chapter 11 r18

So, Storm took care of poacher that was in Ark survivor world along with poacher from the Naruto world to and Storm then went to see his mate and how they did their own doing, against poacher and how they also took care of poacher in their own way and all of them arrived back at home where Storm went back to regular form with purplish orange hair along with his pinkish orange eyes and height was still 6'5 and he weight 250-pound making him nodded he even saw that his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast to and Storm then went have dinner with his darling mate and when got in the kitchen he saw feast that his mate have created for and them and Storm then kiss all of them showing his love to his mate and all of his mate kiss back and they begin to eat feast with no problem what so ever so when they done eating the feast they took the left over to his Lust worm daughter and his lust ant daughter making sure they fine and Storm then went back up stair where he went back to his room and begin to change clothes he was now wearing orange shirt with red pants and black shoe with red string he was also wearing a pink sport bra for his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast after he got finished changing clothes he then went play some game that when he heard a knocking on his room door and when he open it he saw Hinata and Hanabi and Sakura and Haku and Mito he let them in room where he pause the game he was playing the game he was playing was age of wonder 4 he just starting to play so he only now little bit about game he learning quickly about the game to and 4 lover sat beside him watch him play the game while also giving him advice on the game to and Storm heed their advice about the game to and his game character survive for many year in game while mastery all of tome in game and he had many mine and mana mine and he library and farm of subject in the game along with have a allies and getting rid of all of his enemies to in the game so when done with game he save his game and change it another game.

So, the next game Storm was playing was call Conan exiles and Storm created his character and he started play for little while until he saves the game and begin to watch some movie and Tv-show real quick while Hinata and Hanabi and Sakura and Haku and Mito was beside watching it together with him and the time was 10:50 pm and they also just had dinner and so Storm then change out of his clothes and he was now wearing an orange tank to that show his gigantic cleavage and breast since he was not wearing a bra right now and he was also only in shirt and panty boxer with orange sock on him and when he went to lay down he saw Hinata and Hanabi had taking both arms while Sakura had taken left side of Breast and Haku had taken the right side of his breast and Mito had cuddle up to his stomach and the both feel asleep peacefully and Storm was dreaming about lot of thing he saw that he was in place that had many planet and star round he then heard a female voice say{ hello Storm infinite Ranger I have been watching for while now you have been causing a lot of good karma getting rid of those evil human and taking out those invader and you wandering what I'm I am just your guardian that have been watching over you and you don't need to fear me I would never hurt none of your family would hurt they maybe overprotective but can you blame them you are among the most overpowering Submissive male there is and not only that you can evolve a lot no matter I just came to see for first time and yes Storm Infinite ranger is your full name I hope I see you again soon.} and Storm then woke ups from dream he just had he saw that is was night time so he fell back asleep while feel his lover on his body.

So, Storm then got along with his lover he then went to take a nice shower after his shower he then brush his teeth and he then put on cyan sport bra with red shirt and blue pants on and with pink sock on and some red shoe with purple string on and Storm then went down stair to eat with all of his lover and Storm then told Rose and Wanda about the dream he had and they was shocked about his dream but they told him that female voice is right she had no bad intention to harm darling and Storm nodded at this he then finished eating breakfast and he then went to check on Plant garden and lust Aquarium to see how his lust worm daughter and Lust Ant daughter are doing and he saw that they was doing fine and Storm then pick up all of the ripe fruit from his garden kept over 400x ripe fruit in his inventory belt while leaving the rest in the fridge for they want go bad and Storm then went to some 14-hours training in everything he learn so far and also making sure he don't get rusty in fighting and so when he was done training he then drunk some fruit flavor energy drink along with some nice cold water and Storm then ask mother/lover Rose can he adventure around the island for while in his regular form and Rose nodded at and said yes darling you can adventure around the island nobody will be able to see darling and there will be no invader on the island and Storm nodded he then went for a walk around the island taking picture of different tree and different sapling and different animal and many flower and many plant to and he kept up walk to he even took some pictures of different fish and shark and many rock and jewel and stone he found island from his walk he had no problem with none of animal either.

So, Storm then took break by a tree in shade to from sun he took out jug of cold water and he begin to drink it up half ways after that he then ate 3x-apple and 10x-pear, 10x-grape fruit and 10x-orange and 10x banana and 20x-cherry after his snack eating he then continued his adventures around the island see all of the animal doing fine and breed fine to along with endanger animal becoming not endanger anymore so Storm then came across a giant cave he then walk inside the cave and begin to take pictures of cave and afterward he then came across a purplish pink flower field that was many flower and Storm took a picture of it and he then left cave and Storm then took another break real quick he sat outside the cave took out rest of jug of cold water begin to drink it up after he was finished drinking he then ate over 20x-grape fruit and 20x-watermelon and 30x- pear and 20x orange fruit and Storm then finished eating second snack and Storm did not realize that his lover was following making sure he was ok and keep following seeing him take pictures of everything made them happy because they know they was overprotective to their darling but never made him adventure around the island for a while because they wasn't sure what would happen to their darling so after they got finished watching their darling and Storm was now sitting down by lake with his shoe and sock off and begin to soak his feet in the water making him sigh in delight from the cold water in the lake.

