Chapter Nineteen.

I was eight months pregnant. It was a rough and tiring journey but I have never been happier. Buhle and I were as we were. He was the talkative, kind and jovial being I've always known him to be and I was well..... me. Siwe clocked a whole year of absence a month ago. I thought it would be harder than the previous year and it was, but I handled it better. Buhle and I placed fresh roses on Siwe's tombstone and told her stories. It was heart filling to talk to her like she was there with us. We told her all about our excitement to meet her little brother. I was having a boy! I was very excited to meet him. We all were, Buhle's father, my parents...... a few friends of mine from work.

I got a job seven months ago..... the people there were so great. I'm socially awkward but they made me feel more welcome than I expected.