Interlude Two

Trevor's back arched as Two's hands, slick with sweat, gripped his hips with a relentless, almost punishing rhythm. The force of each movement drew breathy, lust-filled moans from Trevor, a clear sign to Two that he was hitting all the right marks.

Their connection went beyond the physical; a psychic link entwined their emotions and sensations. Each time Two pressed into that perfect spot inside Trevor, it wasn't just his partner who shivered with pleasure. The sensation reverberated back to Two, a surge of ecstasy like lightning following thunder.

In this shared space, Two's desire, fierce as a forest fire, mingled seamlessly with Trevor's, intensifying their experience. Their intimacy was a crafted cocktail, blending different essences to forge something new and exquisite.

In the realm of psychics, intimacy transcended mere physical connections. It was more profound, more consuming than anything the mundane world could offer – a connection that delved deeper than the most secretive of whispers, more intense than the most passionate of embraces.

And mixed perceptions. This was why Two found himself waxing poetic in the midst of fucking.

The tortured artist gig was more Trevor's thing. Yet here was Two, in his own raw manner, getting lost in the artistry of their connection.

But he did not pull away. He could. Two was too well-trained, not to be able to untangle mixed threads of their shared mind.

The synchronization made the next part an absolute blast.

Like a nuke staring H-bomb.

It wasn't just a simultaneous climax; it was an experience that reverberated between them, amplifying and creating something far greater.

As Two cum into Trevor, and Trevor spent himself on the bed, there was a transcendent moment where they were no longer two separate beings. They merged into a singular, supreme entity—more than the sum of their parts.

It was power. It was glory. It was unity.

It was temptation.

As they gradually parted, returning to their individual selves, Two felt the essence of his lover beginning to withdraw.

It would be so simple, to pull it in.

To grab and never let go.

It would also be murder.

But still tempting.

And not something that he could hide from Trevor. Not while they connected like this.

"I'm not going to leave you over that, Damien," Trevor said, turning to lie on his back, unconcerned about the damp spot he left on the bed. His ginger-blond hair spread out like the halo of a fallen angel.

The challenge with such intense intimacy was its transparency: Trevor could see Two's fears as clearly as if they were his own. But it was a two-way street. As Two gazed into Trevor's eyes—pools of honesty—he didn't just see, he felt the truth emanating from Trevor. Every word, every sentiment, resonated within Two, confirming its sincerity. Trevor's heart spoke directly to his, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding.

"You know that's not my name," Two remarked, slowly and painstakingly beginning to rebuild the mental walls guarding his mind. It dulled the perception and made feeling Trevor more difficult, but the dangers of walking with an open mind were too great, even here in Trevor's personal quarters within the Enrichment Center.

"It's the name you first introduced to me. Unless you'd rather I didn't use it," Trevor replied, stretching languidly, the very picture of sensual temptation.

A temptation Two knew he had to resist, at least for now. Time wasn't on his side.

Besides, Trevor was just being a tease. Two could see, even through his partially shielded mind, that his boyfriend's attention was already drifting towards Two's nemesis: the cartoonist's desk. Work beckoned them both, not just Two.

"Use whatever name you like," Two said, reaching for a pack of wet tissues nearby. A shower would have been preferable, but time was a luxury he couldn't afford. Methodically, he wiped himself clean and began to dress. "I've never been overly fond of names."

"Honey Plum? Sugar?" Trevor teased, a glint of playfulness in his eyes.

"I'm not sweet," Two retorted as he slipped into his Aperture Jumpsuit, choosing, as always, to go commando. He found underwear generally uncomfortable.

"To me, you're sweet enough," Trevor said, his voice a mix of affection and jest.

Two was still adjusting to this blend of warmth and teasing. It made him feel good, albeit slightly uncomfortable, but in a pleasant way.

Shifting the conversation, Two mentioned, "Three is back. I was thinking we could all have dinner together."

"I'm not interested in fucking him. I don't mind if you do, but you're enough for me," Trevor clarified.

"You've mentioned that already. And I'm only talking about dinner, not a threesome. I wouldn't push for that," Two replied, maintaining a light tone.

Just then, responding to a telepathic summons, the Sarlacc began to slither up Two's leg. The Aperture jumpsuit he was wearing was a bit too tight to accommodate his pet snake monster underneath, so instead, he let it drape over his shoulders like a living torque.

"He will, though," Trevor pointed out.

"Three does tend to push; it's in his nature. But he just wants to get to know you better," Two explained.

"How biblical of you," Trevor quipped with a wry smile.

"And I'll make sure to rein him in if he makes you uncomfortable." Two assured as he approached the automated door. It slid open seamlessly—a perk of living in the Enrichment Center. "See you tonight."

"Don't forget to pick up Didi from daycare!" Trevor called out just as the door was closing behind Two.

Permanent cohabitation with Trevor wasn't a reality for Two yet; he still maintained his own quarters. However, he frequently stayed over at Trevor's, which brought its own set of responsibilities and benefits.

Picking up Trevor's much younger brother from daycare was one of these responsibilities. Trevor, an orphan, was the boy's guardian.

Two didn't mind the task. Although Didi was younger than those he was accustomed to managing, Two had experience overseeing other Numbers and thus, some proficiency in childcare.

Burrowed deep beneath the earth, the Enrichment Center bore a striking resemblance to a space base on Io, albeit far more populated and ever-changing.

