Chapter 1

Every child always wants a normal childhood, but only few get it.

I guess not everyone gets what they want because destiny always has it's own plans for us.

Well as for me, I never knew my father, my mom always said that my dad abandoned me when I was three, she said that my dad never wanted a child in their relationship so when they heard that my mom was pregnant with me, they tried to get rid of me but fortunately for me and unfortunately for them, the doctor said that due to the former six abortions which she had had- they didn't really fancy the idea of using protection-that if she was to abort me that she would lose her womb permanently, but she didn't want to lose her womb permanently because by doing so, no one would want to marry her when she and my dad breaks up. So she had me despite my dad's warnings of leaving us.

Oh well! She had me and my dad left us, blah blah blah..., Life went on and now am 17 and although my mom already predicted that she and my dad would break up, my mom still blamed me for my dad's disappearance.

Anyway, my name is Daphnie Anderson and am in grade 12, despite all the miserable things in my life, I keep going on.

There's this boy, he has been our neighbor since I can remember, he was the boy who always helped me, sat with me and listened to me blabbering; I'm a talkative but only to those I'm extremely close with, for others am kind of unintentionally a snub ; he always helped me through tough times, always lent me his shoulder to cry on, with time we became besties but I fell in love with him, I still don't know 'how' and 'when' it happened but I fell really hard. I just got back from our summer vacation, oh! Speaking of 'our' did I forget to mention that my mom later found a man after my dad left and they had a kid together her name is Emily Jones, she is 14 years old now and she's in grade10. later on, my mom passed away leaving just me, my step dad and my half sister. My step sister and I don't attend the same school, I school at Greens field high while she schools at Jakes ville High, we live in New York City.

So yes!, as I was saying, I fell really hard and now that the summer break is over, I finally mustered up all my courage and finally decided to let him know about my feelings towards him. It's 8pm now and I'm just laying on my bed and staring up to the ceiling, I couldn't wait for tomorrow to reach so I could go to school and confess my feelings to him. Suddenly I heard a knock on my window, no it sounded more like a stone hitting my window so I went to have a peek at the window just to confirm my suspicion, when I got there, I almost choked on my own saliva because it was 'him', Jaden Black, the one person who has been on my mind, was standing right down my window. I still couldn't believe it was him, so just to be sure I opened the window and indeed he was there, waving at me, so I knew I wasn't hallucinating. He climbed up and came into my room through the window and suddenly he hugged me, I could feel my heart beating 'thud thud thud' when he finally let me go, I was still dumbfounded until he finally broke the awkward silence,

"Hey daph, when I came back from soccer practice,I saw your dad's car parked outside and so I decided to come welcome you back." He said while scratching the side of his head lightly. He was Soo cute!.

"Urm,t-thanks, I actually thought I would be surprising you at school tomorrow." I said, and I managed to add a dry laugh, I was still suffering from the hug earlier so my voice was shaky.

"Well... the main reason I came was to tell you something really important."