Interlude: (Super)hero magic lesson

Some time ago, in a World far, far away...

In a city where three Magi sought salvation, but brought only ruin. 

There was a young man who wished to be an ally of justice. 

But in the end, what was justice?

But such were not the questions that a young man asked. 

He had had other concerns.

Dinner was awkward. Well, it was awkward for Shirou, but it seemed normal for anyone else. He just couldn't get it out of his head.

Seeing Saber naked.

It was an accident. He was not someone who would do that on purpose. 

He tried to apologize, but Saber just brushed it off. 

It was not as he would not do the same if anyone saw him naked on accident. But she was a girl. It was different for boys.

Still lost in his thoughts, he opened the window by the porch and cooled his head off.

"Shirou you are here," the person he was thinking about interrupted.

"S-Saber…!?" Shirou said, hating how his voice sounded. "W-What? Is there some business?"

"I believe you have one and not me. I thought you were to learn magic from Rin at night."

"Oh." So it wasn't about that incident. He didn't know whether he was relieved or disappointed, but a distraction was welcome.

"I totally forgot. Thanks, I'll go right away!"

It didn't take long for him to come to the guest room where Rin was. Even in his own head, Shirous found it strange to refer to Tohsaka as Rin.

They had gone to the same school, but were just acquaintances, not close enough to use each other's first name before. Ever since they found out that both practiced magecraft Rin had insisted that they do. He knocked first, even though this was his house it was only polite.

"Shirou?" Rin's voice as he answered Shirou's knocking was a little breathless, "It's fine. I don't have my hands free at the moment, so just come on in." 

Rin was facing the door Shirous just opened. Over his torso, he wore a bright red shirt. It looked expensive. But it was what he had below the belt that drew attention.

Or rather what he didn't.

He appeared naked from the waist down, and Shiro could see why Rin couldn't be bothered to open the door.

The boy's hands were too busy playing with his cock.

Shirou knew he should have turned away, but seeing always calm, elegant Rin with his pants down to his ankles, masturbating with abandon paralyzed redhead.

It wasn't just that Rin was a fine-looking boy. Better than fine even, he was gorgeous. The sort of beauty that formed fan clubs and made people stop and stare on the street. It was also that it was Tohsaka Rin.

If Shirou had run into Shinji jerking off in his guest room or even in the school bathroom, he would have turned away and ignored the whole situation. 

But in school, Tohsaka was always so prim and proper. Shirou never even heard him swear, or make a dirty joke...

Seeing him like this…

And there was also that look of challenge that Rin had, accompanied by a little smug little smirk.

It was practically daring Shirou to look away.

Shirou tried to look him in the eye, but his gaze kept slipping downwards. Rin's fingers were long and they moved with deft precision over Rin's cock.

Rin speeded up the pace, closing his hand into a fist and pumping his hips for more thrust. He placed his other hand cupped at the head of his cock and then came. He managed to capture all of the cum in the palm of his left hand. Rin then used his right to take a gem from the table

"Only two tents. It's to be expected, I do need to reserve some in case of an emergency." Rin murmured to himself looking at the gem, then looked up to Shirou and said, "You were late so I started without you."

"So? This was not an accident…" Shirou said more to himself than to Rin. First Saber and now this.

Was he surrounded by exhibitions?

For a moment an image flickered in his mind's eye: a dinner like one they just had, but everyone else was naked. Strangley being the only dressed person felt almost embarrassed as the only naked one.

"No," Rin replied. He took a wet wipe and began to clean his hands, gem, and his dick, while he calmly lectured, "It was meant to be part of the lesson. See, as you should already know body fluids are a useful reagent for magecraft. Urine and spit are too diluted, and too weak for general use, although some spells use them. Blood is most commonly used, even if it's bothersome to collect. Male mages have an alternative as you have just seen."

"What do females use?" Shirou asked, trying to show that he was not bothered. He knew that practicing magecraft used different kinds of morality. But he thought it was about violence and not sex. "Breast milk?"

"I suppose there is some fertility spell that uses that," Rin replied, "But inducing lactation is too troublesome, and besides there is a little foundation for it to be widespread. No female Magi use hair. Unfortunately, male hair is much less effective. That is why I keep mine short. It's just not worth it. But let's not jump ahead. You were training your body with Saber during the day, right? Then you should train what's inside during the night."

