Chapter 24

Huge thanks to Johnathan, Kissa, and Tenza for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks]

It was the day after the little birthday fiasco, and school was already out. Alice had been asked to come back to her families home for a little while, which Lucifer was sure was about them leaving Forks. While Alice was out, Lucifer decided on choosing out some new abilities, she decided on limiting it to three for now, and picking two more in the future when she really needs them.

'The three powers I choose, all need to be helpful, passively at that. The first one to come to mind, is a power that increase my strength the older I get, which is pretty powerful for someone like me. The next one that comes to mind, is a pretty strong power that I remember Karnak from Marvel having, this being stress point detection. While it will probably be pretty limited in the beginning, it will prove its worth the more I train it' Lucifer thought as she sat back in comfort.

'I'd go with power bestowal if I could, but I can already sense that it wouldn't work. I guess trying to share some of my species with Alice, would be a bit too much right now. I guess the last ability should just be a simple one, Omnilingualism would be the best, as it can become very powerful in the future. Plus, being able to understand, speak, and write, any language that I run across in the future, could become very helpful, very quickly' Lucifer thought, as she decided on her last ability she wanted.

She soon began to focus on the new abilities. After a few moments, she once again felt the same unlocking feeling she has felt so many times before. She could feel a slight burst in power, but it was minor. She could also literally sense the weak points of the table in front of her, with just a glance. 'Definitely was a good choice getting this power' She thought, as she began to realize just how overpowered the power could become.

Deciding to test her new powers before Alice got home, Lucifer pulled up various languages, starting with Spanish, then moving to chinese, german, japanese, and a couple more. She found that she could perfectly read, speak, and write the languages, just as she hoped for.

Next she tested out the stress point detection. This one was simple enough, as she grabbed a slightly broken chair from one of her more…rough sessions with Alice. Finding the weak point was easy enough, and all she had to do to shatter it, was send a single blow towards that weak point.

'Damn' Lucifer thought with a grin, before stopping as she heard the door open. Walking back into the house from the back, she noticed a distraught Alice walking into the kitchen.

"Everything alright, love?" Lucifer softly asked, noticing the look on Alice's face. Alice hearing this, looked into Lucifer's eyes with sadness swimming in them.

"I-um my uh…my families leaving" Alice said with some struggle. Edward had been the main force that caused the idea to even sprout in the first place, and then Carlisle supported it, and the rest of the family sort of fell in line.

"...Are you going with them? Do I need to pack?" Lucifer asked, not even hesitating to go with her if Alice does decide to go with them. She liked Forks, but not enough to leave her girlfriend.

"...I said no" Alice answered, tears welling up in her eyes. Lucifer's eyes softened at the expression Alice was making, and slowly wrapped her arms around Alice's waist. Alice immediately buried her face into the crook of Lucifer's neck, as Alice sniffled softly. It would be the first time in decades that she had been without them, and they were still her family, so it's obvious she was going to miss them.

Lucifer slowly moved onto the couch, allowing Alice to straddle in her lap. Alice snuggled closely into Lucifer's embrace, wanting nothing more than to cuddle for right now.

After a few minutes of nothing but cuddling, Lucifer began to softly speak into Alice's ear "Are you sure love? I am okay with leaving Forks with you" Lucifer softly asked, not against leaving. Alice shook her head slowly at this. Lucifer just gave a single nod.

"Why don't I make up some hot coco and we can watch a movie and cuddle, alright?" Lucifer asked Alice, who cracked a smile and nodded. Seeing this, Lucifer smiled and slowly got up, causing Alice to whine slightly, before Lucifer went and began to make the coco.

After making the coco and sitting back down with Alice, Lucifer asked "What about Bella?" Alice, who was now leaning against her shoulder, looked at Lucifer with a sad expression on her face, upon hearing the question.

"Edward's breaking up with her" Hearing this, Lucifer scoffed "Well, I say good for her. I am not the biggest fan of the way she's acted in the past, but she definitely deserves better than someone like Edweirdo" Alice nodded in agreement, before giggling at the nickname Lucifer gave Edward.

"I picked out three of my new powers" Lucifer said, deciding to change the subject. Hearing this, Alice perked up in interest. "Oh! Which ones? It's something cool, right?"

Chuckling at her mate's switchup at hearring about her getting stronger, Lucifer answered "I picked one that makes me stronger with age, one that lets me sense weak points in things, and omnilingualism" Hearing this Alice nodded at the first two, but looked a bit confused for the third one.

"It means I can speak, read, understand, and write any language I come across in the future" Lucifer said, noticing the confusion on her mates face. Hearing this, Alice perked up "Does this mean you can speak French now?"

"Bien sûr" Alice looked at her in slight confusion "It means of course" Lucifer added. Alice looked pretty excited at the fact that Lucfer can speak more languages now, but she realized that it's probably because it meant the two of them can go to even more universes in the future.

At the excitement on Alice's face, Lucifer couldn't help but grin slightly.

"God you are so adorable" Hearing this, Alice blushed slightly before responding.

"Sh-shut up"

"What? It's true, my babygirl is the most adorable woman in the world" Lucifer replied, which caused Alice's blush to deepen.

"Now, why don't we pick out a movie?"


That's the end of this chapter. Next chapter will cover the timeskip. Next chapter should have more happening, and will end up going through like half the movie. As most of the second movie, wouldn't really involve Lucifer and Alice that much. Plus, I want to get done with Twilight already.

I am like half asleep right now, so sorry if this is bad lol.

I've also decided on pairing Bella with Leah.

I also might make another vault chapter, where the mc is Jacob or an OC from the same tribe, the love interest for that one would probably be a small harem. With Bella and Alice beeing a part of it. Its rare to see fanfics with Bella as the love interest, so I find the idea of her being one (with her personality being altered in certain ways, within reason) to be interesting. I'm thinking for his powers, he'd be able to gain other shifter species and their powers, so like Werecoyote, Werebear, Werelion, etc. Idk, we'll see if I make it or not.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer), Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location - Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism [Can make 2 more]

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (James), Enhanced Self-Preservation (Victoria), Mental Shield (Bella), Pathokinesis (Jasper), Telepathy (Edward)

Mate - Alice Cullen