Conversation With Master Ro (1) - Crystal Garden

"Well, it's sort of a very long story but it would usually make people unhappy about me and who i am. The ancestral curse i bear is quite painful and disturbing to know of because it transforms me into a monster and in the process all i feel is excruciating pain in my body and in my soul too. So, i decided to venture out in the search for the meaning and the reasons for it. I discovered the family trees of the elvian ancestors that my family didn't disclose to me at first. I did numerous researches and countless attempts to reach out to different worlds, there was an organization for the conservation of precious antiques from ancient times and the largest corporation called the Petal Corps owned it; during my intricate research and studying i discovered that they also took the Blue Stone Pendulum under their possession and as i researched into the elemental properties of this stone it was understood that it supposedly carries a much potent arcane which reassembled the elf magic. It was way too over-priced for me to afford so i waited until somebody bought it during the grand auction event that only takes place every three years, many renounced individuals of high ranking from different systems visit this place during this time; like sorcerers, collectors, high ranked agents and many more. An elite lady was able to purchase it in the auction and it appeared that she didn't seem to have any knowledge of what it really was and where it came from. It would usually just lie there in her lavish apartment. So, i sort of hacked into her hi-tech home and well, borrowed it? I guess.." she took a deep breath knowing this is where Master Ro would scrutinize-judge her in the presence of Lilos conscience.

"IT WAS ONLY BECAUSE IT BELONGED TO THE CRYSTAL GARDEN, clearly because that's where the elfs were from, and that i promised to myself it was just an act of borrowing and not theft. And so that's how i picked the Blue Stone Pendulum from her apartment and it has been with me since then." she knew and wasn't fully sure that Master Ro would be proud of her for something like this. 

Master Ro said nothing but she was writing all of it down on a notepad that appeared before her in the snap of her fingers and while doing this she said.

"Well you know Lilo, I've have noticed that you're a very brave girl and an extra-ordinary creation of God and I'm so glad that you took the courage to speak the truth to me." Master Ro said to Lilo.

"So, will you tell me why the curse fell on the elvian people and if there's a way to undo it." Lilo asked impatiently.

"Well, A long time ago, there was a God who once fell in love with a human being from Earth and as he descended to earthly realms to visit her, he was completely drawn towards the human woman. In those times God's were forbidden from appearing to a human and revealing to them their true form which he rebelled against and exposed himself in the romantic and vulnerable ways and so the celestial realms and supreme judgement closed the gates to heaven for him and commanded him to remain on earth as a human with the human that he loved. During this time the elfs had already spread across the realms of earth; procreating with the human kind as their population, although discreet, spawned slowly with time. At this time Elvians were of the highest divination of the mystical and celestial consciousness, among the human societies, we were connected by a series of mysteries of supernatural phenomenons that humans couldn't solve most often. Most of them didn't believe in it and so it was acclaimed as fantastical and inconceivable. We were held responsible by ways of nature and natural alchemy to uncover the mystery of an imbalance in the scales of alchemy and the energy that celestial elements spoke, it was a curse in the human world that the humans may have caused. We needed to lift and undo it in order to help every living being in return, so they could all live in co-existence and most importantly, peacefully." Master Ro sighed and displayed a hint of sadness..yet she was calm and soft about all these heavy burdens.

"Do you understand now, Lilo." she smiled compassionately as her face drew sentimental emotions of wisdom and sadness from ages ago.

"Wow i begin to imagine how you're so tolerant and calm about bearing the burdens of other species. Like humans. How unnerving. You do aquire a very rare sense of patience, clearly." Lilo joked yet expressed slight agitation from all the heavy load of information about the human ancestral burdens that she did not deserve to bear.