Phrasing! Shirou was worrying that he was turning into a complete pervert. Training his body with Saber and his insides with Rin...

Shirou gulped and then managed to say, "Can we start now?'

"Yes. Of course." Rin agreed. He had finished cleaning himself, so he pulled up his underwear and then his pants back on. "You said that you only know to do reinforcement?" 

"Yes but," Shirou interrupted, "could I ask something first? What were you doing? I mean, there had to be a reason for doing that in front of an audience?"

"That?" Rin replied, amused. His lips formed a soft smirk. For a moment and then it was gone. He then continued, in a serious tone, "Well I suppose it's my fault. That demonstration was supposed to come at the end of the lecture, but you were late and I got impatient. I was storing excess magical energy in that jewel. Since you can use some magic, I assume that you know what magic energy is. Do you know about its basic categorization into two types?"

That much Shirou knew. One was magic energy contained within the body of the mage, and the other was free-flowing energy in the world, "Small and large source?"

"I will not be covering the use of the large source for now. Formal craft can be useful, but not during the active conflict." Rin continued to explain. "Especially one fast-paced at this. And besides, you won't be needing much knowledge to act as my assistant if there is a need. I don't expect they will be, since I don't use it much. So then let's return to the small source: magical energy contained in the body of the practitioner. One problem with it, and the reason we call it a small source, is that it is limited. Therefore over time, magi have devised many ways to overcome that limitation. One is what you just have seen me do, store energy in an outside container. That has its own limitations, and since it's part of my family art I will not elaborate on it. Another is the reason why most magi have heirs instead of trying to turn themself into immortal abominations. I of course speak of Magic Crest. Of course, Magic Crest does more than just increase magical energy contained in the body of the practitioner, it also contains spells that previous holders of it had mastered. It can cast spells automatically and allow you to use magics that you have not acquired yet. In that way, work on one mage turns into work of generations. Each new generation builds on the achievement of its predecessors. Even if you personally only learned reinforcement spells you have in your Magic Crest will be of great use. I will, of course, not be asking for any details, but could you provide some general overview?"

This was what Shirou had been told: the work of magic Kiritsugu possessed, the Magic Crest passed down the Emiya family, could only be passed on to a blood relation. A Magic Crest forced a rejection on those with no blood relation. So, as an adopted son, he could not receive the Emiya family Magic Crest. That was also private, Shirou only said, "I don't have one. Father had one, but didn't pass it to me."

"I see. I heard of that happening," Rin replied. He seemed to try to sound sympathetic but came out more disappointed. Rin sighed, used the right-hand massage bridge of his nose, then continued "Well, we will work what we have. Do mind demonstrating your magic?"

"No, I don't mind."

"Good." Rin then went and took half a dozen wax candles. Gave to Shirou and said, "I had prepared these since I knew that I would like to see you cast spells in a controlled setting. They are cheap so it doesn't matter if you ruin them. But they should suffice for demonstration." 

Shirou moved to take one of the candles Rin held out to him with an encouraging smile.

"Just one more thing," Rin said, grabbing Shirou's hand. He brought it to his lips and then licked it.

"What!?" Shirou drew back.

"I have used my saliva to help me monitor what you are about to do?" Rin explained, frowning, "Have you already forgotten what I told you?"

"Ahh, that's what you were doing."

Holding a candle in both hands, Shirou closed his eyes, started to breathe slowly, and began to empty his mind.

He was rigid with tension.

Although he did it every night, he failed much more often than he succeeded.

Many cheap candles showed that Rin didn't have high expectations of him, but for some reason, he didn't want to fail.

"Just reinforce the candle's durability, don't try anything fancy for now," Rin instructed, in a calm, soothing voice.

Shirou could feel Rin place his hand on Shirou's forehead. The hand was soothingly cool.

Trying very hard not to think where that hand had been, Shirou relaxed.

Now calm, he focused his mind on the candle. He had to do what he had always done. Create and install Magic Circuit. He could feel it, the sensation of a burning rod inserted in the backbone. Once that succeeded, all he had to do was pour in the correct amount of magical energy for the wax and...

The candle shattered.

