Chapter 12

Huge thanks to Jaren, Yuki, and Daniel for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Lucifer's home]

After that little reveal, the two had talked some more about their relationship. Most of it involved Alice talking about when she wants to reveal their status to her family. She was pretty upfront with her wish to wait until she was ready, which Lucifer was more than fine with. Lucifer had also expressed her willingness to reveal her archangel status to them, but was hesitant about the whole multiverse traveling part. She wasn't sure if she could be totally trusting of revealing that part, especially with how suspicious Edward is, and the way he treats others. She and Alice decided to instead wait until the future for that bag of worms, as that was a bit too much to reveal to them, especially so early.

They talked for another hour or so after that, before they had school. Neither of them really wanted to go, but they had to.

"Do we have to go?" Alice asked with a pout, as she held her bag in hand, ready to walk out the front door.

Sighing Lucifer answered "As much as I don't want to go, yes we have to" Alice's put deepened at this, but she followed Lucifer out the door nonetheless.

School that day was...boring to say the least, it was pretty much a repeat of the previous day, except Alice was a bit more clingy than before. Lucifer had also opted to sit with Alice's family during lunch, which was a rather interesting experience. They were all kind and pretty welcoming, except for the slight looks of distrust that Rosalie sometimes showed. But even those looks ceased after she had seen the looks Alice and Lucifer were giving each other. It didn't take a genius to understand that the two of them had a thing going on between them, and she really wanted to figure out what exactly it was.

The rest of the week was just as boring as the beginning of it was. Besides Alice and her family of course. Alice and Lucifer had gone on another date during the week, which ended with a rather long makeout session, before they had each returned home. Lucifer had also shown off a bit more of her abilities to Alice during this time, namely her magnetokinesis, which got a look of awe when first revealed. The other abilities were shown off a little bit, but not long enough for Alice to know their full extent.

The only other thing of note that had happened during the week, was the constant annoyance that was Bella Swan. Lucifer wasn't sure what the hell she did to the girl, but she would not leave her alone. In the halls, at lunch, hell, even in the bathroom. The girl would continue to bug her about her relationship with the Cullens, and about how she was "Being Rude" to her. Lucifer just ended up doing the best thing in this situation, which was to ignore her, and walk away.

It got so bad that Alice herself, had to basically tell the girl to fuck off.

The weekend was alone time for Lucifer and Alice, and had been just the two of them. Alice had stayed the night again, and had slept in the same bed as Lucifer, once again. The two were getting closer and closer as the days passed, and sooner or later, Lucifer knew it was going to "Go all the way".

Now that it was the new week, Lucifer knew that Edtard was returning to the school, which meant that things were going to start going again, and a lot of shit was about to go down.

Walking into the lunchroom,  Lucifer walked over to the Cullens and sat down next to the currently smiling Alice. The smile had seemed almost forced to Lucifer, who noted the way her mate was acting, before noticing Edward out of the corner of her eye.

She could feel his attempts to look into not only her head, but Alice's. Thanks to some training in her Immortal abilities, she had been able to create blockers in Alice's mind, stopping Edward from looking into her head anymore. Alice was pretty happy over this, even if she didn't completely say so.

"Why are you sitting here?"

Hearing this, Lucifer, who was in the process of talking with Alice, turned to Edward and raised an eyebrow "Because I like sitting with my friends, who also happen to be your siblings. I can move if it bothers you so much"

Hearing this Rosalie interrupted Edward before he could even answer "No, you can stay, isn't that right Edward?" She glared at him after saying this, with the others also giving him the look of "Shut the fuck up" with even Alice giving him a look of anger.

Edward just grumbled at this, before deciding to ignore them in favor of the dull Swan girl.

The rest of the day had gone by roughly the same, with very little of note happening. They had gotten another free class, which caused Alice to give the biggest puppy eyes she could muster, so she could play more angry birds.

"Seems someone's addicted" Lucifer commented with a smirk, before handing the phone over to the now excited Alice.

Lucifer found out over the week that Alice really really liked being praised, and liked what Lucifer liked. So, she made it a habit to praise the girl whenever she could.

It just made Lucifer know even more that she was in an AU, and that the Alice of this universe was noticeably different than the one she knows. She was more clingy, childish, nervous, and shy. While she still had that bubbly pixie personality of hers, it only really showed when with Lucifer and her family. She also had that love of being praised, and the borderline unhealthy levels of self-esteem issues that had propped up. She didn;t know why Alice was different, but she loved the girl all the same, and she would do her best to not only support her, but also figure out who/what caused the girl to have these issues.

Walking out to the parking lot, Lucifer walked over to the Cullens with a smile, before she could start to speak, she was cut off by the loud screeching of tires, and a scream.

'Well....looks like Edwards about to have his knight in shining armor moment'

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That's the end of the chapter. Gonna be honest, this chapter was a bitch to write. I really didn't want to go into deep detail about every day of the rest of the week, so I decided on just doing a timeskip with information on what happened during the week.

For those wondering about Alice's personality. This is an Alternate Universe, she is, and will be different than in canon. In some small ways, and some large ways. It is already pretty obvious that she is more childish, and clingy, but I won't be changing that. Plus, it might develop into some rather...frisky situations *Grins* If y'all can guess what Alice may or may not call Lucifer in the future, I'll give you a cookie.

Next chapter will be longer, and will have more actual dialogue. This one was mainly an intermission before things start to genuinely begin to happen, and before the interesting shit starts to go down.