The District Of Kai Tributes

"Haha. Wow. Tell me something new Edith! Where did you come from just now? Are you high on those reserve banks again? I told you, it's non-sense they're all kind of scammers and fraudulent these days on the internet, why are you so enthusiastic about something that can't be perceived by a world we're living in, because something like that is impossible to believe." Erchia looked back at Edith and chuckled loudly at the silly exclamation Edith was making. As she continued watering her flowers and examining them on a device, to identify breed and deficiency of nutrients.

"It's not a lie sister, making it a lie is a part of the lie, you of all must know this. That it is not a lie and father must have never made a mistake like this. Why would he open a reserve account and keep records of it everywhere and how could you not believe me. Anyway, if one of the Sirian Bankers become less serious and give to you 25Million $, how would you feel and what would you do with it?" Edith said to her as she brought two cups of red tea on the table that was kept on the porch, it overviews the soft river infront of them.

"Haha well, i suppose i would simply just save it and use it as a mode of expenses and perhaps start something new and funny. But I'm sure i'm wasting my while in explaining something like this, as its not going to work like your delirious mindful imaginations do. You have to wake up to the other side too and not dwell inside your world. We can't waste our present away in something that we cannot control right now and dwell in the sufferings of a degrading loss. It was stretchy too. Nobody would want to know about something like that and be distracted for it, in their present life." Erchia wore a white colored hat as she sat on the bench next to Edith and sipped the tea from the cup.

"Hmm. Weird how you've always been anticipating the reality of a potential suffering from loss, that which you chose to consciously be ignorant about, and remain focused for the things in life instead, and to you most things didn't matter but your family and the ones you love, did. Is that not true big sis?" Edith contemplated and sipped tea from the cup as she gazed into the distance where a river flows silently infront of them.

"Do not keep endeavoring into such ludracritic ideas that you have with your reality and know that the Governments have now become even more stricter with the norms of our society since that epidemic. There are people and business entities that suffer from low payage or inability to make sales, and theres never really a notion where you'd like to believe that the public and their employment system deserve a wage equilibrium, and rise in the current frontiers of work & salary stereotypes." Errchia was already busy, working on her device while responding to Edith. Perhaps, her world really was way more different than Ediths.

"Yes i suppose it's true, wage equilibirum is like invisible these days let alone a minimum wage. And have you seen the gains in the national stock market, God only knows where all the wealth goes, when people are still living under mass poverty gaps. I just think that my future ideas of opening a Bank called the Bank of Animal Kingdom, is really going to bring a shift in the paradigms of an ecosystem and it's economies. Heard big buyers with toxic assets from the stock capitals, were going out of control now because their businesses were in the loose and going into degradation after the epidemic, this included many companies from the free market. There was a distributer of food and it's supplies that stocked goods from manufacturing units, due to the current inflations from liquidity, and when the epidemic hit, there were large decline in demand for anything. This Mr Scrooge company sent back all their expired food back to the manufacturing units to get new pakaging on them so it can successfully reach it's sale objectives. Nasty, isn't it?" Edith said to entertain her big sister of a humorous but informative story.

"Yetch, that is nasty indeed. First of all could you atleast think of another name for a Bank you want to open, or do you plan to play children games with it? And secondly, i suppose you can keep this dream of yours to yourself because i don't want my mind to be impaired by your eccentric delusions currently, as i have somewhere else i have to be. Have you told anyone about this capital account you keep speaking of." Erechia said to Edith and consciously felt triggered by the thoughts of coming accross such harm from the food she consumes but decided to let it come as a subconsious realization instead. There was a certain sudden silence that filled up the space around them.

"Well it kind of involves making personally picked 'equality' capitals for individuals; for individuals and enterprises so they're given an opportunity to begin from a better 'somewhere', into a limited market bandwidth, with strict structural rules and restrictions. Best part is that, it will always be their own capital, unlike a loan they've derived from the governmental & central bank; it could be the most ground breaking, priority, grant from governmental Supremecies, and discreet too. As you know, there was a span of progression that was gone missing from a pace of evolution, and in order to cover that up, I think it needed big scales of for a jumpstart, such as this one. I can only explain to you more details another time." She said to Erchia as she bit into the cookie on the plate.

"Uh..not really, i didn't tell to anyone my plans. Just to a cat i know. And sometimes the animals here." She ogled and said more contempeously in a softer tone, displaying respect for her older sister.

"Good, dont go around speaking nuicances to people because the insurgencies from government would seek pre-destination or embezzlement from us and, we don't have that kind of wealth for them to intervene with us. Why do you always remain at the tip of your toe when it concerns the others and their wellbeings. You must look after yourself first. You know Edith, I always believed that you think of us to be so ignorant about you but, i've been wanting to tell you that I have seen and been to Elysium, and i'm saying it to you now, that if you do happen to come accross a heavenly realm somewhere in your life's journey, you do not keep have to keep it from me. I've got your back from the start sister." Errchia's tone rose as she warned Edith of the underlying consequences this could bring to their family.

"Elysium! I've never heard of a name like that before. But i have had dreams of falling from the sky for being flightless and falling into a whirpool of a marshy swimming pool in the wild, and being churned by the whirpool in return. I will keep in mind where you're going with this. A heavenly realm called Elysium." Edith remembered her days in An where she dweling in discovering inspirations to write about the stories of romance between people. And now Nana was gone because he was dissapointed with her rejection for his invitation in the Mirror Event, he hasn't been back for two days now. She thought deep inside. 

"I am leaving for the Airport now. I will continue this conversation with you again, another day. And no matter what happens, never start that Animal Bank thing without my superior guidance and knowledge." Erchia winked at her younger sister and left from the gates of their home into a cab, to leave for the airport.

'Maybe, i didn't understand the entire reason he wanted me to come, even though, he mentioned something like being able to take me back to An with the help of unknown fragments he would be able to collect from the Event, as the magic that his portal needed.'

Erchia was gone from home and Edith was left alone again. She was back in her room again and this time she attempted to go back into the An portal that she was able to open by herself, but after a few successful attempts, the portal to An stopped functioning, even for Edith. And suddenly, a deep pressure of devoid nature and blackness vibrated in a lowly energitic vitality and swirled Edith's visions of reality into a senario of the past.

There she was again, in another time, a past that she had already lived in Shisa, and it was that time when she lived away from her home, for a year. She had friends of different kinds, in a place called the District of Kailash Tributes. It was a time of the lurkers of evil, in this vast forest of settlements. There were no classifications then. Perhaps, this evil was the darkness of sorcery from the much ethereal realm, which later revealed the dimensions of more spiritual and esoteric realms of the dead that were ascending. This was connected to a source of light that was intended to be misused by lower rank mages. Perhaps, alot of evil sources of demonic power rose from the bodies of dead people that died of sickness, in the hospital, and began to continue to live as human beings. The moderators here in the tributes were already a function of demonic awareness, because a demoness of death, called Yosaene, controlled and manipulated them. And The codes may have percolated from the potential IDs of Gods and Legends from another time, something they didn't know before perpatrating in blood cult. Yosaene was a cannibal criminal, she killed an innocent human and ate the flesh of her benevolent companions, and lived with them when they were in their corporeal soul form, after death. Except, she was going to be a mere mortal, the way she is now, if she did not willingly part take in bringing spiritual disturbances from the power of greedy mortals.

Yosaele was an aquaintaince of Edith's past. And at that time, it was a trend to not consider your human body an important source of it's soul, and it's cultivation, but treat it with self destruction and suicide that which can harm or even interfere the dimensions of the divine realms. This gave Yosaene, the access to Edith and her personal family affairs.

"Somehow, i've brought your presence into this other reality, i don't really know how to achieve it but probably because I killed your human form because i know, that you were the reason why I was abandoned in an abyss of a paranormal plane of monsters from the darkness. It didn't feel too good to be a victim of gossips and scandals and i know i shouldn't have but, i took my life at this point of my life, yes i still remember everything, since the time i prepared the rope i could hang myself in untill the time i woke back up to live. Maybe the Gods wanted me to live again." Yosaene said to as she was sitted next to Edith on a stair, and this stair of Yosaene's front door, was always blurry to Edith, and continued to remain blurry even in her imagination.

Edith realized they were here smoking a cigarette together, outside the front door.

"Honestly, i'd never imagine the Gods to have anything to do with you. Maybe you belonged there in that abyss, thats why your ID took your soul to such a reformed plane. Let alone, i wonder if there was any more space even in hell for a typical soul like yours, so they sent you back to your dead ass body in this infested realm that you will now like to dominate." Edith said to her as she puffed out the blow of cigarette onto Yosaenes face and sarcastically expressed her attitude towards this awkward situation. Edith noticed that Yosaene's face started to take shape into different forms of anger because this reality wasn't continuing the way it was supposed to or the way it happened before. Edith smiled to Yosaene and her more divine smirk of sarcasm, did intimidate Yosaene for a while. Out of the anger inside her she said.

"I could kill you now for being a faceless bitch, without a reality and you wouldn't exist anymore because i would erase your oh so innocent lala land reality with you in it, ahah right after this conversation between us. Once i use the compulsion spell on you, you would never remember this dimension, and how i brought you here. Its such a shame that you think I'm your only loyal friend after the demise of your mortal father. I have made pacts with the demons because they didn't want to descend either." Yosaene moved closer towards her and flicked her cannibal knife to stab her to her death again, but suddenly a shield of domain protection repelled Yosaene as she fell onto the ground from the force.

"Decend, that was the only pact you made with them? hahahhahahha." Edith laughed at her uncontrollably and wanted to extinguish Yosaene from God's power...and yet there was still a non-attribute pain from the innocence, in her sphere of benelovence and continued...

"Yeah..heh...Stay away from me, Dont you dare touch me. It was so typical of you to think that i wouldn't remember this reality, i guess sometimes people like you, do need to fear the unknown Bitch. Unfortunately for you, I'm from the future you fear, and now, I'm conscious about what you did to me and how you played your part, in order to avoid the fall of your uncouth-ed and mangy power over people. Lets just say, I was really so innocent to notice your evil side and all the people in that side. I always hate to admit that you were infact a very good friend of mine." Edith said as she slowly walked further away from Yosaene and expressed disgust towards her.

"Wow. Let me just rewind all that for you again. First, you killed me, then, you betrayed me and then, you meddled with my father's monetary identity, and third, you infiltrated and spreadmal-information about my father into your big & bad corrupt system. And now, i've seen the way you've carefully crafted the ways you are going to consciously, continue using the mask of a saint until you finally have a relapse from acute characteristic impairment, and fully become that demon that lives inside you. I just want to let you know that, to me, you don't appear appealing or post-generation cool, because your actions are brute and demeaning. To me, your lack of virtues and how you have tendencies to continuously cheat life, speaks to me an uncouthedly and shameless loud character of degradation." Edith pointed at Yosaene and said to her like a Supreme Consciousness that was now judging her conscience.

"You can continue to hope that you would be able to dodge my malovalent attacks at you and everything that you do in this reality. Because you being able to dodge it with your 'innocent omnicience', that's never going to happen, nobody from the CreekLand is going to support you and your filthy wealth. And more over, I'm going to find the philosophers stone and destroy the existence of your future and it's destructive designs. You have little idea about what you have done to our families and their long recognized reputations, and fueled the resons for rascism that noone supports." Yosaene attempted to explain her reasons for this movement against her and her families but failed to do so before an omnicient angel and instead spoke the truth about what else she was going to do to harm Edith. Evidentlly it was a truth that she could not conceal.

"Well, to begin with you should have never made blood pacts with the demons and vampires from CreekLand or the ones in the underworld. I just want you to know that, unfortunately, your twistted witchcraft - it'll not work on me this time, as i'm a benevolent child of a benevolent God. And i have divine abilities to rebuke the malovalent magical attacks, back at matter how long it takes." Edith said to Yosaene as her energy aura turned bright and golden, Yosaene saw this and felt envious of her angelic presence.

"I know for a fact that, such malovalent energy should never make it's way to the Divine Realms, but it just as much did not belong even in the spheres of Shisa civilizations. Infact, it belongs to nobody but you. Give back to you your own attribute of malovalence because i would never want to be someone like you. Besides of all people, it so happens that my good friend always continued to betray me, once my father passes away. How clever of you. hah." Edith now stood on her two feet and watched her wrist watch as she was beginning to appal this time travel and wanted her conscious state to go back to her home, when she was living her reality in the present.

"Lets just say i've come back from the future to this reality, in order to make reconciliations with you. Hm, how do i put this...Gosh, the influence you made with all that evil and the crimes that such a blinded generation of humans, all cheered and supported so much. I was rather moved by your successful movements of crimes, that was influential among the brain dead generation. So tell me Yosaene, what did you do when you acted as an informantion agent of that lower dimensional organization, from CreekLand? If you tell me, maybe i could reconsider forgiving you, and provide you an invitation to attend the Bank of Animal Kingdom, for one last chance to start over. I never really understood what you hated so much about me, was it the abandoned unrequited future that didn't have answers for it's bleaky oblivion of darkness." And continued with sudden captivation from sadness and how Yosaene successfully turned all of Edith's friends away from her...because she had the capability to do so. Sadness derived from compassion because the upheaval of such controversial Ego puts them in an awkward situation of the loss of opportunities they would face, without Edith's presence in their lives.

"What nonsense. Thats impossible, noone can do something like that. Magic like that is practically unachievable. And why would i meddle with your family affairs and your fathers financial ID. Yeah Your father was a legend yes i suppose so, but something like that could not happen in the eyes of the Superiors, they were jealous, so was my father...because your father was gone from the physical world Edith, he wasn't someone Omniscient. We like to believe that theres nothing beyond the physical realm that we as humans with power are able to live, and it is a part of religion to believe so too. A tyranny like that could have raised conscious questions." She confided as her eyes grew heavier from the older and now much infested of emotions of anger towards Edith.

"Look at you still talking against the only higher source of my life, my father. You lack shame, you should stop speaking against the dead because it could bring burdens you don't understand."

"Hmmm but wait,'re still hiding something. Let me think, did you and your families attempt to erase my father's ID data, from official records. Do you even know anything about him and the things he did to accomplish the visions and the morals that he went by for it? Did you know that his hard work was not flourished from a mere human's optimum capacities, that you and your backward system, could toss into the trash, whenever you wanted. Or maybe you deserve to be in that abyss that you experienced for taking your own life and calling yourself a divine person. I could make a dragon burn you along with you CreekLand villages but i won't do that because it isn't a part of my nature to be like you." Yosaene was suddenly unable to speak constructive words from a primordial pov with Edith, the way they would have spoken to each other in the human reality. When Yosaene decided to continue pretending to be a treacherous friend to Edith and welcoming her to live with her in her home.