Chapter 177: Intruders

[1st POV - Talia Morningstar]

With the silent alarm set off, my beloved little familiars would get to work. The invaders weren't much of a threat to me or the girls who were hard at work in the basement, working on their own projects, projects that they wanted to make me proud of. Which was admittedly adorable. They were each hard at work, trying to make some things that could either help my company, or just to show off some of their ideas. I kept my sight from that area so I could be surprised.

With Cadmus going so far as to try and break into my property, I knew that Lillian was likely either afraid of me and the power that I am rapidly beginning to amass, or she needs something that I have. I'd assume that it's the Cradle, but I have a feeling she was more so after something that I haven't shown, banking on the fact that I am hiding something.

Not that I'd keep the truly important crap in the basement. All of that stuff was kept in the Gate, away from anyone else but me, and far from the reaches of someone like Lillian Luthor, who was about as crazy as her son. The woman wanted Aliens gone just as much as Lex did, but she was a bit more reserved with her methods than him, not that either of them were all that "Reserved" in the first place.

The woman wasn't all that intimidating or anything, not as much as that son of hers. And even he wasn't scary, only when he interacted with those Higher Dimensional Imps would he become a true threat to me, and I wasn't about to let that happen. Lex Luthor would die far before he could get to that point, that much I long since decided.

I watched through my familiars as they effortlessly knocked the intruders unconscious. The intruders were just regular humans, nothing in comparison to my familiars who were only continuing to grow stronger, as they trained and I grew stronger.

With my familiars taking care of the intruders, I highly doubt that Lillian will try something like this again. Instead she'll likely wait to try and break into one of my stores or try and intercept one of my "Shipments". These shipments of product were all protected by my familiars, which meant that it was unlikely that they'd have the chance to even do anything.

The familiars soon brought the two intruders before me. They were both unconscious as I simply smiled, effortlessly breaking into their minds, reading through their minds and seeing exactly what they were doing. The mission they had been put on, seemed to be to steal any experimental technology I had, before bombing the building in hopes of stopping the progression of my company.

A decent plan had it been a normal company, but my company was far from normal. And I had friends that were far from normal.

Deciding that this was something that J'onn should know of, I got to my feet with a sigh.

"Take care of the trash. I've got some business to get down to" I said to my familiars as they nodded, before teleporting off with the soon to be dead men. While I teleported off in order to talk with J'onn about the recent annoyance of Cadmus.

'Let's hope I can get this over with soon, lest things have to get a bit more...bloody'


[3rd POV] [DEO]

"You mean to tell me that Cadmus had attempted to break into your company's headquarters?!" J'onn whisper shouted after hearing what Talia had told him. He knew all about Talia's company, and had even gotten the DEO two cradles of their own, just in case any of their agents were mortally injured for whatever reason.

"That is what I said, yes. They were after any sort of experimental technology I may have been making, and then planned on bombing the building afterwards in order to set back my company. Sadly they underestimated my defenses" Talia replied with an amused smile as she looked at the freaking out J'onn and Alex.

"What did you do to them?" Alex asked, as Talia glanced to her.

"I took care of the problem" Talia replied simply, as the two of them breathed in deeply, understanding what she meant by that.

The two of them had killed plenty of times, mostly out of necessity, be it either self defense or the defense of others, they had killed. And they weren't surprised that Talia had killed before, they were just a little surprised.

"Does Kara know?" Alex asked, wanting to know if her sister knew about Talia killing.

"She does. I talked to her about it during our vacation" Talia replied, as this was the truth. She had long since talked to Kara about this fact, mostly because she couldn't lie to her about something like this, not without potentially ruining their relationship. Kara understood as it was necessary in some cases, and the fact that Talia only did it to the people that deserved it, made it easier to accept.

"Okay, good. What do you plan on doing about Cadmus? I doubt they're going to stop at just this. Once they want something, they're going to keep going after it until they get it" Alex asked as Talia smiled.

"I've got some ideas about who could be running the show. But I've got to get the proper information before dealing with that one. As for how to deal with them, I've already sent out some of my...friends to deal with some of their hidden bases around the country. You'll likely see a sharp decrease in Cadmus activity" Talia replied, knowing that her familiars were currently traveling around wiping out a few Cadmus bases and taking any interesting pieces of technology that might be useful to her.

"That...thank you, Talia, truly. This will help us deal with Cadmus easier than before" J'onn replied genuinely, as they had been having some issues regarding Cadmus, and now that Talia would be taking care of a few of their bases, it would make the DEO's job much easier than before.

"Not a problem, J'onn. Now we just need to keep an eye out for any attacks on Kara. I know that she's the one they're more focused on than anyone else, even including Supes and myself. Probably some sort of grudge from their leader or something" Talia replied, knowing that Lillian would start to focus more on Kara now that she knew that Talia was practically untouchable.

What Lillian didn't know was that Kara was immune to the weaknesses that she used to have, and could now generate tremors that could annihilate islands with a single strike. Just like how Whitebeard could. There were few people in this universe that could handle one of her punches now, and Talia was one of them.

"That won't be a problem. We've been keeping a close eye on CatCo and the other places that Kara frequents, except your apartment of course, we know better than to look there" Alex said, as Talia chuckled. The defenses in her apartment complex were superior to even the ones at her office, making it quite literally impossible for anyone to enter without her permission.

"Good, I doubt they'll try anything, but it's best to be safe" Talia replied with a smile, as her familiars also had kept a close eye on those locations, mostly to stop any sort of villain attacks or anything like that.

Looking to the two, Talia looked at the time before smiling and speaking, as she had decided to finish off the dungeon tonight, or at least get close to it.

"Looks like I've got to go. Don't wanna keep the girlfriends waiting!"

Talia inwardly had different thoughts.

'Time to finish off the dungeon...hopefully'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be dungeon stuff and her completing it, or getting close to completing it.

Sorry about the quality, but my sleeping schedule has been ruined (Insomnia is a bitch). But in return, I'm doing a double upload for this fic! Next chapter will come in a couple of hours, and will be around 2.7k words!

Anyways, have a good day!