Drew's Conversation With Edith (1)

And in an instance she waved the wand that she held, in front of her, and an attire that resonated in golden light, appeared in hindsight, Drew was left even more confused at the sight of this.

"I was to deliver this to you while I was in Elysium, you're to wear this attire before we take flight into the realms of heaven. It was designed by the best human craftsman and a designer that ascended to the heavenly realm after his time on earth. Its resistant to the most extreme conditions and more likely, adaptable to different conditions of elements that you will surpass during this journey, and even gives you the ability to fly. We were disturbed by a disorder that was approaching the systems of different worlds and this matters because." there was a momentarily pause that filled up the most glorious silence, as the angel in front of him sighed very divinely, in the empty space of time. Drew still looked rather astonished at the weight of this meticulous sight of a real angel from heaven, a somewhat absurd miracle which he wasn't able to process so easily.

"You know, we would like to be able to exist and keep close to our hearts a journey our lives the world we call home, one that has been carefully cultivated with much divine sources of power and evolution. And it would be a great disorder to recognize a loss without much explanation for it nor much understanding about it. Drew! Lets just say we are here in this present moment, to recreate a reality that is much arbitrary to the cause of human understandings and even more inconceivable in the supreme realms. We hope to discover something we must have forgotten to uncover and restore it from the past." she said looking distressed by the pressures upon her, that which were evidently not very humanly.

"Hm. So you mean to say that I'm a puzzle piece from that distortion that fits the destruction of our universes?" he said with awe and a hint of sarcasm from disbelief, even though he was specifically convinced by the superhuman abilities that she was able to disclose to him and that not often would an omniscient being be very free about their divinity and their true identity.

"We were ordered to not waste too many minutes here in this realm and make you deliver in this attire that heaven has customized for you personally, therefore it is imperative that you wear them now. And, i advice you refrain from asking me too many questions before we reach the heavenly spheres." she smiled at Drew with a hint of recognition that she wasn't able to display fully.

Edith was resonant and vibrant constantly lifted above the ground,physically, and her very visible aura drifted around swiftly as she moved, her body was like everything that was bound from the magic that surrounded her spherical meridians. To Drew it was like being able to witness with your eyes the essence of colors that aren't visibly perceivable by the human eyes, a prism that is not usually considered the normal aperture in the presence of vision. It was the energy and the colors of a soul present in front of him. The most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on and her energy sent his body sensations of divine warmth and presence so much that it shook the crux of everything he lived in his mundane life, until this moment...he felt divinely connected.