Chapter 9: The Powers That Be

Kane (voiceover)

My fav part about this competition so far is being reunited with my best bud, Claude.

Kane Urasa and Claude of Styfe are relaxing in Kane's opulent Super suite of the galaxy renowned Papuru Inn, eating food provided by room service. Decorated in the blue-gold colors of the competition, the suite held two bedrooms, a kitchen, relaxation quarters, and game room. They sat in the latter, feet propped up in the finest hoverchairs from Cy, a ninety inch holoview displaying an ad for the latest orb product before them. Kane had his customary burger and fries while Claude munched on a medley of fruit, including a sweet smelling rainbow melon. They were deep in a conversation, both aggressively animated in their gestures.

Kane (voiceover)

I haven't had a genuine convo with someone I wasn't in a high stakes game of chance with in a long time. With Claude, I didn't have to pretend to be some high roller, ladies man, or down on his luck rogue. Those personalities I save for opponents. Claude has known me since we were babies; seven years separation isn't enough to sever our bonds.


You are an idiot! No way Joppa would defeat Hellbent. Not even Will Lord Drax could beat such a beast.


Hold up, bro. Will Lord Drax can beat any and every Superstar.


Drax only won because it was the first tournament; the galaxy was still young and power styles a new commodity. If he would have lived even two hundred years ago and he and Crango were in the Final Bout, Crango would win.


Crango?! Are you kidding me? Do you even play holostar?


No, I am not familiar with the game.


Crango is the most useless piece of the board-


That does not translate into actual ability, Kane, be real.


And he only won because there were no note worthy Superstars that year.


I forgot you were there, so you would know.


I got a friend who hacked the Guilds' database. Not one mention of any Superstars competing in the 80th Competition.


Yeah...I heard a few theories about that...

Kane (voiceover)

We argue all the time, but Claude has my back, no matter what situation we in. This may be a one on one comp, but I have a feeling all the action to come won't be contained inside a geodome.

Kane and Claude's conspiratorial talk is put on hold as the theme of Coalition Carnage plays and the visage of Roxy's pink hologram flies up to the viewscope like she was one of those tiny Pixans from Oym.


Welcome back! Our next matchup have two unknowns butting heads, but first, we're going to our favorite Coalition Carnage Color Commentator, the one and only Grodin! What's going on, my Ksush?


Don't forget former host, Roxy. I'm here in the tiny village of Milanbery located on the outskirts of the Zareil Kingdom. With no technology on Pia, how do the Pians keep up with the competition?

He gestures behind him with his third arm, where over fifty people sat before a stage set. A red fabric curtain hung from pillars on both ends and lowered behind the fog-glass floor that made up the stage. A man sat high above the stage upon the same red fabric, swinging back and forth like a toddler. In front of the curtain was a painting of an erupting volcano and Pians wearing red clothing or paint wriggled on the stage floor behind several prop rocks, attempting to imitate a slow moving lava flow. Center stage were two Pians, one dressed as Kane, the other Claude. One held a bo staff, the other a sword of white painted wood that he kept swiping at his opponent at a much slower pace then the actions he was imitating.


They hold plays of the battles; right here in the village square. Let's watch a live scene.

The man on the rope waved his hands in grand gestures, never losing his balance on the unstable seating.

Man on rope

The Earthling's attacks were wild and fierce, very uncoordinated. He was panicking, as Earthlings are known to do.


What the hell is this?!

Claude was smiling behind a bite of fruit.


A rendition of our battle, apparently.

The actor portraying Claude spun his bo above his head then brought it before him. A short, hairy marsupial swinging fans in each of its four long arms created a decent gust of wind just off stage. A Pian painted all blue ran toward the Kane actor carrying wood facsimiles of a tornado and a lightning bolt.

Man on rope

The Dycordian seized the advantage, summoning tornados of wind and lightning. The Earthling had to flee the funnels of death.

Emerging from behind the Kane actor were two Pians holding a big loop, which the Pian holding the tornado and lightning props leaps through to land in a roll, springing lightly to his feet. Another Pian, this one wearing the furs and ears to resemble a rabbit jumped through the other way to start dancing in a silly manner.

Man on rope

In his fear, he manifested a giant ring of light to absorb the tornados. A hare was then conjured, revealing the Earthling's true inner self. He ran too much instead of meeting his opponent and friend head on.

The Claude actor celebrates in an animated fashion.

