a woman with her breast size before and also Storm stayed in his Manly form until it was time to the Naruto woman about his true self because he now know that they Naruto woman fell in love with and thank to his Mate Rose telling them about his Harem they was shocked at first but got use to his harem and Storm also training in ability until he was advance in them and Rose then told he body was ready to handle six more essences right and Storm said gently that he want the essences of Luck, Essences of Sorcerers Lord, Essences of Shinobi, essences of Master magician, Essences of crafter, Essences of artificer and Rose then took those essence out and gave them to Storm who took them Gently and begin to drink them to after Storm got finished drinking he check on his scroll status and it now read {Ability: absolute survivability, absolute life creation, absolute death manipulation, weapon creation, omni-element manipulation, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, absolute destruction, omnificence, absolute body, absolute potential, absolute regeneration, absolute restoration, absolute parkour, golem creation, absolute immune system, creation, destruction, insect generation, arthropod manipulation, energy manipulation, energy control, energy lordship, absolute immortal, absolute regeneration, absolute organic manipulation, weather manipulation, nature manipulation, disaster manipulation, abnormal weather, disease manipulation, Eternal evolution, chakra manipulation chakra control },bloodline{: Alpha submissive male human, ultimate Alpha human, Alpha transcendent human, Alpha primordial human, ultimate ascendant human, Alpha prime superior human, ultimate transcendent sex demon, Alpha Uzumaki, Alpha Senju, Alpha Hyūga, Alpha Uchiha, Alpha tailed beast, Alpha Amazon, Alpha Gargarean}, {Essences: essences of Scholar, Essences of Blank, Essences of nomad, Essences of adventure, Essences of blank, essences of element, essences of Arch-mage, essences of Luck, Essences of Master Magician, Essences of sorcerer Lord, Essences of Shinobi, Essences of Crafter, Essences of Artificer}  And Storm felt himself getting Stronger and gaining new knowledge to.

So, Storm then uses his essences of crafter and essences of Artificer to upgrade all of his weapon in his inventory belt giving the ability grow over time no matter what and know they was also bond by him to he even uses some material found in the Naruto world to make them stronger to he then places all of upgraded weapon back in his inventory belt and Storm then talk Rose about showing his true form to Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame and Rose said to him yes you can tell them about your true form and don't worried they would accept you to because we would be there to explain to them some of your bloodline to and Storm nodded at this he then went living room where Rose and Wanda and Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda was waiting he then call Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame they came and they saw that Storm family was waiting on them Storm then told them I know you all fell in love with me and I accept your feelings and but before you get ready to do something I need show you something and tell you something this form you see is not my real form it is disguise I use in real world to hide myself and Tsunade then ask can we see your true form Storm Darling and Storm nodded at this that when saw crush changing they saw that his spikey pinkish orange hair went to his shoulder and his eyes became bright orange what shocked them most was that crush begin to gain feminine build form instead of being buff like most male he had swimming build and they saw that he body became female like from thigh becoming big and juicy to his hips becoming huge childbearing they even saw that his butt became huge like female and saw that it bounce and jiggle like a real female butt and saw his stomach became feminine slime with six pack and they even begin to see how his chest bloating up and becoming breast right in front they saw that his breast surpass all of them woman in his family and and Mito ask Rose just how big his breast and Rose say he has Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast and they was shocked because they never heard of this size before and they saw they now crush was finished now and and Storm said to them this is my true form I know you might be shock because you expect more but this is my true form if you got any questions please ask or Rose or Wanda because I only know A little bit about myself and Naruto woman nodded at this.

So, Rose then begin to explain to Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame all about Storm bloodline why he hid his true form from them and when she got finished telling them they was shocked but even more when they saw they crush putting on a purple sport Bra and adjusting his gigantic breast real then put on his red shirt again and Storm then ask them if they got any questions about he will answer some of them and it Ino who ask Storm how do he deal with bloodline and Storm said to I have my family to help me with my bloodline and if wondering if they help deal with breast size yes they also help with that because the minute I got these breast I felt little uncomfortable because I thought only women have breast so they help me get use to my breast even helping me go through more because they told that me bloodline would super charge my body one day may make mu Breast even bigger then Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast so right now I am just getting use to along with gaining the ability lactation to and Tsunade was shocked and ask your breast can lactate and Storm and said yes they can lactate and just prove he gently life both his sport bra and shirt and gently squeeze his Sexdecuple-Z-cup breast causing milk spray everywhere shocking them now he then put his sport bra and shirt back down and the Naruto women then lick some of milk got spray on their face and the minute it got in there mouth they was shocked at how sweet Storm breast milk and Storm then ask now you seen my true do you still accept me and the minute he said those all of the Naruto woman then kiss on lip and said we accept you darling no matter what because you mate Rose save use from being turn into breeding stock we was happy to become part of your family now and Storm nodded and kiss them back to and minute they did many color line begin show on Storm body and it was rainbow to and Storm told this line are mate mark when you became might mate these show on my body and color so which is since it Rainbow it it show that you all love with all your heart to and the number on body show how many mate I have right now to and rainbow show it and they all saw the number 56 shocking Storm even more to with how many mate he got and Storm new his Harem would get bigger to.

{Storm mate}

Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame