The Separated Monetary System That Which Disturbed Her Present

Here i saw the public monarchy as i was the daily moniker of a herb consumer called the royal twist switch, the fresh smell of a minty herb called saunf & saffron, this was a sweet smoke product that you would find here freely. But the growing attention towards it became louder and larger, especially because it brings fortunes in return. This wasn't something very plausible or appropriate because in return it brought unintended attraction of bad influence. That, it is a bad method of attraction. But Master Ro was watching Edith be a figure for a product. It appeared unethical to Master Ro.

This was kind of termed as crowd funding and crowd control in human terms. This happened because only the highly cultivated have the ability to consume such herbs and the way to afford it were fragmented harmonious sources of soul points and not to the accordance of the mannerisms in the human monetary system because this brought the influence of access to immoral rights for liquidity burn outs, this starts to grant immoral entry into compoundable firms for the commute of a system, this concerns lower dimensional mentality notions that are of bad influence. This was different from the physical monetary system in that realm. She earned in Soul Fragment that grants her the gift of indulgence and a granted tattoo.

"Why the hell were humans of other species mostly known to be men, speaking profane words of female objectification in my atmospheric dimension" Edith said about herself to the other people speaking of real life perceptions about their latest conceptions with their loved ones. Even though it didn't concern her at all. They said nothing in return and passed across the cafe she was sitting at.

"I was looking into the memory of collecting a specimen of an elixir product but how it repels the balancing of two different methods of earth elements. And it isn't an easy job trying to do so." Edith thought

She wasn't aware that if a gemstone of greed existed there would be another element of opposed natural existing in something or someone.

She met someone some day, and he was a much lovable kind, she met them at the balcony of a river cafe and he was able to perform a sorcery of some kind because it concerned the invocation of fire and flowers, she was immensely captivated by it and started to dig deeper into her understanding the extraction of the different elements of the Shisa Colonization, on this special day while they were together, she was able to take flight in the speed of light travel from the land beneath their feet and almost reached heaven. His name was Nana and the first thing he tried to imply to her was that he was not her brother and she didn't understand why. Perhaps Edith was much older of age, to process the concentration on why and how he isn't your brother, he was speaking of another dimension. It was strange but he meant it because the reasons concerned a reality of the future.. But he was a handsome boy slowly transforming into a man, mostly in front of her, that appeared different from the others, foreign and divine; - yet he always lived around here.

Maybe the elaborate details weren't provided; how she could spring out into the sky one random day and she couldn't really understand why or maybe she wanted to boast to him. Nobody knew why. Soon enough, that was how they parted ways and never met again, maybe they should but methods of technological dependence was already considered a dangerous & psychotic harm at this Era and both of them knew that. Even though they were close enough, each other abilities constructed the paths of their abilities for the first time to repel away from somebody they can finally connect to.

 Shisa Dynamics was a place capable of so much more, and the corporeal colonization spread to different demographic human civilizations, mostly because it interacted as an exchange of a much commonly and righteously believed influence, to a way of life and it's culture. Slowly, it started to question inquisitions about where the works of heavens were coming from.

Sometimes there were events in Shisa called the Mirror Events and Edith speculated into the general accessibility of these events and what they were about, she always wondered what it was like if somebody won. But never found out because for apparent reasons, it required her involvement with locally syndicated hierarchy and mostly she did not have access to finance such as theirs. These huge functions and events happen behind the curtains. Things that most would not be interested in knowing.

This was lame to Ro but the perception of this protagonist was so focused on the reflections of a kind of a herb she consumes for health purposes, it wasn't supposed to bring disturbance to her reality.

Edith was home now, around her animals. Her animals were unique and special because they acquired mystical abilities of having visions, of another hero realm, and sometimes, they are infact the heroes. Only because they were able to perceive and foresee a better future than the one she was living right now. She still did not know of the legacy of an undisclosed treasure that she was to inherit; one which her father willed against her birth name, in a corporate & governmental allegiance. Perhaps there were people from such worlds, like higher rank hunky female cyber-world rogues that despised her way of arts. But mostly, they were disclosed to the prosperity that was to come her way. They were much conniving, with clever preparations to commit larceny of theft and immoralities towards her, in the future. Her rival always happened to be a woman with tricky abilities, that which can captivate and control a mass cap-population. This brought unruly consequences of types of access to the Nature of Spirit dimensions and the soul fragments in Shisa, ones that were valued a lot.

Nana appeared in front of her again and this time it was in an ATM outside the atm were cultured of local demons of different kinds spread around in unnerving distances.