"Well, I was worried that my detection skills were bad. I had several theories as to why I had missed Magus not only in my territory but in the very school I spent so much of my time. I had thought that you knew some advanced concealment spells, but I never thought I missed you because you were so incompetent at being a Magus ." He could hear Rin rant as he recovered from the shock. He knew that he had little talent for magic, but to hear Rin say it like that was a bit hurtful.

"I mean I was certain that trope: we taught him wrong as a joke; belongs in a bad novel, not in real life." Rin continued, really getting into it.

Shirou could not let that stand, so he interrupted Rin, "I don't get what you're saying, but don't insult my father. It's my fault that I don't have any talent, so my father has nothing to do with it."

"I don't know how much talent you have or don't have, considering that you lack very basics. Considering your performance in school I don't think that you have any learning disabilities, so the only one I can blame is your instructor. But there is no point in being angry at someone who is gone. I just have to do batter." Rin declared calming at last.

"I could try another one," Shirou suggested. He was certain that he would succeed in a few tries.

"Just attempting it again without correcting you is wasteful," Rin said, "Can you at least explain what you were thinking that you were doing?"

"Making a Magic Circuit?" Shirou replied, confused. That was what he had done? Right? That was what he always did.

"Are asking me or telling me?" Rin said, "Never mind. That was not what you were doing. If you had actually managed to create a functional spiritual organ… What you were doing was both reckless and hardly useful. I'm not sure how you managed not to cripple yourself. Perhaps you do have some talent. Now listen, the first magic is usually something that is done to Magus rather than something Magus does. Running the magical energy through dormant circuits they are forcibly 'opened'. There are a few exceptions but you are not really one of them. Once they are forcibly 'opened', depending on circumstances a Magus makes his mental trigger to activate his Circuits at will from then on. So that would be our next step? Opening your circuits. Do you agree?"

"Yes," Shirou agreed, being able to progress as a Magus filled with unexpected hope. Finally, he could be more like his father. But with hope came fear. What if he truly was untalented? "But what if I don't have any Magic Circuits to open?"

It was a reasonable fear. Shirou was adopted by his father and didn't know his past. The chance that he belonged to the lineage of magi was minuscule. A normal person rarely acquired Magic Circuits. So if he had none, that would be expected.

"Then it would be better if we found it right now," Rin asserted his gaze stern. "But I don't think that is the case. In my opinion, what you did before would not work without latent Magic Circuits. Which just makes it even more useless. Although I cannot speak of their number or quality." Rin sighed, then relaxed. "Well, then this is it. We are done for tonight."

"We are?" Shirou asked, "What about opening my Magic Circuits?"

"That's what I had planned to do tomorrow," Rin returned. He frowned, and then added, "Did you think we would be doing it right now? I would need a few things to prepare if we are to do it safely."

He wasn't certain that he could take the whole thinking about it so Shirou just had to ask, "Is there any way to do it tonight?"

"So impatient," Rin replied in a teasing tone, then continued more seriously, "But you do have a point. We are at war, so this delay may mean the difference between victory and defeat. Although it would be safer if I had time to prepare some medicine, we could take a risk. You are not a child, so that opens us some options." Rin stopped for a moment, obviously thinking. When he continued to speak, he was less speaking to Shirou, more to himself, "I could just shove it into you… But that would be a waste. Maybe if we did that… But I am low on mana. Hmm…" Another pause this one longer. Rin's eyes were unfocused as he was looking at something he could see. "Well, this counts as an emergency. That could work." Rin then focused completely on Shirou and said, "I need to curse you."

"Curse me?" Shirou gulped. That didn't sound so good.

"Yes, there was a warning about this curse, that if it was used on non-mage as a side effect it would open their Magic Circuits," Rin explained, "That is just what we need!"

"What about the main effect?"

"Main effect?"

"The purpose of the curse," Shirou tried to explain, "What it will do to me?"

"Well curse was supposed to incapacitate and ready the subject for the harvest of magical energy," Rin said, "Do you know how spider venom works? It paralyzes the victim and then uses the victim's bloodstream to slowly digest the victim from the inside out. So the spider can slurp it all up. The curse works on a similar principle, it infiltrates the subject organs for producing and storing magical energy, in humans a Magic Circuits, and sets it to overdrive producing magic energy while incapacitating the subject. It also prepares the subject for later harvest by the caster of the curse. Since it's noted that the curse could be addictive if used often, it should not be more unpleasant than you can bear. From what I had seen from your attempt at reinforcement you have high pain tolerance." 