There was always something novel around every corner—new inventions transitioning from lab testing to real-world trials. In many ways, the Enrichment Center was a crucible for the future, meticulously shaped under the watchful eye of Master Rin, who masqueraded as Dr. Alexander Johnson, the CEO of Aperture.

Two took great pride in being a part of this groundbreaking effort.

He didn't see it as a betrayal. In his eyes, humanity thrived under Master Rin's rule. Evidence of this was everywhere he looked: from the motivational posters that genuinely inspired, through the numerous wonders of science that filled the center, to the security guards whose lives were undoubtedly better, saved from a slow lingering death thanks to Master Rin's intervention.

Well, maybe saving was overstating. The cure for AIDS was less of a cure and more of treatment. They still needed regular doses of miracle medicine.

And it was Two's task to secure the supply of the critical ingredient.

He approached a section of the wall, stark white from the application of Conversion Gel, designated for portal use. There was no need for vocal commands or button presses; GLaDOS, the AI overseeing the facility, was always vigilant. She knew precisely where he, and everyone else, needed to go. Constant surveillance was a norm Two had long grown accustomed to.

As he neared, a portal flickered to life, revealing the bustling Portal Hub on the other side. Two stepped through.

Although it was as crowded as Starcourt Mall this place stood in stark contrast to the chaotic clamor of a mall's unshielded minds which he found deeply unsettling. Here, in the organized chaos of the Enrichment Center, there was an underlying harmony that resonated with him. The multitude of thoughts, usually a source of discomfort, melded into a symphony that spoke of progress and unity under Dr. Alexander Johnson's visionary leadership. This was not just a crowd; it was a collective moving towards a grand, shared purpose.

In this orchestrated maze, even the peculiar rituals of the Heaven's Gate cultist, rhythmically tapping his tuning fork against his shaved head, added to the Center's unique tapestry.

As he navigated through the Center, passing portal after portal, he felt a surge of pride. The omnipresent surveillance, the intense security measures – cameras, guards, and sentry turrets – might have seemed oppressive, but to Two, they were necessary safeguards. They were the price of innovation, of being part of something that transcended ordinary boundaries and conventional morality.

This path to the alternate dimension, wrapped in layers of secrecy and legal ambiguity, was a testament to Aperture's ingenuity. Where others saw limitations, they saw opportunities. The thought brought a wry smile to Two's lips. To outmaneuver governments, to exploit loopholes so masterfully, was a form of art in itself.

As Two stepped into the room housing the portal to another dimension, he settled into the transit chair with a mixture of exhilaration and a faint undercurrent of fear. The journey to the Hawkins Facility – Mirror, with its rollercoaster-like rush through portals at high speeds, was actually a part of the process he found exhilarating. But it was the prospect of extensively using the Ring that stirred a sense of apprehension within him.

He quashed this feeling swiftly. Showing fear to the demon trapped in the Ring was something he vowed never to do.

As the portal activated, transporting him to his destination, Two could sense, even through the similarity in room design, that he was no longer on Earth. This subtle shift in his psychic perceptions, once a source of alien discomfort, had now become an almost comforting routine.

In this facility, there was only one door, and it led to the roof. Devoid of windows, the primary means of exit and entry were the portals, much like the one Two had used to arrive.

Before venturing outside, however, there was a specific place he needed to visit—a place officially named something long forgotten by Two. He preferred the popular nickname: The Pens.

This section of the facility was an experimental area where various animals were kept in captivity to observe their adaptation to life in another dimension. It housed a diverse range of creatures, from the familiar domesticated species like chickens, rabbits, and pigs, to more exotic ones like insects and monkeys.

"Hungry?" Two asked, his voice low and soothing as he ran a finger over the smooth scales of his snake. "How about a nice juicy rat for you?"

A quarter-hour later, Two emerged into the open land outside the facility, a well-fed snake draped over his shoulder and a pair of rabbits caged in his hands.

The heavy ashfall was a welcome sight. In this dimension, the ever-present clouds of ash nourished his crops in a way nothing else could.

His cultivated plot lay near the massive structure of the facility. The skyscraper-like edifice, built from some high-tech, matte black concrete, shimmered with rainbow hues under the crimson lightning that streaked the sky. From his vantage point, the top of the building was barely visible, almost constantly struck by the vibrant lightning.

Turning from the imposing building, Two surveyed his plot. It was overrun with alien vines, writhing like a nest of snakes. Scattered amongst the squirming greenery were remnants of fur, bones, and feathers. Diversity was key to keeping his crops healthy.

He placed the cage on the ground and began his inspection—visually at first, then tactilely, and finally with his psychic senses. He linked his mind to the collective consciousness of the vines, assessing their growth, state, and nutrient transfer.

Two took out his notebook and recorded his observations. Everything was within expected parameters, including bulb-like protrusions on the vines that seemed ready for harvest in a few days. These would then be tested for the necessary chemicals.

He marveled at his newfound proficiency in science, a skill he had never anticipated developing, especially since he hadn't finished school. But then, this was just one of the many abilities granted by the Ring.

Approaching the rabbits, now frozen in fear, he picked up one, feeling its soft fur. Tossing it into the vine patch, the rabbit tried to flee, but the vines were too quick, efficiently ensnaring their prey. It struggled only briefly; the vines preferred their meal alive, inducing a blissful stupor in their catch.

By the time Two tossed in the second rabbit, the first was already motionless, lost in a dreamlike state as it was devoured.

With the physical part of his task complete, Two settled into a meditative stance and fully joined his consciousness with that of the vine collective, focusing on their careful cultivation.