Moving On To the Divine Library

Edith thought that she heard a calling from someone and who it would be, and it was yet again herself. A time when she found memories of her time in a much heavenly world. And it would suddenly disappear from her subconscious mind as though the feelings of the joy of love of such a place were being erased from her memories.

Ro was reading a story about someone's reality, and it was transcribed in 1 short story.

It was like an outlook of a person's current life in a story and her name was Edith. It was interesting as there were many different presence of enchantedness and dark sorcery in this reality. it became a disadvantage for her because she couldn't clearly tell what Edith was feeling, herself, and her emotional state of being. A potential victim of fatigue.

In her home base of Earthly Nature. There was a lack of light and things became slowly cold as though we would never have know to be able to be frozen to such an obvious circumstance. 'It was like Dark Energy was going out of hands, not understanding that the opposing days of Light Energy and Positive frequencies were coming closer to extinguish their immoral behavior and it's little fragmented genjuitsus to finance.' It was watch Master Ro thought about this current situation of Edith's life. One that did not happen yet, quite strangely. But she still wondered what the stone of Greed could really be. She continued to reach out to her heavenly father of Elysium, Ra.

Suddenly, outside on the scholars bench and around the elvian civilians.

Master Ro appeared infront of scholars dome where Lilo and the other three were still awaiting her presence. She didn't want to waste too much time, to be honest.

But she invoked a portal to a door in front of them, the gate of Divine libraries.

"This is the gate of the divine libraries but i want you to remember these following rules before you enter the realm of books. Most of all never be offended or angered if you find content about the elvians and their flaws." Master Ro smiled and nodded at them..assuring that, something like that shouldn't be a concern even though there maybe people that do write countless kinds of things about them, especially, the hobbits.

'I've lied, but lewd jokes are humorous.' Master Ro thought.

"Uh..What must there be in the library." Rudolf asked as his eyes were above his glasses and he resonated in a bubbly chubby way while he was suddenly filled with enthusiasm.

Master Ro appeared around the scholar dome and revealed to them a portal and said this is the door to the libraries inside the Divine Library. Inside it, there is another realm, a dream realm of books.

Lilo discovers the theory of relativity and transversal waves in a book with no author.