A shooting star

At the fall of the evening, lady Amara was sitting on a huge wall that was behind her chamber. Being nature's friend, her eyes were fascinatingly looking at the beautiful greenery that was in the area.

Lowering her eyes, she gracefully moved her hand and plucked a daisy flower that was not too far away from her feet.

Just like most people in the palace, she was not aware about any of the occurrences that had happened.

Drawn by the flower's scent, she lifted it towards her nose and not accustomed to doing that, her nose tingled and soon after, she sneezed.

"Bless you dear."

She heard a voice from behind and with the voice being unfamiliar to her, she quickly whipped her face to look at the person.

The person was a young woman but at a closer look, she did not look that young and lady Amara who absentmindedly observed her noticed a glare coming from the woman which forced her to speak.

"I don't think we have met before."