We Love The Humans - Master Ro (Cyrstal Garden's Eruption Code Of Volcanic Dimension)

At the Crystal Garden while Lilo spent her while away after being showered with all the special treatments by Master Ro.

Like how she made a onesie attire just for Lilo and how she was always vitalized by the potion. This potion contained incantations of removal technique which included the removal of the need for physical dimension food. But also another technique of repelling good forms of application attacks, like sonic lewd technique but it comes with a lot of things like envy and the end of a luck.

There were other half Elvian and half humans there, ones that transformed from their tree state.

Peter & Rudolf was from the half world, which is also a world of humans and elfs, a world where these two living beings were united to form a much discreet dimension from the rest. But a huge set of infiltration brought a malfunction that corrupted their magic.

Rudolf had a sister who only slept for many centuries, like snow white. But, not even the mightiest prince nor the most charming man could awaken her. She was still asleep. The magic that was used on her had a dosage potency without limitations, and to this realization they understood that such magic was dangerous and such knowledge must be removed from time table brush history. haha. Rudolf is old now, and his sister, is not.

Coty was a half strand gene elvian, their kinds stopped growing when magic became absent of omniscience and harmful to growth. The darkness in their gene comprised of detaching themselves from their former communism, the ones that have taken the side of darkness and its attributes.

She now had enemies that were of a local kind, they were working and conscious machines that could disintegrate themselves into corporal forms. She knew that there were bots from another dimension that were after her. She knew that sooner or later someone or something would come looking for her. They could not be compared to the life like that of humans but, it was understood that in the depths of the shade of light, during the darkness or the brink of evening dusk, even like the ones that fall on objects that are dark, the immediate action of the attraction of light and life give it an immense understanding of how to accept the deeply affiliated appreciation, to feel the need for both, darkness and light. Without fire too. Because i was just burning a candle in the dark. And as time describes it and gives the definition of this understanding, it remains an attribute which have meaning. It was acclaimed that they did not appreciate the meaning of chlorophyll and nobody could give them the answer to that but in return their grievances and their repulsion for chlorophyll brought damaging circumstances. The alchemy of cytoplasm extraction to research chlorophyll was still under progress what they would usually assume from a former plant is that it's attributes are to heal the subject of cause, but this was different. They had to research the hypothetical opposite sense of it's original attribute.

They were all well acquainted with one another by now and Lilo was at the stake of losing the senses of her present life, and how it began at such a different Age for her. The Elvians dwelled in the ability to interact with the human world but Lilo was from a much tech generated world, one which gave her access to Crystal Garden Of the Master Elvians. She was the person that

"Here ye! the Crystal Garden has been warned of a mass eruption from the nearest volcanos and we must make it unerupt. And that was sometimes known as the protocols of crystal garden from their codes of safety.

"Apparently. They loved all these art.Arghh! This Dicsxstopia again." Ro placed her hand on her head and "Uhh. what are you looking at, you have to prepare for the war, to stop the volcano from a mass eruption. Haven't i taught you to to use potion magic with the kala chakra. It was easy just yesterday when we completed this form of superior magic form from dimensional attacks. You are my loving kindred ones that i keep close to my heart so i will grant your will when you switch the dimension of a flowing volcano erupt." she smiled bright and clear and assured them with fear of such a difficult task she had given to them.

"Do you know what the kala chakra is?" Lilo whispered to Peter and reminded him that he doesn't know what that was either. But Peter smiled and stared at Lilo, like he was the one intimidating her of competition. Perhaps he knew what the 'art' meant. When master Ro said people seem to love the art of teleporting into a different realm hub.

There was a team from Tse, that came to apprehend us of this warning issue that were growing alarms. But Tse was from a different dimension, like an alien teleportation into their background but but were of the humankind, in our physical background which was an inspiration to most because humans could never do something like that, and yes they did. They did not want to express themselves of their inner emotions. This started to spread around like another form of an inner demon. Because the different inner strength comes from the third different chakra which gave them access to the following new chakras which lead them to find this part of the situation arena.