chapter 4

I got tired of the lovey-dovey scene in front of me, I just had to work away. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize where I was heading to until someone said,

"Hey baby girl!, How much one do you want?"


It was then that I realized where I was, I was at the back of the school, where they sell hard drugs, I then turn to start running, but before I could move an inch, the unknown person suddenly grabbed my hand and I started regretting the fact that I didn't take my self-defense classes seriously, it would have come in really handy right now. I didn't know what to do, I tried getting my hands free but it just won't budge, the more I tried to get my hands free, he  would increase his grip on my hand. Just when I lost all hopes of getting free, a savior came to my rescue.

"Hey!!, What's going on here??" He asked, he had a deep, hoarse voice and he emitted a chilling and frightening aura.

"Please help me!, Please!" I begged.

And then he drew my hand out of that of the unknown man's grip and punched the unknown man,  the man's nose started bleeding, but the Savior didn't stop there, he carried the unknown man up and kept on hitting him till he became a living dead, I couldn't stand the sight of the blood anymore that I ran away...

*****In the classroom****

I still couldn't get my mind off what had happened earlier, our physics teacher was in the class but I couldn't even hear what he was saying, all I could hear was "blah blah blah",it was a case of being in class physically but not in class mentally, that is what was happening to me right now, just then the scene of Elsa and Jaden played in my mind, I was so shocked earlier that I didn't realize the hint of pain that flashed across Jaden's eyes the moment I said that I wasn't bothered about his relationship with Elsa. Just then I suddenly had my name, it was our teacher.

"Daphnie Anderson!!!, I said stand up and answer my question!!"

"H-huh?, Could you please repeat your question sir?"

"So you are telling me that all these white I have been talking, you haven't heard anything I was saying?!!" He roared, he was yelling Soo loudly that I couldn't do anything but apologize.

"I-i-i'm sorry sir" I stuttered .

"Sorry for yourself!!, Leave my class now!!"

"I'm really -"

"I said leave my class right now!!!"

"Okay sir".