I Leave You, Goodbye

"Well Drew, i suppose that the time for my departure from here has surpassed and I must be on my way out of here soon enough as, there is not enough time for the last blood moon cycle to reach a phenomena of a time chronology such as this one, and if i don't get there on time, the elvians could be in great peril for another era and this means we have little idea about how deep of a limbo it could send them to. But, heaven knows it would be difficult to get them out of there." she said this while still maneuvering the handles on the holographic display, while she did this boxes of information appeared from a box of information.

"So this means you're going to teleport out of here to Crystal Garden like the subject of an inertia, are you sure you'd reach this destination of your choice smoothly? I mean what are the chances that you reach another plane and remain stuck there for thousands of years because nobody could come to your rescue." Drew demanded, as he seeked for a more detailed explanation from her given that he was the more confused person in this current situation,

"Yeah like the neolithic era with the dinosaurs or the era of dragons. Im just joking, even though Crystal-Quartz Garden is a whole different dimension where only elvians could commute in an Eco-system that was built only to support their existence which, most often is known to be mystical and unknown to the human world. So, technically, i should do pretty fine there since a place like that is created for someone like me." she smirked

"At least i hope it is. Fingers Crossed." Lilo chuckled and Drew laughed a little as Lilo crossed her fingers.

"Did they colonize this realm or something, since it's not known to the early human worlds?" Drew continued.

"Yeah, the elvian ancestors and bloodlines did colonize these lands for over a thousand years until all of them froze inside the time of a deep slumber." Lilo expressed sympathetic emotions towards Drew this time as she noticed he was afraid of the unknown.

"I guess I should hit the red button now and i might not have much time left, scary thing is that we don't even know that yet." she walked towards Drew while saying this

"Uh the buttons blue though."

"I know you're worried about me but im sure i'll be fine, I've been training beyond human capabilities in order to test my elvian limits. So trust me and lets do this I know you are powerful enough to guide your inner voice. I hope we meet again somewhere in the paths of this universal destiny."

Lilo hugged Drew and was ready to venture out into this unknown world of the Elvians, somewhere she has never been before. 

As she selected her destination on the virtual display and hit the blue button for her to be transported there, she was gone from this virtual quantum plane, she was rather taken aback by what she experienced next as she found herself on the softest lush bed of green, made of some type of a rare moss - which smelled like morning air and fresh water.

It was surprisingly very clean, and not damp and uncomfortable but soft and cozy.

"It smells of flowers in here." she got off the bed and walked towards a well carved door, it seemed to be protected by a magical shield of an ancient hieroglyphic seal of some kind.

She was never here before, a sense of familiarity still surrounded her presence and she most of all felt it very strongly. Now, she recognized the presence of mystical beings like fairies and things forest magic even though the realm seemed old, barren, abandoned, dark and un-alive.

About a few walking distance away she witnessed a creek flowing peacefully just next to the foot path, she continued to follow the creek as she spotted a pathway made from stone slabs and this seemed to be the way to some kind of a ceremonial arena.