So, While Storm soaking his feet, he did not notice two pink slug creatures beside him he also didn't feel the slug wiggling their way under his clothes until they were one both of gigantic breast nipple he didn't even feel when two pink slug force themselves inside his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast causing them twitch little which he didn't even notice so Storm then dry his feet off and quickly put his sock back on along with his shoe and went back home where he saw all of his lover and show them pictures he took all round island and the gave him kiss for picture and even told they darling they would print the picture and make book of all picture they darling would and Storm nodded at this he then went to his room where he took off his shirt and was only in his sport bra to he then went his computer and begin to play some computer game real quick and Storm then hear his Lover Rose calling to her room he then pause the game and went to his Lover Rose room when he arrived he saw that milking machine was there along with message table that had hole for his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast he saw Rose and Wanda and Mito and Tsunade and Mikoto and Kushina and Hana and Tsume was there and Rose explain that since it been long time since his first milking that they wanted to bring it back every two week they would milk and message his body and Storm nodded and got undress real lay down message table where he place his gigantic breast in hole he then felt Rose and Wanda put them pumping machine on nipple and he then felt Hana and Tsume message his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast gently while Kushina and Mikoto message his back and he saw Wanda turn on Milking machine and Rose also begin to message his body while Wanda help Hana and Tsume message his gigantic breast with Tsunade help.

So, Storm was in pure delight from message that his lover was giving along with milking machine pumping away at his gigantic breast full of milk which he shocked that his breast can still create milk but he just nodded at this begin slowly close his eyes from message his body was from his lover they message was so good that it was putting him to sleep and Storm lover saw they he was slowly going to sleep from message they was giving him and they made it even better to now so they darling was fully asleep and they had smirk on their face and they smirking because their darling with milking machine already fill over 300x-canister full of his breast and he was still going to they was knew it was because cleanse his body went along with Wanda Cum and Slime creature fuse with his body that was causing his gigantic breast to produce milk extremely fast without Storm knowing about it so they continued to message and Milk Storm until they saw Storm fill over 400x-billion canister like nothing and was still going until it got 900x-trillion canister and they felt Storm QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast have stop producing breast milk for but they felt Storm body adapting to be able to produce more breast milk soon and they took off the pump place them on the holder and they Carry their darling back to his room where they quickly dress him in a reddish orange nightgown and place him on the bed while they quickly cuddle up with him after they got finished placing all of canister of breast milk in fridge so while they was sleeping with their darling rest of Storm lover was doing some anti-hero work against Ark survivor world and the Naruto world because now with the tailed beast in their world everything was going fine in that world until some Otsutsuki decide to invade their world looking for tailed beast to recreate the chakra fruit tree.

So, Storm then woke up and seeing himself in a reddish orange nightgown along with his lover beside him cuddling him and Storm then got and went into his manly form where he change his hair to bluish orange and change his eyes color to greenish blue and put on a red shirt and blue pants and dark green combat boots with red string he put on inventory belt and he saw that his lover was wake to and they nodded at knowing he is going to do some true justice in this world against the Naruto world and Ark Survivor world so Storm then put on black mask and in black flash he gone he was join by, Lily, Sam, Tammy Pearl, Alex and Anna in his patrol now and Yang was girl in the chair right now that can hack any place in the world right they was looking through some file that involve many criminal getting out early with no repercussion so Storm then using shadow clone jutsu make over 400x-clone and they begin to hunt down every criminal that got out jail with no problem and those criminal that got out jail early they kept doing same crime over and over again so they did not learn the consequences when they are shown mercy so now they can be judge by God and Satan themselves so did same around the world to while also getting rid of some Naruto ninja invader and Ark survivor invader to while sometime going after the supernatural side of world to making fear among criminal and law many people saw them as hero since law don't want truly punish true criminal just give them slap on wrist.

So, Storm right now parkour with his lover across many buildings right now because they just got finished getting rid of some corrupted cops right while placing the crime did all around the world to making sure government can't do anything about because they can't find no information about the so-called hero and Storm and his lover arrived back home on their island where Storm then change his mask to orange went ungrounding fighting in both regular world and the supernatural world and he earn over 30x hundred thousand dollars in those fight and he drove his Nissan Gtr car that was orange back home where he place his money in the treasure vault he begin to loose count of how much many he gain those fight so Storm was now home for good he quickly when back to his regular form and took a shower and after he dry himself off he put on a purple long sleeping gown where his Gigantic cleavage can show along with his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast and he was wearing blue panty boxer that show off his feminine body to he then went down stair where he saw that dinner had been by his lover so he begin to eat with and after finished eating he then went check on garden and Lust worm daughter and Lust Ant daughter he saw they was doing fine and they been taking care by his lover to so he went back up stair to his room where he place his inventory belt on the side of his bed and he begin to play some game on PS5 game system so while he playing some game real quick and Storm then heard knock on his door he it was Tsunade and Kaguya he let them in his room where he begin to play the game while watch him play and while they sat beside him after he was finished playing them game the time was 11:30 clock pm and Storm then ready himself to go to bed until Tsunade appeared behind and lift his shirt where his Gigantic breast bounce and jiggle real quick and Tsunade had green aura around her hand while Kaguya had silver glow around her.


