Chapter 19: A Friend too Friendly

Jane's P.O.V


Cam's car stopped outside a beautiful building that looked more like a palace than a hotel. And then he was rushing to my side to open the door for me to get down.


"I thought we were coming to a hotel." I told him, looking at the wonderful establishment in front of me.


"Look around, this is the hotel." Cam smirked. "I did tell you that tonight would be beautiful and unforgettable." 


I looked around at the building once again, awed by the design. "It's beautiful, I have to say. I have never seen anything like it before." I was honest when I said that. 


I have been to a lot of clubs, bars and hotels, but this wasn't like any of the others. It seemed like it cost a fortune to be in it. The design was more like a modern age palace than a hotel.