A Situation At The Gates Of Heaven

As they arrived in close parameters with the gatekeeper, he looked to them in a much serious and professional manner, as though he had no other business with nonsense intruders but an angel that possessed wings and one that was well aware of the holy sanctity and its rules. At least, that's what it seemed like at first.

"You must be Edith. I've been expecting you. You may have not known this but i have been assigned to lead you to the Elysium through a new world." A unique man that appeared as the high guardian of this realm smiled and welcomed Edith who stood ahead of Drew.

"A new world? What kind of a worldly gate is this? Yes, even i was rather surprised when i didn't see Agustus here at first." Edith almost mumbled her words..and sighed..

"Hello, its pleasant to meet you, I'm Nana, I have heard many great tales of you, Edith. You are quite an idol and I am a big fan of yours. Beyond this gate is Elysium but in front of it is another world, our world, a world of 'the other magic & mysticism'. There are many different benevolences here, except elves, elves were still stuck in the mechanisms of their Aged magic, therefore their methods and ways needed a much quicker and dynamic up-gradation, in order to reach our levels of mastery.

They were not yet welcome into this realm due to their past reconciliations and the adversities that it caused to the order, including ours. It was meant to be solved and mended among themselves first." Nana explained while driven with enthusiasm to introduce to Edith this new world.

It was as though they were able to align to heavenly orders not too long ago.

"And so this is why I'm here today, because the elves have done something unpredictable again, and i suppose the synchronicity of its nature called for my presence. Not many have access to this realm because this realm has strict measures of spiritual access. For you however, we have made exceptions as it was concluded by superiors that you are a purely innocent angel, and that makes you a being too. A benevolent one. So we are to guide your way through this and opened the portals to you." Nana explained to Edith expressing the situation with dignity.

"Why i am flattered by the display of your acceptance for me in your benevolent realm, however, i am accurate that my fellow friends and families are expecting my presence in Elysium as my duty requires me to bring this fellow path-crosser of heaven in the presence of my father and the other supreme angels. I must be on my way to Elysium in the hopes that i can visit your realm again one day." Edith quickly responded and expected to come to an agreement.

"Oh! I have heard of this being, what was is it, that he was found in? ' They say that it was a diminishing plane of faith' haha." Nana started to laugh humorously but without the intention to deliver any kind of sarcasm. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Nana." he smiled with a smirk and welcomed Drew with warmth.

"And I'm Drew, it is quite exhilarating to meet you too. Thing is, i have no idea where i am, and why i am where i am; and I've been this way ever since my encounter with the 'diminishing plane of faith', nothing has really made sense to me, since." Drew shook his hands with Nana as they bowed to each other subtly, Drew then stared at Nana's bodily enhancements and the attire, and how they were placed very nicely on his very nice half-naked body. He felt a sense of envy for such a mystical looking being and how good looking he was, whilst standing next to Edith. Someone he had so easily fallen in love with, even slightly - it still drove the presence of the emotion to exist feasibly.

"I'm glad you find my presence appealing, Drew. It's a pleasure knowing you in the hopes that there is a future where we shall cross paths again. They say you are to become a divine angel if you pass the tests they set for you..." Nana looked at Drew and Drew didn't say much for a few good long seconds as he was awestruck by the things that Edith didn't tell him before, and so Nana continued.

"Speaking of which, Edith, what i meant was i have been ordered to deliver to you that it is imperative you make a short visit to our realm and visit the pool of 3rd elements to retrieve the gift that the superiors have instructed for you to deliver, for the purpose of your safety and wisdom in the nearing future." Nana pleaded .

"Good Radiance, what kind of a gift could this be and of what purpose? Have sciences taken an entanglement toll again? But of what good cause could it be to me, since your realm is in the conduit of the voltex of ascendance and punishments for violations, what could i have possibly done that went wrong? I don't mean to cross you but would it not be quite a humiliation if i was to participate in any event at the pool." She cried out in a dramatic tone that surprised Drew mostly now, and all of a sudden, this confused him even more.

"Heh! I was warned that you were a stubborn child of God and it turns out, you are. Your holiness, I urge you put your higher dimensional inhibitions behind and accept this offer, which is, only good, for you. I assure you that leaving aside your heavenly arrogance could help you eliminate the dangers that is to make its way to you. We don't mean to do this to bring harm upon you." Nana smiled and reassured, gracefully, as he had to make a statement to Edith, about him being a chosen divine with honor, ranking and respect.

Drew wondered as the spectator for the meanwhile, and understood that the adversities currently lie in the consequences of crossing the fabrics in between the after life and the celestial worlds. He remembered Edith tell to him that they were headed straight to Elysium from that plane but there seemed to have been a change of course in their path, because the heavenly chords somehow lead them to the pool of judgement and punishments.

"Hmm. I suppose that i have no choice but to agree with your persistent requests from me. What of him, he is an important soul that fits the holy trinity like a missing puzzle piece." Edith fidgeted over this simple confusion that lay right in front of her.

"Wait how did you know that this was the realm of ascendance and punishments if you didn't know you were supposed to enter another dimension." Drew interrupted in an outburst but he didn't mean to alert them, the way that he did.

"He said it's a new world, and I'm an angel, i would know what the gate of a realm is called." she stared at Drew in the eyes and hovered closer to his face, to implicate divine authority.