So, Tsunade then sat Storm on his back while she lay on top of his stomach where she then begins to message Storm QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast with her chakra enhance hand gently which cause Storm to moan in pleasure and Tsunade kept fondle his gigantic breast with charka hand which cause his nipple to get hard and Kaguya was right behind him and to message the side his gigantic breast to with chakra hand causing him to moan in pleasure from having his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast that when Storm felt Tsunade and Kaguya switch place together Kaguya was message in gigantic breast while Tsunade was message the side of gigantic breast the kept doing for 50 minute that when the begin to suck on gigantic breast swirling their tongue around his hard nipple and suck and tease gigantic breast for another 2 hours until they stop.

{Semi lemon over}

So, Storm now breathing heavily from having his gigantic breast fondle by Tsunade and Kaguya for while with their chakra and Storm ask way they add chakra to message and Tsunade said to give the perfect message and help get rid of stress in his body and Storm nodded at this and Tsunade and Kaguya then cuddle with darling with his gigantic breast still out in the open and Kaguya then had her hair cover his gigantic breast up with no problem and Storm kiss both and went to sleep and Storm then felt sun hit his face he then got making sure not awake Tsunade and Kaguya he then put on a green sport bra with a red shirt and black pants with red sock and black shoe with white shoe string on them and Storm then went down feeling QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast bounce and jiggle when going down stair to he finally made to the kitchen where all his lover create a feast and so Storm then ate with his lover and feast when they was finished Storm help Rose clean dishes and went back up Stair to get his inventory belt after he got his belt he then went to check on his garden and lust worm daughter and his Ant daughter to and he even check on queen daughter and Titan and Oak daughter making sure they was ok and they where they was getting along with harem sister and everything to so Storm then ask his lover Rose can he adventure around the island again because he feel that island became bigger and their might be something new to find on the island Rose told him yes but he have to be with one of his mate because female animal might try to mark as their mate and Storm nodded and so he ask Anna and Alex do they want to come on the island adventure and they told him yes.

So, Storm, Anna and Alex were now island adventure taking pictures of new tree and animal he didn't find on his first adventure and was beside they darling side helping him take picture to and they even took picture with each beside the tree, the plant, the flower and the animal to and they even took a quick break and drunk some water and had a quick snack and they even saw some fruit tree and honey tree and many other tree they saw that make their own sugar and water to and So they even went back to cave where they say purplish pink flower when they got back to cave and they went inside they begin to take more picture inside the cave until they across purplish pink flower again this time they saw purplish pink flower was growing slowly and spreading inside the cave and Storm felt flower emotion real quick he felt happiness and greed and lust and hungry from the purplish pink flower he told Anna and Alex what emotion he was feeling from purplish pink flower and they nodded at him and Alex then told Storm to walk forward into the purplish pink flower slowly and after that she want him to drip his blood on purplish pink flower real quick and Storm said ok and he did what Alex told him when he did he saw a giant purplish pink flower grow up and Storm then saw purplish pink flower open up and Storm saw purple skin woman with pink vine like hair with purple and pink flower around her forehead with pink and purple eyes with pink lips and she had figure that can rivel most of his lover body with slime body and huge thigh and child bearing hip and huge butt and Sextuple-G- cup breast and she had them cover up with flower to.

{Lemon start}

So, flower woman then looks at Storm really quick and nodded her head at Storm she then summons over 8x- tentacle while Anna and Alex told Storm to be careful flower girl she is know as lust Flower Queen and she is also his daughter he created on second awakening and Storm nodded at this and then Lust Flower Queen then quick stripe Storm of his clothes with 6x-tentacle causing his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast bounce and jiggle real quick and Lust Flower queen then retrain Storm binding his arms and legs with 4 of her tentacle and Lust Flower Queen then use her retrain to spread Storm legs apart seeing his now hard 15-inch penis cause the Lust Flower queen to be more arouse then before she then quickly begin to make out Storm using her tongue giving Storm the ultimate French kiss ever while making out with Storm she then begin to jack him off quickly with hand causing Storm to moan in pleasure and she then stood Over Storm she then quickly made Storm penetrate her causing her to moan in pleasure and grunt in pain from the penetration and Storm then see purple blood covering his 15-inch penis and Storm then begin to go back and forth inside the Lust Flower Queen causing her to moan in pleasure even though Storm was bond by her tentacle vine and 50 minute later Storm was feeling he was about to Cum so he increase his speed as much as bond body can do and he then Cum inside the Lust flower queen and he Cum inside her for 40-minute and the Lust Flower Queen was sporting a small belly like she swallow a whole pumpkin and The Lust Flower queen then got off of Storm 15-inch penis.

