Four Months Later

I woke up to Lloyd's arms around me. I rolled over and snuggled in his arms. Or I snuggled the best I could with my stomach between us. I was pretty rounded now since I was five months pregnant. The Ninja had held a grudge against Lloyd for about a month. After I pestered them they finally agreed to stop ignoring him. Lloyd chuckled at my movement. "I guess this means we're staying in here for a while?" He said.

I looked at him. "For a little while at least."

He kissed me gently then got up. I glared and he smiled. "You have a doctor's appointment in an hour. We have to get up."

I huffed and got up. I grabbed some clothes and took a hot shower. I put on a loose green T-shirt, a black skirt, a green jacket, and my boots. I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair out then braided it. I walked back into the bedroom and grinned as Lloyd scowled. "I'm keeping my hair up," I said firmly.

"It's better down," he grumbled. We both left the room and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Uh-oh," Harumi said smiling. "You have your hair up. I bet Lloyd tried to make you put it down."

I made a face as I scooped eggs onto my plate. "Doesn't he always?"

Nya and Harumi laughed. "So are you two going to let the doctor tell you what the baby is going to be?" Nya asked.

I sat down. "Yeah. We want to start coming up with baby names and it will help if we know what it's going to be."

"I bet it's a girl," Harumi said.

"I do too," Nya agreed.

I rolled my eyes. "I hope both of you are wrong and it's a boy."

Lloyd snorted. "You're just saying that to disagree with them."

I gave him a mock offended look. "No, I really hope it's a boy." That was true. I did want it to be a boy but I'd be happy with a girl too. I finished that last of my eggs.

"What are you hoping it is, Lloyd?" Harumi asked.

"I'd be happy with either," he replied.

I sighed and put my empty plate in the sink. "Honestly? So would I. Mostly because this child is ours."

Lloyd smiled. "Let's go, Y/n." We left and got to the hospital a few minutes later. Finally, the doctor called our names and we went. I laid back and shut my eyes. I hate hospitals. 

"Alright, Mrs. Garmadon, let's see what we have here," she said. I felt her put the thing on my stomach and opened my eyes to look at the screen. I hated hospitals but I loved seeing my baby. "Do you want to know what you're having?" 

I looked at Lloyd. He nodded. "Yes, we do," I said.

"It's a boy." She left.

I giggled at Lloyd's look of surprise. "I win," I said cheerfully. Though I was a little surprised myself. I was going to have a baby boy. I got up off the bed and we went home. As soon as we entered the door we were surrounded.

"So what's it going to be?" Misako asked.

"Um..." Lloyd looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "We're having a boy," I informed everyone.

"Dammit," Harumi muttered. Nya nodded grumpily.

I smiled at them. "What? Upset that it's not going to be a girl?"

"Whatever," Nya said. "What are you planning to name it?"

"We haven't even begun discussing that," Lloyd said.

"Yeah." I yawned. "I think I'm going to head to our room." I walked away. I sat on the bed and waited knowing Lloyd would be in soon. He came in. "You escaped," I teased.

He rolled his eyes and sat beside me. "It wasn't that hard. You escaped first."

I giggled. "I know but I think they only let that happen because they thought I was tired." I paused. "Besides, I'm pretty sure they won't trap me because I'm pregnant."

He groaned. "No fair. Men can't get pregnant."

I laughed. "I don't think you'd want to," I said when I finally stopped. "You can't even handle being sick and bed rest is practically required on some days."

He nodded. "You're right. I wouldn't be able to handle that."

I kissed him. "I know," I murmured standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. I'm just stretching." I sighed. "What are we going to name our son?"

"Hmm." He laid flat on his back. "Jonathan?"

I huffed. "Of course. Your first suggestion is one I like."

He grinned. "Your turn."

I thought for a minute. "Albert?"

He wrinkled his nose. "No."

I scowled. Hmm, what would be a good name? "I really like Jonathan," I muttered. The I brightened. "How about Nickolas? Or Nathaniel?" 

"Nickolas, maybe." He thought for a minute. "Nathaniel is a good one too."

I nodded. "I got to pick two so you get one more."

He fell quiet as he thought. "Mason?"

"Hmm." I looked at him thoughtfully then nodded. "I like it."

"So we have four names."

"Yeah. But we can use some of these names for a middle name too. Like Jonathan Mason Garmadon." Oh, I liked the sound of that one. I'm going to secretly call our son that.

Lloyd saw the gleam in my eyes. "You're sticking with that name, aren't you?"

"Until we know what he looks like."

Lloyd laughed. "Alright."

I felt a light nudge in my belly and my eyes widened. "Lloyd, the baby just kicked," I said excitedly.

He was off the bed and by my side instantly. He gently laid his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked again. He looked at me. "Do you think he likes the name too?"

I smiled. "Maybe." My stomach grumbled. "Aaaand I'm hungry," I said.

He chuckled. "Let's go see if dinner's ready."

We did and found Zane just setting the food on the table. We sat down with everyone. "Hey, the baby just kicked a few minutes ago," I said casually then stuffed a mouthful of food in my mouth.

"WHAT!" They all yelled.

Lloyd was laughing. "It was only a couple of kicks. Chill," he said snickering.

I nodded. "We think he agrees with the name we've decided on." I paused. "Actually we have several but it was after I said one that he started kicking."

"What are the choices?" Harumi asked.

"Nickolas, Nathaniel, Jonathan, Mason," I listed. "But I said Jonathan Mason Garmadon and he..." He started kicking again making me giggle. "Yeah, he loves that name."

Lloyd looked at me. "He kicked again?"


"The baby chose his name then," Misako said.

I shrugged. "We'll have to see if it fits him when he's born."

We finished eating and went to bed.