Refining Infernal Flames! (2)

This Spirit Flame pendant had a circular metallic casing inscribed with intricate formations, and in its center was a drop of blood.

Su Xiaobai did not know which beast's blood it was, but it was said to enhance his chances of taming the Infernal Flames, preventing him from being devoured by it.

Even now, he could feel the pendant's power suppressing the pseudo-consciousness of the Infernal Flame.

Sky-grade flames were catastrophic; even an Immortal King like Ning Gufan would be engulfed by such a flame, his consciousness eradicated in an instant. Its powers were beyond comprehension!

Su Xiaobai shuddered at the thought. If the Infernal Flames had reached that realm, they should have long devoured him.

The realization made him shiver, despite the fiery presence within him.

Gazing at the flickering Infernal Flame within his consciousness, Su Xiaobai knew he couldn't waste such a treasure.

He immediately donned the Spirit Jade Pendant and sat cross-legged, positioning the golden spatial ring onto the middle finger of his left hand.

Next to it shimmered a faint blue spatial ring, a cherished gift from Mariach Su.

A wave of nostalgia washed over him briefly. He bit the finger of his right hand, letting a droplet of blood fall onto the spatial ring of Ning Gufan, recognizing him as its new master.

Although the Spirit Flame Pendant didn't require this procedure, Su Xiaobai still dropped a bit of his blood onto it as well, just to be sure.

"With this pendant," he murmured to himself, "I will harness the Infernal Flames."

The Infernal Flame roared within him, its pseudo-consciousness challenging his will.

But Su Xiaobai, fortified by the profound knowledge and treasures of Ning Gufan, felt a surge of confidence. "I will not be consumed," he declared, his voice a whisper yet filled with new found resolve. "I will subdue you."

Su Xiaobai sat cross-legged, the Infernal Flame's spirit pulsating fiercely within him, a beast of searing heat and wild energy.

His meridians, still ruptured and broken, now felt the tumultuous surge of the flame, making it impossible to channel Qi in the conventional manner.

Instead, he had to rely solely on his consciousness to subdue and refine the flame.

This process, known as 'refining', involved subduing the flame's wild essence and integrating it into one's being, transforming its destructive power into a source of immense strength.

Having seen Ning Gufan perform this intricate ritual, Su Xiaobai knew exactly what to do.

He reached into Ning Gufan's spatial ring and retrieved the necessary materials.

The first item was a vial of 'Spirit Calming Pills.'

These pills, crafted from rare herbs like 'Mind Lotus' and 'Tranquil Dew', stabilized the mind and enhanced mental fortitude.

He swallowed one, feeling immediate clarity and calm.

Next, he took out 'Celestial Binding Threads', shimmering with faint luminescence.

These threads, spun from the 'silk of the Sky Weaving Spider', could bind and control spiritual entities.

He arranged them in a formation around himself, creating a protective barrier to contain the Infernal Flame's wild energy.

From the ring, he also retrieved a 'Flame Subduing Pearl', a rare treasure capable of temporarily suppressing a flame's intensity.

He placed it at the center of his formation, its cool light mixing with the dark energy of the Infernal Flame, creating a balanced environment for the refinement process.

The final preparation was a bottle of 'Dragon Blood Essence', distilled from the blood of a 'Heavenly Dragon'.

This essence would bolster his physical and spiritual resilience, crucial for withstanding the intense heat and pressure of the flame.


He drank it, feeling his veins surge with renewed strength.

"Inhale..." With the preparations complete, Su Xiaobai took a deep breath and began the refinement process.

He channeled his consciousness, forming a mental cage around the Infernal Flame.

The flame roared in response, its pseudo-consciousness resisting fiercely. Su Xiaobai focused his mind, using the techniques he had learned from Ning Gufan's memories.

"Calm your mind, steady your breath," he whispered to himself, recalling Ning Gufan's teachings. "The flame is wild, but there exists nothing in the world that can't be tamed!"

Swoosh! Whizz! Swoosh!

He visualized the Infernal Flame as a raging beast, its fiery tendrils lashing out at him.

He directed his consciousness to form a cage around it, the Celestial Binding Threads glowing as they tightened, containing the flame's fury.

The Flame Subduing Pearl emitted a soothing light, dimming the flame's intensity just enough for Su Xiaobai to gain control.


The flame roared, a deafening sound echoing in his consciousness.

Su Xiaobai gritted his teeth.

"It's almost done..." he declared, his voice resonating within the confines of his mind.

Slowly, he began to absorb the essence of the flame, drawing it into his dantian.

The process was excruciating, each pulse of the flame sending waves of searing pain through his body.

He could feel the Infernal Flame's power merging with his own, its destructive energy being transformed into a source of unimaginable strength.

As Su Xiaobai ran the flame through his meridians, the pain intensified beyond mortal endurance.


He screamed, a primal, agonized cry that tore through the air.

Tear! Tear! Tear!

His clothes ignited, consumed by the inferno that erupted around him.

The air shimmered with heat, and a raging inferno engulfed him, his body glowing a furious red within it.

His meridians, once broken and fragile, were being reborn in the crucible of the flame, forged anew by the intense heat and power.

He continued to channel his consciousness, guiding the flame's energy through his meridians.

The Spirit Calming Pills kept his mind sharp, while the Dragon Blood Essence reinforced his body, enabling him to endure the intense heat.

The Celestial Binding Threads and Flame Subduing Pearl worked in harmony, maintaining the delicate balance necessary for the refinement.

Minutes turned into hours, each passing moment a test of Su Xiaobai's endurance and willpower.

The flame's resistance gradually weakened, its pseudo-consciousness submitting to his relentless control.

Sweat poured down his face, his muscles ached, but he pressed on, driven by the vision of his future power.

Finally, with a final surge of will, Su Xiaobai felt the last vestiges of the Infernal Flame's resistance crumble.


The flame's energy flowed smoothly into his dantian, its essence becoming one with his own.

The process was complete.

He had refined the Infernal Flame!

Opening his eyes, Su Xiaobai felt a profound change within himself.

The flame's power coursed through his veins, a wellspring of strength and potential.

He had not only survived but emerged stronger, his cultivation elevated to 'peak' stage of 'qi refinement' realm at once!

A smile of triumph spread across his face. "Ning Gufan," he murmured, "your death—at least—is not as worthless as your existence!" he sneered mockingly.

It would be a lie to say Su Xiaobai wasn't seething with rage. The old man's attempt to use and refine him to repair his own veins was a bitter betrayal. Yet, Su Xiaobai was beginning to grasp the harsh truths of cultivation!

In this merciless world, lacking strength meant becoming a pawn in others' schemes! You were nothing but mere food on their dinner table!

Until now, Matriarch Su had shielded him, her formidable power his sanctuary. Thus, Su Xiaobai had never regarded 'strength' and 'cultivation' as significant. Besides, his own talent had seemed nearly worthless.

However, there were no more excuses to be made. Now, he was alone!

He had to embrace the harsh reality that no one would save him, or it would lead to his demise once more!

Next, Su Xiaobai stood up, feeling the profound changes within his body.