So, the Lust Flower queen then made her tentacle vine penetrate Storm QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast nipple causing them to jiggle really quick she then made the other tentacle penetrate Storm huge butt causing it to also bounce and jiggle and she then begin to give Storm fucking of his lifetime causing tentacle vine inside his gigantic breast move all round and the one in his butt can be seen by bulge they forming inside him she then increase their speed and Storm was moaning in pleasure and Lust Flower queen summon two more vine tentacle made Storm give them a deep throat of a lifetime causing Lust Flower Queen to moan in pleasure and Storm was swirling his tongue around the two tentacle vine inside his mouth and Storm then see the Lust Flower Queen eating a bag of sugar and drinking two bottle of syrup and while also eating many fruit causing her bugle stomach to get bigger and start glowing and Storm saw liquid inside the Lust Flower queen stomach and it was pink color to and the Lust flower Queen increase her speed even more causing Storm body to vibrate with so much pleasure giving to him by Lust Flower Queen and Storm then hear the Lust flower Queen moan that she was about to cum and 1 hour later the Lust flower Queen Cum and Storm then felt rush of Lust Flower Queen Cum inside his body he saw that Pink liquid was Lust Flower Queen Cum and Storm felt them her Cum rushing inside from his throat to his stomach to his Butt and his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast causing them to become bigger and heavy while Storm stomach bloat up from the Lust Flower Queen Cum.

So, the Lust Flower Queen Cum for over 3 hours and Storm still felt the Lust Flower Queen cum rushing inside of causing his gigantic breast to become heavy and even bigger than before along with his stomach bloating up even more, he even saw that the Lust flower Queen was eating everything that was sweat around her to make her keep Cuming inside of Storm body causing him moan in pleasure and the Lust Flower queen Kept Cuming for over another 3 hours and 3 hour became 5 hours and 5 hours became 20 hours now Storm was sporting belly that was full cum he had belly that look he quintuple children and Storm felt the Lust flower Queen tentacle vine leave his body causing him to moan in displeasure.

{lemon over}

So, Storm then see Anna and Alex call Rose over and Storm then felt his body changing now all of Cum that inside his stomach begin spread out causing his hips and thigh to become bigger and more feminine along with skin become lighter brown color and his butt even become more bigger and more jiggling and more bouncer and along with feeling his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast feeling more heavy and bigger then before having been fill with the Lust flower Queen Cum causing them to become more bouncing and more jiggling to along with nipple becoming a lighter pink color to and Storm then hear how Rose say he still in the QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast still but he going to start feeling the effect of the Lust flower Queen Cum tonight so be ready and Storm nodded at this and Storm then went back follow by Anna and Alex and the Lust Flower queen who said her name is Jojo and Storm nodded and Storm was wearing a blue cloak the Rose gave to cover his body real until they got where Storm can get some sleep when they Finally got Storm went up to his room took off the blue coat and put on some red panty boxer and purple nightgown where he then fell asleep what Storm didn't know while he was sleeping his QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast were growing from Jojo Cum they filling up with fusion of Milk and Cum making to where he can produce breast milk even faster and they was growing extremely fast and filling up to causing Storm moan in pleasure as he sleep.

So, Storm moaning in his sleep he did not hear his door room where Jojo come in with tentacle vine out in the open, she then show that tentacle vine had small needle on them, and she then made her 2-tentacle vine pierce Storm gigantic side breast and she then begin pump more of her Cum in Storm growing QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast causing them grow even faster and making Storm moan in pleasure as he sleep and Jojo finished pump all of Cum inside of Storm gigantic breast and left his room where Storm QuinQuagintuple-J-cup breast slow down on growing and Storm body also went through some change his body become more super feminine now to where his hips where huge child bearing and his thigh were huge and juicy and his stomach was super slime to where he can't form a six pack and his butt was massive and bouncing and jiggle and his hair was still purplish orange along with his eyes being pinkish orange and Storm stop moaning in pleasure in his sleep and went have peaceful dream and Storm then felt the sun hit he then got when he did he felt that his breast was even more heavy then before but he was half asleep so he went to take a shower and after his shower he saw that in his mirror that QuinQuagintuple-J- cup breast now bigger and more jiggling and bouncer and Storm also felt there were liquid in them so Storm then put on some blue panty boxer and huge nightgown shirt that show Storm cleavage and Storm then went down stair to talk to Rose and Storm felt how much they jiggle now when going down stair so when Storm came down Stair he saw that feast that his lover had made and he begin to eat with them to and he then ask Rose what his breast size now and Rose said darling your breast size is now QuinQuagintuple-L-cup breast now darling and Storm was shocked at his new breast size and Rose also told Storm that reason for his breast becoming so big was thank to all food he ate along with eating all of their Cum to and Storm nodded at this so Storm then went to take calming bath in spring bathtub that have and Storm told them that and they nodded at him for that.

So, Storm now an orange towel around him in spring bathtub room and he was just enjoying them steam and peace that the hot spring bring and Storm had his eyes close enjoying the hot spring peace and Storm then begin to hear peaceful music being played he then open his eyes to see Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy and Jojo in the hot spring with him also showing the perfect figure to and Storm enjoy their company that when he Yugao and Mabui and Haku and Samui go up to him join his side and they ask if there was any problem with his QuinQuagintuple-L-cup breast now and Storm said he just need to get use to his size real quick and he be fine and he already feeling his body adjust to his new size but he would like somebody to get message them and his back real quick and Samui and Haku begin to message his gigantic breast while Mabui and Yugao begin to message his back feeling his back pop and crack Storm let loose sigh of relief and Moan pleasure real quick from having gigantic breast message real quick.