There was something about how Rin described the curse. "Have you ever cursed anyone with it before?"

"No," Rin replied, "I never had an ethical opportunity. It's one of the spells I have in my Magic Crest. I am quite excited to see it in action. Well, it's still your choice. If you want we could wait for tomorrow and do it in an orthodox way."

"No. Let's do it now."

"Are you sure?"


"If you are sure, then strip," Rin said and began to take off his clothes, again.

"Strip!?" Shirou exclaimed. "Why?"

"Well, we could remain dressed, but will probably mess up our clothes. It's more convenient to do it naked." Rin was taking his pants now, "You can keep your socks if you want."

Shirou was definitely not worried about keeping his socks on.

But since Rin was striping he began to do the same. It was no big deal if they were both naked since it was for a spell.

And it was not big that he saw Rin jacking off. They were both guys, those things happened.

Even if Rin planned it as a demonstration of magic.

Shirt, pants, and underwear, and soon they were both naked. Shirou had chosen not to keep his socks.

"Now what?" Shirou said, nervous. Being naked and alone with Rin was strange. For some reason, the atmosphere was filled with tension.

Or at least that was how he felt.

Rin on the other hand seemed completely relaxed. In some way, it reminded Shirou of what happened with Saber. In others, it was completely different.

"Now I get to curse you," Rin said. "Usually casting this curse would be more costly, but since you're a willing participant in this we can do it easier. By doing actions that align conceptually with this curse, and using body fluids to facilitate the transfer of curse we could significantly raise its efficiency."

Rin stopped talking, and then waited for Shirou to respond. Even when they were both naked, he was still teaching. Shirou thought about what he knew and what Rin had said tonight, and he spoke his conclusion, "I need to drink your blood?"

"You did listen." Rim smiled as he said that. It lit his face, making strange heat pool in Shirous. "It's a passable deduction with what you know, but incorrect. Curses can certainly be transmitted through you drinking my blood or even me drinking yours. For blood, establishing a link is what is important. But it's not optimal for this one. So, not blood."

Wait. They were naked, so as not to ruin their clothes. Rin had mentioned it could also be used in some cases. They wouldn't need to strip if Rin was just to spit on him. "You are going to pee on me!?"

"What!? How did you come to that idea?" Rin exclaimed, then added more calmly, "No I see, I did mention urine as one of the body fluids that could be used in that way. Would that even work? Well, it does have more resonance than blood. Now that I think about it maybe even have better resonance, but weaker transfer potential. It was a good guess, and perhaps something I should research once this war is over. Good work. It isn't spit. By process of elimination that would make it:"

It was easy to guess now. That didn't make him feel much better. Resigned Shirou said, "This curse is sex-based?"

"Yes," Rin directly said. There was no trace of hesitation or shame in his voice. "I thought I had mentioned that."

"No, you did not," Shirou was firm in that. He was uncomfortable talking about sex magic while naked. He didn't know how Rin could be so relaxed.

"Then I am even more impressed by you," Rin said, sounding pleased, "You have reached the correct conclusion from the available data. Although I'm teaching you for now because we are allies in this war, if we both survive it, I won't be opposed to taking you as an apprentice."

On one hand, Shirou was pleased with the thought of continued study under Rin, even if Rin did put him in slightly uncomfortable situations. Even with this one lecture, he felt that had advanced a lot.

Also, it felt good to be praised by the other boy. On the other hand, he disliked that people could and probably would die in this war. Well, he just had to stop people from dying.

There was also another matter. Now that Rin had confirmed it, Shirou understood what he had agreed on.

For a moment he thought about backing out. Rin would surely understand.

But on the other hand, he would have to wait the whole day wondering if he had any Magic Circuits.

Also, the thought of Rin wasting unneeded resources on him was unpleasant. Shirou disliked burdening others. Rin had already done much for him.

Shirou didn't know what to say about Rin's semi-offer, so he tried with "I would like that." Even to him, it seemed inadequate so he hurried with, "So how are we doing this?"

Rin spent a few seconds looking at him, then explained, "Well there are two parts. One: we need to get my curse-charged semen into your body. Two: once the curse takes hold I will harvest it from you. After all, that seems the safest way to end it."

