I want you dead

Richard who had headed to the drawing room room went on to his celler whereby he served himself a glass of beer. That was one of the things that had been helping him to curb his urges to feed on her.

Drinking several glasses that did not affect him, he placed the glass on the table and walked to stand in front of the window. The eerieness of silence gave him the much needed environment for him to think but all he could only think about was her. Everything was about her. Her blood, her body, soul, mind and all there was of her.

Even after taking so many glasses of alcohol, the tasted of her blood still lingered in the corner of his mouth. Since she started living in his house, he had chosen to give her the much needed space so that she could focus on taming her abilities but he never missed a chance to outrightly tell her what he wanted. Today was one of those days that his need wanted to break through but he managed to lock it up.