So, after Storm message was done they left the hot spring and Storm then went to his room where he went into his manly form and put on some purple boxer and some red pants and a black shirt with green shoe and he put on his inventory belt and he then put on his purple mask he then took off running with lightning around increase his speed to he then arrived at abandoned building he then saw yellow portal opening up and knew that another world had connect to this world now and Storm was watching to see which world would connect with this and Storm then see Person with red and black armor ridding a gigantic scorpion with army of small goblin like creature with club and shield on them while the red and black armor person had two sword and club and hammer and great sword and Storm knew this person had inventory ability like a gamer and Storm saw that person inside armor thank to his evolving god eyes was dark skin male with dread lock hair with blue eyes and Storm now knew what world had connect to them now it was Conan Exiles now and Storm then use absolute death manipulation to cut all string of life on person and goblin like creature killing them instant making them not know how they died and Storm then use absolute organic manipulation and absolute life creation and Golem creation and his fire manipulation to make being with absolute fire manipulation and it everything he using was pure instinct to create a being like creation and all the flash and armor creature body begin meld together like paint and Storm was focuses on his creation .

So, Storm was focuses on his new creation he adds reactive adaptation and superior adaptation, absolute burning and absolute fire manipulation and absolute survivability and absolute healing factor and absolute energy manipulation and absolute mastery and absolute weapon mastery and absolute fighting skill and absolute copying and Absolute weapon creation and absolute talent and Storm even use his blood on this creation of his and Storm even had his chakra and energy surrounding him in this creation of his and Storm then was push back by giant fireball of pure energy when fireball disappear what stood in front of Storm was woman with long red hair and light brown skin and red eyes with figure that most woman will kill for with massive child bearing hips and huge thigh and massive butt that would jiggle and bounce with every single step along with Sextuple-K-cup breast and she was wearing red armor that cover half of her body with to where only her legs and cleavage can shoe along with her wearing armor wrist band to where her arm can see to her armor was base around {wonder woman armor from DC universe world}she even had inventory belt on her to and she was standing with height if 7'10 and she weight around 250 pound and her age was 29-year-old and woman look her creator and hug him and said her name is Blaze and she was glad to have her father create her and Storm who was being smother by Blaze huge breast saying to let him go real quick and Storm hug back even though his head come up to her waist and Storm then teleported away with Blaze back to island where Storm explain everything to his lover and how a new world had connect to this world and world is call Conan Exiles and they all nodded at and he then Explain Blaze to everyone and they nodded at him to and they welcome Blaze to the family now.

So, Storm then went back to his regular form knowing that all of creation know about his real form he then went put on a green sport bra real quick cover it back up with his black shirt and turn to find out all of his absolute growth type and Storm then went back stair to see that everyone treating Blaze like harem sister to and Storm then said hello to and told them he was going to train real quick in his ability in both his true form and manly form and they nodded at him so Storm then went to go train real quick he went to training room where he begin to train in all of his abilities and with his essences helping him to he figure out that he can recreate any skill like nothing so he quickly recreate all of his skill to make them stronger while training in his physical abilities to and all of his attribute that can help him to he been training for 5 hours straight and he even begin to train in his manly form to and all of his lover help him to teaching him how his ability work and teaching how to control them to and Storm was finished training he then drunk some ice cold bottle of water and he now back in his regular form now to and it now been 2-year now since the Conan Exiles world connect to their world everyone was now being careful now they got to worried about 3 world now connect and Storm was now 19-year-old and all of his lover was happy as they can be with their darling even Blaze confess her love to him since he was her creator and they been helping out in 3 world keeping them under control making sure they don't go too far in their little invasion to.

So, Storm was now in the Naruto world in his manly form wearing green mask he then saw that the Conan exiles world had also connect to this world along with Ark Survivor world to he made sure that to stay hidden he saw that world had somehow recreated the tailed beast thank to one of 10 tailed beast being hidden in this world causing the world now to have back their jinchuriki and Storm just let world be he saw that Otsutsuki have tried to invade this world but failed he even saw that the God of the Otsutsuki have been trying to invade their world to but was kill by Wanda and Rose while God of the Otsutsuki retreated in fear while they also to the so divine fruit form the Otsutsuki and Storm then left the Naruto world went back to their world where he went back home change his mask to blue where he begin to do his Anti-hero work where he got rid of true criminal that cannot be redeem so Storm then begin to use the money won in underground fighting to put in charity while making sure it doesn't goes to the people pocket while also repairing the run down orphanage and so Storm then went back and into his regular form where he say hello to his darling after that he went to check on his garden and his lust worm daughter and his lust Ant daughter to while checking on Lust Oak tree daughter since she gain a human form another Lust Oak tree had taking her place making it his daughter to so after his check time was now 11:30 clock pm and they just had dinner and Storm then went up stair to his room where he took of clothes and put on a nightgown allow his QuinQuagintuple-L-cup breast to be seen by his lover he then sudden begin to fill hot all of sudden.

So, Storm then calls Rose and Wanda real quick and when they arrived at Storm side, he asks them what happened to him, and Wanda said to Storm you going through your third awakening process it would give new bloodline and new abilities while also making you go through a cleanse to making your blood purer than before while also making your abilities even stronger to and don't worry we got something to help you darling they then took a chakra fruit but this chakra fruit was golden and they then took out silver golden blood orb and Rose then told Storm to eat both of this they would making him stronger and so Storm then ate both golden chakra fruit and also ate sliver golden blood orb when he did that his body begin to be cleanse by his third awakening combined with golden chakra fruit and silver golden blood orb they say belong to god of the Otsutsuki and black and red liquid begin to come out of his body showing that his body is getting the ultimate cleanse and third awakening ability to.