Man on rope

The Dycordian, believing himself victorious, celebrated his victory prematurely. He was under the belief that his friend would honor the wager of men; made before witnesses and the gods. Alas, he lowered his guard.

The rabbit dressed Pian ran at the actor crashing hard and sending both landing roughly to the floor. Now the Kane actor began to dance.

Man on rope

Thus was brought down by the one he called friend. By one whose word meant nothing. And so the first battle drew to a close.

The audience applaud the scene, the performers take a bow, and the holoview refocused on Grodin.


They are getting a faithful reenactment in my opinion. I'm going to watch the rest of this. Back to you, Roxy.

Kane had gotten to his feet during the broadcast, glaring intently at the holoview.


Faithful! When did I dance?! And Jack the Rabbit is an old cartoon I used to watch with my dad, not some inner subconscious.


This is nothing to get so upset over. I was not upset about you reneging on our deal.


OMG! I apologized for that! I have got to win this thing, Claude. Not for my benefit, but Earth's.


Deep breaths, Kane.

He sat back down in a hoof, still a look of irritation on his face.


This is why I hate remakes; creative liberties my ass.

The holoview had split between the image of two beings. One was a member of the feline race Coojur, the other, a mole faced, shell backed Winsker. The Coojur was frolicking in a bed of flowers, while the Winsker was using a shovel to dig into the soft earth beside a five foot blue mushroom. Kane sighed dramatically.


Oh, this will be riveting. Why do they keep getting Winskers to compete and what's up with that Coojur? He's chasing a butterfly.

Claude was on his holopad.


The Winsker is called Crimson and the Coojur, Rampage. Codenames, obviously.


Names that don't fit. The only rampaging that guy is doing is to those flowers.

Two holograms of Roxy float down to each simultaneously, but nothing can be heard. She was clearly trying to coax the two to action.


A thousand years and they still haven't figured the Winsker aren't interested in fighting, just digging stuff up. They should be left out.


Equal representation, Kane.


Even if they don't want it?

The Coojur finally bounced to his feet to walk calmly among the forest of mushrooms. The mushrooms themselves varied in size, some the size of a blade of grass, others as big as trees; and color covering all spectrums. The Winsker continued digging, its shelled back to Roxy.


The SRC didn't specify what Power Style Rampage uses. That in itself is unsettling.


Thought so too. That's why I put my money on him.


Kane, it is forbidden for Superstars to place bets during the competition.


I know. That's why I use private bookies. Should I be saying this to a priest?


Confession is good for the soul. Ask Gaia for forgiveness.


Maybe later. Look, the Winsker-


His name is Crimson.


Whatever. He's on the move. Whatever Roxy said got him going.

Crimson was running fast through the mushroom forest until he caught sight of the Coojur oddly named Rampage picking yellow flowers growing amidst the fungi. The split visuals condense into one. Kane used the remote to switch between views provided by the varies holoscopes on the geodome. Each showed Crimson closing on Rampage, who raises a tan furred hand in greeting. Roxy's voice could then be heard.


Superstar Crimson charges Superstar Rampage, a look of rage upon his face! Superstar Rampage better be prepared to defend himself or he will be impaled on his aggressor's shovel!



The bellow was enough to startle both friends with its intensity. Then, Crimson's left eye began to glow gold before shooting out into a still smiling Rampage. The Coojur screams, body writhing before falling in the grass.


A blast from Superstar Crimson crumples Superstar Rampage where he stood! Time to count. 1...2...oh, he's getting up. And he's smiling.


Bad move. Your not going to like what's coming.

As he spoke, his big black eyes turn blood red, his whiskered face began to protrude into a snout, like a canine. His already formidable looking fangs grew in size and number. His slim, cat like frame gained more and more muscle as well as height. By the end, he was over nine feet, tan and brown fur now black with streaks of white. The Coojur's whip like tail shrank to nothing, replaced with two leathery black wings sprouting from mid back. They flap twice, the creature's red eyes stared with menace at Crimson, who stared back dumbly. It's roar was twice the decibels of the Winsker's.



In one strong motion of its wings, Rampage flew towards Crimson, clawed talons outstretched, massive jaw open grotesquely wide. Crimson took his shovel, stuck it deep in the soil, and with a heave, sent an astounding amount of earth at the incoming behemoth. It impeded the creature not at all and it rams into Crimson, sending the two into a twenty foot mushroom, which inexplicably catches fire, before splitting in two. Their momentum kept them going until Crimson, whose shovel handle was wedged in Rampage's jaws, flips the two of them to the grass, Crimson straddling it.



