Wife's Warm Welcome

My exercise continued for another half-a-hour later, when I noticed two employees passing through the corridor. Through the transparent door of the cabin, I caught a slight glimpse of them- a human male and a human female.

I immediately called them when they both nervously entered the cabin while giving a casual greeting. By this time, I placed myself on the chair, calmed my drooling mouth, tensed brain and tired body trying to act like a boss.

Now although I was ready to interact with them, I suddenly became confused as to how I should start the interaction. I don't know their names, their positions or even their closeness with Akira. Not knowing even an ounce of info, what should I say? Where should I start?

'Give me some food.' Doesn't sound nice.

'I want food.' Hmm.. That too doesn't sound good.

As I was thinking or rather overthinking about this situation, the woman interjected, "Hello sir, Do you need anything?"

And she stood there confidently while the man was trembling in fear, his eyes downcasted as if he was hanging in a death valley.

Hey man! Don't be so scared. I am a man just like you and not an executioner. Although I must say I am really liking this smell of fear from you Hahahahah…

Just kidding.

Taking my time, bosses can take whatever time only employees have to be fast, I replied, "Oh yes! I wanted you to do some very important tasks for you. It's a very important task, so be careful."

They both attentively looked at me with utter seriousness making me even more nervous that I already was. I continued, "Hey, you both! Don't stare like that. It's making me nervous."

Shocked and flabbergasted, they both apologized to me.

"So, listen what I was saying was that-"

Just when I was about to talk, someone opened the door and entered the cabin. My focus immediately shifted to that. 

And there was no other Kana-san, suspiciously looking at me. But unlike always, she was right now holding a tray with food in it.

She then closed the door while holding the tray in the other hand. Sticking the sweet crafted smile to her face, she came forward, placed the food on the table and in a gentle voice said, "Akira-sama, Here's your food."

She then turned to those and asked them what they were doing there. 

The girl replied, "Good morning, ma'am. Sir called us. He was giving us some important tasks until you just came."

Hey- Don't tell her! She will kill me.

I could already feel Kana-san's rage leaking from her eyes.

Ahhhhhh- Her eyes make me feel dizzy. Somebody, Somebody call a doctor for me. I am dying!!

Kana-san then told them, "It's okay now. I have come. You two can go now."

"Is it okay sir?" She asked me

"Right sir?" Kana-san too asked me to let them go, but she sounded more like a command than a request. 

Forced by the chains of these situations, I said, "A.. aaa. Yes, you can go. Kana is here. She will handle the task."

"Then please excuse us sir. Have a good day sir. Have a good day ma'am."

Then they both went away.

As soon as they both went, I quickly turned my eyes to the ground trying to avoid any eye-contact, trying to come up with an excuse.

Damn! At this rate I will become bald in a week.

This work is very stressful.

"Kana-san.. I am going to the washroom for a second.. Please excuse me."

I quickly tried to sneak, but Kana-san grabbed me by my shirt and threw me back to the chair, and grabbed my shirt very tightly.

"What happened to Kana-san? Why are we being so intimate right now? Sorry, but I am already dating someone."

"My bad! I didn't know that. Don't be scared, boy. I only want a few sweet moments with you. Just to chat with you."

"Well, we can do it without the use of such force right?"

"Just tell me what are you trying to do right now?

"Talk to you."

"No, the thing before that."

"Go to the washroom to pee."

"Don't anger me more you damn pig. For what reason you called those two. Why do you always try to create problems? Can't you just simply sit here"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Scary! I want to cry right now!