So, Storm was sweating like nothing seen before in his third awakening process and his body and blood was being cleanse to causing him pant heavily to Storm then ask Wanda to bring a bucket to and she did just in files swope Storm lean his head in bucket and begin to vomit up black and red and purple liquid like nothing along with small shard being mix in his vomit and Storm then begin to feel his bone being shatter and melt down to causing extreme pain because he felt his abilities and essences trying to help in their own away he kept vomit up liquid for a while until he felt his body goes limp for not having any bone in his body and Wanda then left real quick came back a huge golden orange statue and Wanda then place the statue beside Storm body and his body then absorb the golden orange statue like nothing causing his cleanse to become even worst to where to he begin feel even skin peel off slowly along with his teeth falling out along with his eyes turning into liquid to and Storm even felt nail on finger and toe begin to peel off to causing him to groan in pain as his abilities try heal him even more and Wanda told that was blank godhead she gave to help in the third awakening process along with his cleansing and Storm then had to vomit into another bucket this he was vomit up his brown liquid and purple liquid and black liquid and yellow liquid to along with his organ to hell Storm even vomit up pink liquid to and Storm third awakening was painful to him along with his cleansing and Rose then also left real quick and came back a lot of different block from skeleton bone block, golden block, diamond block, netherite block, obsidian block, ender pearl block, ruby block, copper block, lapis block, red-stone block, bedrock block, grass block, wood block, stone block, coal block, sand block, void block.

So, afterward Rose place all of the block beside Storm to help in cleanse to and third awakening to and Storm body absorb the block to and both Wanda and Rose begin to purplish pink aura surround Storm to and the aura was also helping in Storm third awakening and they also saw Storm skin fully peel off and then saw that muscle begin to peel off to causing Storm to groan even more in his third awakening and cleansing and they even saw that nerve was begin peel off too causing Storm scream in pain for while from having everything in body turn pure ash along with himself and Wanda then look at Storm and took out 6 color rainbow stone along with three more blank godhead while Rose then took out 7 emerald and they place them on Storm ash body causing his ash to absorb the 7 emerald and 6 rainbow stone and three more blank godhead and they watch has they darling body begin to reform from the ash it started it his brain forming first along with eyes and nerve to along with ear as while then bone begin to form the bone was universe orange color with black star on them then all of his organ begin to reform to all of his organ was galaxy orange with purple star on to and then his flash begin to reform on them and Blood begin to reform to along with different cell his blood was pure sliver orange while his cell was pure bluish orange and watch and Storm flash begin cover his body they saw they darling body have change a lot his breast size was still same bigger and more fuller and full of youth and his body was more feminine now to and his skin was light brown with a hint orange line on them and hips was massive thick with three C and his thigh were huge now to and his butt was massive and his hair spikey close to his shoulders while the color was purplish orange while tips were blue and his eyes where bluish orange with a hint of pink in them and Storm then woke up to all of his lover he side him and Storm said everything is fine now and kiss all of them on lips showing his gratitude of them being by his side he hear Rose said he can now drink 6 more essences and what essences does he want and he said he want the essences of hentai protagonist, essences of sorcerer lord, essences of ultimate potential , essences of Z-fighter, essences of iskeai protagonist, essences of primordial and Storm drunk all of the essences and Wanda then told Storm that he unlock three bloodline along with being purifying with his other bloodline and Storm nodded at this he then check his scroll status and it now read {Ability: absolute survivability, absolute life creation, absolute death manipulation, weapon creation, omni-element manipulation, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, absolute destruction, omnificence, absolute body, absolute potential, absolute regeneration, absolute restoration, absolute parkour, golem creation, absolute immune system, creation, destruction, insect generation, arthropod manipulation, energy manipulation, energy control, energy lordship, absolute immortal, absolute regeneration, absolute organic manipulation, weather manipulation, nature manipulation, disaster manipulation, abnormal weather, disease manipulation, Eternal evolution, chakra manipulation chakra control, comic manipulation absolute luck, portal creation tinker construct},bloodline{: ultimate Alpha submissive male human, ultimate Sage Alpha human, ultimate Alpha transcendent human, ultimate Alpha primordial human, ultimate Sage ascendant human, ultimate Alpha prime superior human, ultimate transcendent Sage sex demon, Alpha Sage Uzumaki, Alpha Sage Senju, Alpha Sage Hyūga, Alpha Sage Uchiha, Alpha Sage tailed beast, ultimate Alpha Amazon, ultimate Alpha Gargarean, ultimate element Sage Dragon, ultimate element Sage Phoenix, ultimate element Sage wizard}, {Essences: essences of Scholar, Essences of Blank, Essences of nomad, Essences of adventure, Essences of blank, essences of element, essences of Arch-mage, essences of Luck, Essences of Master Magician, Essences of sorcerer Lord, Essences of Shinobi, Essences of Crafter, Essences of Artificer, Essences of Scholar, Essences of rob insurances, Essences Gourmade, Essences of Food, Essences of Plane-walker, Essences of Rule-breaker, Essences of mad doctor, Essences of evolution, Essences of harem protagonist, essences of ultimate potential , essences of sorcerer lord, essences of iskeai protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, essences of Z-fighter, essences of primordial} and Storm nodded at his scroll Status and turn it off he did ask Rose about essences of ultimate potential and Rose said that essences will upgrade all of the other essences you drunk into their ultimate form and future essences you drink will also inheritance those essences to and Storm nodded at this.