Crimson took the shovel and raised it in triumph as a huge fist knocks him away. He hit shell first a ten foot mushroom that crackles with electricity. The resounding shock sends him to the ground, smoking. Rampage flew at him again; this time, a silver light issues from the Winsker's right eye. Hit square in the torso, Rampage roars in pain and rage, gripping at its head. Crimson leaps on it, driving the shovel into the nape of the monster's neck.


What am I looking at? Is that Winsker using magic or something? He's not supposed to be able to use Soul Style, right?


Historically, something about mental capacity. This Rampage though, remind you of a past Superstar?



The rampaging monster had shook free its attacker and wrapped its arms around a tree sized mushroom that bursts into flames. Scorched down to bloody raw meat never slowed the creature as the mushroom tree is ripped from the soil and used as a projectile. Crimson dodges the dead fungi as its fire dies with it, in his fearless charge toward the monster.


None of this is making sense. He was a Coojur before.


I have no knowledge of either culture having abilities such as these. Rampage does look half Tarlkin now.


And everybody knows Coojurs and Tarlkins get along like cats and dogs. Oh, maybe Rampage is like some forbidden love child between the two. That would be awesome!


Possible, but unlikely. At any rate, these two, after only a couple of minutes, have shown to be among the most formidable. We must be wary.

A ping from Kane's holopad got his attention. Waving a hand over the device on his lap brings the image of a grey haired Human with a strong jaw line and deep wrinkles of the skin.


Mr. President. It's an honor, sir.


The honor is mine. Have you been watching the competition?


Uh, yes sir.


Tough group this year. How do you think you will fare?

Kane took a quick glance at the holoview. At some point, superheated magma had been introduced, of which Crimson seemed to control. Rampage, most of its fur burned away to raw meat, inhales deeply, its chest expanding inconceivably, before breathing a red flame of its own.

It collided with the magma and the two powers fought for dominance. Kane looks back down, brandishing a confident smile.


I can take them. No worries.


That's what I like to hear, Kane, my boy. Pay strict attention to this and the next match. Plan ahead and make Earth proud.


I will, Mr. President.


Good luck, my friend.


Thank you.

The connection fades away. Claude was intensely watching the battle so he didn't notice Kane's smile do the same.

Kane (voiceover)

I wasn't feeling as confident as I sounded. Claude was right about the level of competition. It won't be a breeze getting to the Finals. But it will be fun.

Kane's smile returns with a genuine feeling of confidence as he watched the brawl.


In the oval office of the White House, President Julius Gilbert waved a hand and Kane's imagine vanished. He swiveled his chair to a line of hologram heads, each with the name of the sky country they represented underneath. The head hovering over the name Perceiver, Olan Highland, spoke first in his deep accent.


He is posturing. He is outmatched and only just realized it now.

The next head to speak was Ling Xi of Shangri-la.


I concur. I still do not understand why you replaced Blair with this Kane fellow.


He is going to fail.

This from Endure's leader, Emma Weber.


We can't rely on such a youth in trying circumstances as these.

The lean features of the face above the name Majesty spoke next and though he and Jesse McDonald were friends, Gilbert kind of wished he wouldn't.


I'm not as unsure of Kane's prowess as you three. I've seen him in action. He fought Blair and won. Despite that, I believe we should increase production of heligium.

Utopia's President, Jerry Lake cleared his throat.


That is risky. If you believe in Kane, let's wait until the Finals.


Majesty can't wait. We only have around four hundred days of heligium left.

Baruch Amur, Kingdom President spoke next.


We only have one hundred days more then them. Jesse is right. If Quil is going to continue raising prices every year, heligium will soon be out of Earth's price range. We need to either produce it ourselves or stockpile it now, while prices are still manageable.


I spoke with our...handlers earlier. They are unwilling to compromise.


They are banking on our ability to produce the heligium.


I do not appreciate the term... handler.


What else do you call a person a president would answer to?


Either way, they only care for themselves and their own personal power. If we fell out the sky, they probably have contingency plans to save themselves and their families. We were elected to be the Council of Presidents by the people of Earth. We owe it to the people to ensure their survival.


It is why we should not have replaced Blair.


Forget about Blair already. What's done is done. I ultimately agree with Jesse. Whether or not Kane wins or loses we need a plan B. But increasing production is not the answer. Heligium is dangerous enough if not produced correctly. Rushed...


Then we appeal to Quil. The Finan are greedy and certain officials can be bought.


I was along that same train of thought, Emma. The Harvas family will be Quil representatives during the Dycordian visit. I figured Jesse and I would broach them on the subject.


Why McDonald?


I might be able to glean a little more about their heligium production, if the price is right. I am to try.


Our handlers, as you so eloquently refer to them, are not going to be pleased if they learn of this.


What are they going to do? Kill us?

There was silence for a moment.


No. Killing us would bring unwanted eyes to their ultimate plans, whatever they may be. But they can make our lives hell so we must tread carefully. Until then be safe and go with God.


Kane and Claude watch the battle with great interest as Roxy continues her play by play.


These two big beef sons of bitches are going all out now! The Fungi Forest has been terraformed by their encounter!

Mushrooms lay smashed, crushed, and burned throughout the forest resembling the aftermath of a violent planet quake. Rampage, whose skin had healed completely and hair was visibly returning, looked around for his prey to no avail.


Where'd he go?


I believe underground.


Of course. I'm an idiot.

Crimson burst from beneath the monster embedding his shovel into Rampage's chest. It growled at Crimson before eclipsing him in a bearhug.


Despite the mortal injury, Superstar Rampage was able to apply a bearhug! I think I can hear Superstar Crimson's shell cracking!

Smoke drifted from Rampage's nostrils, then its mouth opened as if to take a bite.


It's over now.

Deep red flame poured from its mouth engulfing Crimson and its own arms. Releasing its hold revealed arms exposed to the bleach white bone and a figure of flame standing motionless. Rampage roared and the flames suddenly began to flow into the mouth of Crimson, who was completely unhurt. He belched black smoke.


Now that was unexpected.


I've seen something like that before.

Crimson then blasts Rampage with both his gold and silver beams, slowly pushing it back as it howled.


Superstar Crimson is now mounting a comeback! Those rich looking rays of light have Superstar Rampage about to fall!


Maybe he's not really a Winsker. Maybe he's one of those Liv-Tek models or something.


No, they have measures to prevent such cheating.


Measures can be compromised, you know that.


I do at that.

Rampage flayed around, swinging at the air with fists the size of mini hovercars. Its wings flapped, taking it three feet off the ground, before smashing back down with a force rarely seen before. The entire geodome shifts, making the image displayed to viewers around the galaxy tilt at an angle. They could still see Crimson lose his footing, Rampage come in and land a haymaker, snapping the mole head back with a loud crack. Another hit sends Crimson into the geodome which returns him to Rampage with interest. Not wanting the Winsker, it backhands the coming projectile into another tree sized mushroom. The electrical current was bright flashes to holoview watchers that, once over, revealed Crimson face down in the dirt.


A bone shattering combo off the geodome! Amazing! 1...2...

The rampaging monster leapt toward its downed opponent for a final, deadly finish. It was suddenly gone, teleported away by the show runners.


...9...10! Winner of Battle 7: Superstar Rampage!


That was informative.

Kane quietly contemplated the holoview.

Kane (voiceover)

Sometimes I wonder if entering this competition was worth the mental anguish that goes along with it. Going to alien worlds, fighting powerful beings, not to mention what goes into learning Soul Style and you've got yourself a recipe for a total mental breakdown. My mother warned me to stay away, not go seeking revenge. I should have listened.


Still think you can win?

Kane (voiceover)

I smile at my friend, who didn't seem at all apprehensive about facing such challenges. His look of confidence helped inflate my own.


Damn right.

Claude laughs and they bump fists.

The minutes leading to the next match went swiftly and by the time they started paying attention to the holoview, Roxy was in the middle of picking a geodome. A snowy, desolate wasteland chosen.


It's the staple of the world of Mirrgrif, the Battle of Souls. Site of a decisive battle between two warring races, it will be the site of another meeting of warring Superstars. These two also have met previously in Coalition Carnage past so it's time for them to get reacquainted.

It's the final battle of the day. Superstar Ramza vs Superstar Nor!


That's it! Now I know where I saw that fire eating technique Crimson did earlier!


I do, too. It has been ten years since we have seen him. In fact, I completely forgot about him.


Me, too. The Godsend. We just witnessed a Winsker using the Godsend.

A handsome man with flowing hair and taunt muscles was on the holoview. He held the air of a supreme being, but the kind smile of a humanitarian.


The same Godsend as our resident deity there. Can you believe on top of all else, we have to battle a god.


At least this is a god we know.


Yeah, a decade ago. Question is: can a god improve on perfection?

End chapter