The Story About A Female Goddess Master Ro Was Reading About

This concerns a primordial being traveling through big spaces as she was observed as an sphere of evolution, this involved the place she was born and brought up in. We have seen that there are elementary revolution of finance around her, meaning other people and their interests of fortune followed whatever she was doing.

The most elemental money they would earn from were the hate trope. But it was of a good fortune and people would follow the honest but extreme methods with their beliefs. It was a manifestation of how much she was loved and cared for. Her name was Edith Centhaghasus Maramtzski. But the disturbances followed her around with the nature of it, until there was a time she visited like a celestial embodiment of a goddess, where when there were absence of technology and it's operations were not understood or applied. It was just another dimension than the rest of the population felt like they lived in. Inside the nature of it. And that's the only justification i can provide if i was to give her a point of attribute.

The known generals were just a participant of very carefully invading her privacy with hidden cameras and drones that sort of followed her around normally and they sort of disintegrate into botsa shadows. They watched her life and every moved she made, her personal choices and her identification was taken away by a conscious booby trap on a higher consciousness, a much angelic being. This needed to stop even though she isn't supposed to know that safety protocols involves her expectations to feel the need of deferring from potentially being harmed. Yes, it did question her sanity, "why isn't she a product of shame and impaired from her reality, yet." Now, most did not want to feel superior about it, but this only proved that she was cultivated of a more divine consciousness.

Some say that it was instead for the safety of her life & reality. But that was ridiculous. The point was invalid at mass conception.

I couldn't say, maybe i hated and loved her both and i couldn't say if there would be any consequences later, being a divine consciousness and what you are capable of.

Master Ro understood that this was not from a Divine Library but it was more affiliated with the perceptions from an astral consciousness about somebody of a meaningful existence. And Master Ro now felt glued to the book she was reading.

"Did you call Master Ro?" Lilo asked Coty.

"Ive been wanting to do that too but she isn't in the close horizons" coty replied

"Aren't we going to the Divine Library today." Peter asked them as he exclaimed.

Even though they aren't but their impatience for awaiting their time here grew more demanding, because they do not know what obstacles were incoming their way. They needed Master Ro to open the gates of books so they find reasons of purpose in this new reality.

Master Ro felt very deeply related with Edith because, she was able to acquire a much spiritual presence of magic and healing. And that such divine cultivation was not always very common.