So, Storm then got up real quick not before falling on the ground with his gigantic breast cushion the fall his body was getting use to what is now and Rose told Storm that his body went back little bit to become more feminine now and Storm nodded at his new height was 6'3 now instead of 6'5 like last time and he now weight over 220 pound not like 250 pound before and Storm nodded at his body more and Rose told he is still at QuinQuagintuple-L-cup breast and Storm nodded at this he then went to train in his new abilities he got along with essences he got so after his body got use to working again he went to the training room where he begin to train for 10 hours and train in his ability for another 10 hours to and even train in his manly form to and his manly form was still same as his regular form with purplish orange hair with blue tips on and his eyes was bluish orange with hint of pink in them to and Storm begin to train in all of his weapon and physical ability again along with using his inventory belt which increase space again it can now hold over 900x-thousand trillion of space now making it even stronger and Storm even felt how his bone became strong to while also felling his ability become stronger to making it to where it will only take him mere second to use them and Storm all found that Conan exiles world, Naruto world and Ark survivor world are doing fine with everything thank to his lover putting those in place while recuse most of endanger animal and having them on the island where they can increase their population to and Storm who was still in his manly form went change clothes he was wearing a red shirt with a black star on with orange pants with black line on them and blue shoe with red string on with his inventory belt around his waist and he change the color of his inventory belt the color was now purplish orange.

So, Storm then put on a white mask and begin to help his lover in his anti-hero work putting down any of world invader trying to go to war in his world while also getting rid of any of most dangerous weapon and even travel at bottom of ocean to get up all of ship that been lost at sea for while also going to Bermuda triangle to see what it really is and Sam and Tammy and Lily and Yang and Lola, Noa, Mary and Alex and Anna and Yin with him to Bermuda triangle to see if that is also another world connect to his world to when they arrived to Bermuda triangle they saw that world that was connect inside Bermuda triangle was Apocalypses world like Zombieland, The walking dead, Highschool of dead, Z-Nation, Resident Evil, fear the walking dead, terminator robot, zombie shark, Alien movie, and other apocalypse movie to where human had to survivor no matter what in this world and reason why this world became nothing more apocalypse world was thank to all human using nuclear weapon and experiment on thing that shouldn't be experiment on and using pollution to and creating something that turn against mankind one day and Storm was see how Humanity struggle in this Apocalypse some human even had to join force to stay alive in this world to stay alive.

So, Storm and his lover was see the Apocalypse world see how bad went for human they had to create base where human can unite to survivor in this Apocalypse world, he also felt nature of this world wanted to get rid of everything a restart the process again with human so Storm right now was jumping across building to and moving at incredible that cannot not be seen by human they then came across a cold village with different creatures here and Storm then see a mansion along with his lover they teleported in mansion begin to use stealth to not be seen by owner which they found name is Alcina Dimitrescu along with having three daughters name Bella, Cassandra and Daniela and Storm was shocked Alcina was taller than his mom with height of 9'6 with figure that most woman want to have with pale light skin with black hair and yellow eyes and huge child bearing hips and big thigh and huge butt with triple-Z-cup breast wearing a white clothes with black hat along with her daughter being 6'4 with child bearing hips and big thigh and hue butt and pale light skin with yellow eyes and all of them have Double-G-cup breast with them all having different weapon and wearing Black clothes and Storm and his lover was in stealth mode making sure the people don't see them when got to basement without being seen Storm place all of dead body in his inventory belt to create more of children base around the element he pack up over 300-thousand body in Dimitrescu basement and then left the mansion real quick not before they found something call Cadou and case of something call mold virus and Storm took them place them in his inventory belt just like all of the corps they then left mansion.

So, Storm and his lover right now was adventure all across the world not being seen by human of this world he was wearing a orange cloak and this time he wasn't wearing his mask he then came across pile of bone and also place the bone in his inventory belt he pick over 500x-million bone now and he even came across some robot body he pick them up to he pick up over 200x-million terminator robot body place them in his inventory belt see as he can rebuild turn them into his army of next and Storm gave his lover inventory belt to and told they can adventure around world picking up thing don't work no more in this world and Storm then new York where he came across many woman fighting against some Zombie he saw that woman where beautify like nothing seen before and Storm listen to woman name being call and they name where Red, Addison Carver

Cassandra, Roberta Warren, Sgt. Lilly, Kaya, Pandora, La Reina, Lawyer, Linda and Storm saw them fight Zombie dear life while they took cover from the terminator robot the fire back them and Storm then took out his shotgun the enhanced by his tinker construct ability and Bullet was made nether-rite and diamond and paper enchanted by with many abilities he then begin blow the Zombie and Terminator head clean while taking out his dagger to and begin to teleported all over place with Hiraishin that he copy from Minato from the Naruto world begin to slaughter the rest of Zombie and Terminator robot after he was done he quickly heal all of the woman from their injury and cure them just in case some of them got bit Zombie and Storm quickly use inventory belt to absorb all of terminator robot and Zombie real quick he then begin to run jumping from building to building leaving the woman in daze.