"Into my body…Do I need to prepare..." Shirou didn't know much about sex, even less about sex between two men, but he knew the basics. Like where each part went.

"Swallowing will be enough, " Rin interrupted him.

"Swallow… I can do that." Shirou said, relieved. He wasn't ready for the other thing. Although he was a bit, a very little bit, curious.

"Now I could come into my hand again, and you could lick from there," Rin said, "But it would be better the fresher semen is. Less chance for the curse to dissipate. So taking my penis in your mouth would be best."

"Ok..." Shirou could do that. Rin said it would be best, and he trusted Rin. Even if the newly revealed Magus Rin was much different from how Rin usually acted in school, the things he admired about the other boy were the same.

Meanwhile, Rin went and sat on the bed. "Come", he said, spreading his legs. He was already hard. The black lines spread all over his chest forming an impressive-looking tattoo.

Shirou obeyed. He went and kneeled between Rin's legs. It was the first time he had seen a dick from this close. It was different from his own, thinner and maybe a little longer.

He had expected that would be a bit disgusted by it but like all parts of Rin, it was very pretty. Perfectly symmetrical, without any blemishes. Small bush of hail at the root, black as the color of Rin's hair.

"Put it in your mouth," Rin said. It seemed that he had spent too much time looking at it. Shirou tried to follow instructions. First, the head and he tried more. The taste was not so bad.

"Mind the teeth," he could hear Rin speaking. "Just do what comes naturally."

Shirou tried to open his mouth wider and took more and more of the length until it hit his throat. He began to gag but managed to stop. He then tried going up and down.

"Use your tongue," he heard Rin's voice. He had the same breathless tone he had when Shirou first entered the room. Somehow knowing that he had done it, filled Shirou with a strange sort of pride. Even if they were doing this only for Magus reasons.

Shirou followed the instruction he was given and began to lick Rin's cock. He alternated between licking and sucking. Lost in what he was doing, Rin's cum filling his mouth came as a surprise.

It was strangely warm and it tingled on Shirou's tongue. The taste was strange, but also strangely pleasant, not that Shirou had ever tasted cum, not even his own. 

"All right, swallow that," Rin instructed him, pulling his cock out of Shirou's mouth.

Shirou swallowed.

For a moment nothing happened. Then a fire spread from his stomach. His body was burning. His limbs go numb, and he begins to fall into Rin's lap. Rin deftly caught him.

"Ahh... I didn't think this through," Rin murmured, "Let's get you in a better position."

As Rin moved Shirou's unresponsive body, managing to place him lying on the back, on the floor of the room Shirou could feel a familiar fiery pain in his back. It was a sensation he knew well, the feeling of failure. What he felt now, was the same thing he had felt each time he failed to construct Magic Circuit. The fire that burned through Shirou caused more than pain.

He burned with lust. Shirou's cock was so hard that it was almost painful, and his senses were dialed to eleven. He was especially sensitive to Rin's touch. Wherever their bare skin touched he felt pleasurable tingling. 

"Please…" Shirou pleaded. For what, he didn't know.

Rin sat on Shirou's stomach and placed his right hand on Shirou's forehead. His touch was so good. But Shirou wanted more. Shirou burned, but the pain was sublimated by need. The fire consumed Shirou piece by piece until that remained was fire and Rin.

"It seems that it had worked as intended. Now let's finish it." he could hear Rin speak, but the meaning of the words escaped him. Next, he could feel Rin's mouth on his cock. It was so pleasantly cool. Each touch, and lick made the fire burn hotter, and yet he longed to burn. His whole being focused on his cock and Rin moth. Anything else seemed to fade from existence. As if it was called by Rin all of the fire in his body gathered in his cock. It was agony. It was ecstasy. And then the explosion. All the strength left Shirou's body leaving him pleasantly numb.

Rin was on the floor next to him. "Are you ok?" he asked.

Shirou thought for a moment. He was in no pain. Actually, he felt quite good, although exhausted. He could also feel something new in his body, and yet something that was always there. "Yes, just tired."

"I have good news. You have Magic Circuits and a decent amount of them. We get more precise numbers tomorrow. I know that you want to test them right now but leave them at least until morning. You should be completely out of magic energy."