So, Storm right now as jumping from building to building making sure everything was ok he knew he cannot fix this world, but he can do is try to help human of this world survive even more against the enemy he then went to some junkyard to get to get all of the material from old abandoned car and other rusty stuff to Storm it didn't because what another trash is another treasure so Storm took everything from Junkyard leaving nothing behind along going to trash island putting the island in his inventory for he came some powerful weapon to after that he went to place battlefield that dead body, Zombie body and terminator robot body he place them in his inventory belt to and he also found that human base where prison house and other huge community place with a lot of house and another thing to where they could have a good defenses against their enemy and even some abandoned mall to that was connect to their community So Storm then found a abandoned smelter and blacksmith building he then begin to left iron ore and Steel ore while taking out bone of dead begin to forge weapon using his tinker construct ability and essences of crafter and essences of artificer he begin to create different weapon from range weapon and melee weapon and close combat weapon and mid-range weapon and he even created shadow clone to help in forging weapon for human he made them at same level as the terminator and he base them all off stars wars and other future movie and he even saw that their Lab connect to abandoned blacksmith and smelter it took 10 days finished forging weapon for human and he then begin to use the Lab to create fruit seed that can grow with only sun light and bottle of water thank to his essences of scholar and essences of made doctor and he even create a super dirt that can purify the infect dirt and he even created many different seed and vegetation seed along with creating many different super dirt that can help human farm many resource along with many medicine for them to help make their immune system stronger against the Zombie virus and other virus that have mutated thank to radiation the world have he done with everything now he place them the super dirt in a massive canister while place all of seed in another canister and placing all of the weapon in a huge trunk he found and fix ups and place the canister in back of the truck to he even created some super water filter that can turn any left over into water along with purifying them and even absorbing dirt to make water he created over 200x-super water filter and 10x-billion weapon and another 30x-billion of seed and 10x-trillion of super dirt he then made his trunk have super inventory that fit over 900x-million-trillion space after he done with that he start the trunk and drove off to true human base.

So, it Storm a mouth to get to true human base when he arrived, he saw a ate up close and he saw guard with automatic rifle and Storm stop the truck he then took hood of orange cloak off to where he can be seen by guard real quick, he then call out one of guard which was male name Rick grimes with another call 10k and Storm told guard that he want to talk to leader of this base when Rick grimes ask why he want to their leader he said he got deal for them he said he got some weapon and food for them in back of truck real quick and they saw that his truck was orange Ford truck and that when Rick grimes got on the walkie talker said Sarah conner and Roberta warren somebody want to make a deal with you and Storm heard on the other said they will be their in 20 minutes and Rick grimes then look at Storm said they be here in 20 minutes now can you tell what your name is good sir and man that he was looking at said his name is Storm Universe Ranger or you can call me Storm for short and 10k and rick grimes nodded at that when heard woman voice ok Storm so what your deal and that when Storm saw two woman coming up to gate one woman was white with blond hair and the other woman was dark skin woman with black each woman happen to be in early 30 and Storm realize that woman are Sarah conner and Roberta warren the leader of human and Storm nodded at them said yes deal is that I got some weapon and food for y'all and deal is he just helping losing side in this war and they nodded at him and Storm said he got everything in back of his truck but thank to using a bunch terminator body was able to recreate a game inventory real quick so Storm went to back of his truck pull some two weapon that was shotgun and the other automatic rifle and Storm told that rest of weapon are in inventory along with food and he just wandering is there warehouse to place weapon and food and he even told he created a super water filter that can anything into water along with waste to and they nodded at he even told he created some seed that only need sun light tiny amount of water along with creating some dirt that purify that infect to dirt to and both Sarah conner and Reberta Warren look at Storm believe him because he did pull out some gun from nowhere and they quickly told Storm they do have warehouse and they would take him to.

So, Storm then begins to pull his truck inside the gate while following Sarah and Reberta to the warehouse when they got Storm begin to pull out all of the weapon from his inventory both Sarah and Reberta were shocked at the amount of weapon that Storm was pulling out the saw that weapon was stronger than anything look more futuristic to and Storm told that amount of weapon he created was 10x-billion and he even took out over 200x super water filter and the canister of 10x-trillion super dirt when Storm show them super dirt canister they were shock because the dirt was pure golden blue showing Storm was right and Storm even told that canister also got inventory space in them and Storm then took out canister that had all of seed him when Storm show them canister seed that golden green they were also shocked and they even saw Storm pull out another canister that was full of medicine and Storm told that medicine he created is over 20x-trillion making them look at him in shocked at Storm then told he giving this for free because he hat to see that man struggling against they own creation and rage of mother nature from trying to play god and both Sarah conner and Reberta Warren nodded at him and thank him for the help and Storm nodded a left them with everything along with telling them to be careful because terminator are getting smarter and zombie are evolving even more to and they nodded at and he told them he would be back with armor for them to go against Zombie and other enemy this world have and they gave him a thank you and Storm then begin to pull his truck back to the gate where he got in drove off to got to the abandoned place again.

Storm mate}

Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Otsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko itarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Shizuka Minamoto, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo