Chapter 25 : Soul Man

Day 37

Kane Urasa tries to hide his annoyance so as to not offend the Pains around him. The outdoor auditorium had seating for a hundred or so, mostly Pians, with a majority of them being big and burly. The stage that was at the center of the seating held the attentions of all present.

Kane (voiceover)

I'm pissed. Last night, when we landed on Urland, Pia's moon, I got sucked into a high stakes game of cardvark with a group of traders passing the time as they were waiting for their shipment of exotic foods to be loaded. I've played the card game a thousand times before, but these guys were on another level. Guys and one lady. In trying to impress her, I kept playing and losing. Turns out, she was ship's captain and pro cardvark player. Six hours after meeting them and several pints of booze they kept on hand for suckers like me, my bank account is less then half what it was the day before. The traders had took off with pockets full of my c-chips and holds full of the inebriating fruit applehols, one of which I got to try. I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking and don't partake often, which my new gambling buddies took prime advantage of. Then, I had to come planetside this morning to attend this 'Welcome to Pia' play still slightly buzzed. The Sustenance ability granted by Soul Style provides me with forty eight hours of not getting hungry, thirsty, tired, or needing to breath, or releave myself, but does nothing to prevent me from the effects of intoxication.

On the stage, actors played knights with fake fog-glass swords and painted armor to resemble that of the organic kind worn by real knights of the four kingdoms. Littered around them were the prone forms of green robed actors, playing dead. The armed actors were brandishing their weapons and declaring up at the facsimile of their moon, suspended above the stage by thin strings. Another actor sat upon it, wearing a yellow mask and holding a tablet of stone with foreign writing that Kane didn't recognize. The knights were coaxing the masked one to descend; in response, he began reading from the tablet.

The actors were shouting their lines now, when the seat beneath him began to shake. The actors stumbled around as if off balance, while others entered the stage from the right, brandishing torches of fire that they waved about in organized chaos. Their handling of the props was impressive; flipping about as the stage shook, never singeing themselves or the props. To his right, his best friend Claude of Styfe, wore a look of amusement, his blue skin and nondescript clothing standing out among the dozens of Pians. On his left, was a Human man of about sixty, smartly dressed, who exhibited fascination at the actors' skills.

Kane (voiceover)

I don't know President Lake well, only what the holoview have said about him. His sky-country has a low crime rate and sits a safe distance above the thunder clouds. It has beautiful scenery and those who live there say Utopia has the best cost of living of all seven sky-countries. The fact he's sitting here amongst such rough and tumble aliens is a testimony to his bravery. Especially after what happened to Julius and Jesse.

The ground continued to rumble, thanks to the stomping of helidons under the seats and stage. Kane squirmed uncomfortably.

Kane (voiceover)

The two things Pians are most famous for is their planet's look and their animal training methods; both of which are unique to all other peoples. Wildlife is not domesticated here, any and all tasks are done so by the animals willingly; according to Avia that is. But still, I felt incredibly vulnerable with a half meter high, two ton beast under my seat, trained to stomp on que. If the wild animals of Earth's past are any indication, even well trained animals can go amok.

The fire dancers were off stage, along with the other actors. A prop of their planet was lowered with the same strings the moon prop had been, only closer to the stage. Kane noticed in sudden shock, those strings were held in the grip of a humongous purple marsupial whose hands and crown of head could be seen briefly above the stage backdrop. The blue-white prop was whole, representing their world as it was before. A portion breaks off at the fist of a Pian inside, falling to the stage like paper mache. The prop now resembled the planet Kane saw on the flight in, a sphere with a piece of it scooped out as if from a galactic spoon. An unseen narrator speaks on the tragedy that was the Holy War as more actors appeared to play out the aftermath. Kane scoffs, which did not go unnoticed.


Not enjoying the show?


I'm not saying I know more about their history than they do, but when I read up on that history, the documents I saw claim the Holy War between the Kingdoms and the Mind of God Church was actually a political movement by the church for power. The tablet was a list of demands the kingdoms refused to abide. This folktale is making the tablet some important artifact with the power to do that to their world. I just don't buy it.


How else do you suppose Pia got this way?


God wanted a snack? How the hell should I know?


Are you a history buff, Kane?


I dabble here and there. More accurately, I like mysteries and there's no greater mystery than the distant past. Especially when those in charge try to change the narrative to suit themselves.


The need for secrecy is not always for nefarious reasons.


No offense, sir, but there might be a few secrets even presidents aren't privy to.


You watch too much holoview.

The actors were now portraying the Four Kings of Pia fighting a last stand against the Church. One of the kings, Kane isn't sure which since he was only paying half attention, got a hold of the Tablet, using it to grant himself and his comrades immortality.


This is ridiculous.

A Pian woman turned to glare at him. He returns her look, unflinchingly.


Kane, please. We are honored guests. We must demonstrate how refined and composed Earthlings can be.


Pians respect bravery and strength of self. That's why you're out here without Secret Service, right?


They're around, trust me. Can't go anywhere without them. I've tried.

Kane looks around the crowd more thoroughly then he did when they first sat down. He didn't see any obvious black suited, sunglass wearing Humans hanging around, but did spot The Dawn sitting two sections off, seemingly alone among the silent Pians. She noticed his stare and he waves weakly, wondering if she really looking at him. She smiles brightly and waves back enthusiastically. Kane smiles stiffly and averts his gaze to more scanning. He spots Fritz, the Preesling, who was chilling and talking with a couple of hefty Pians, one slapping him on the back at some joke. Fritz, for his part, used his tail to slap the man on the belly. Their laughter was loud and genuine, yet went unnoticed by those around them, including the stage performers.

The actor kings were soon standing triumphant, receiving a standing ovation. Kane feels forced to rise with everyone else; an elbow to the side by Claude had him clapping as well. Claude noticed The Dawn sitting in place as people start filing out the stands. He informs them that he was going to speak with her. Kane and Lake moved along, past two guys talking about the play, out of the public seating and into a clearing where play goers can buy food and drink and weapons and armor. A group of women protestors were being hurried out of sight by true knights, some with real swords drawn. Kane thought he heard something about Avia, but turned his attention to the President.


After having met you, you impress on me a confidence in your abilities. You, at least, believe you will win and that's enough for me.


Thank you, sir. And you should be more careful. That assassin could still be around.


I know who the real assassins are.




The same people behind your mother's killing.

Kane's walk falters, but Lake never breaks his stride.


Keep moving. It's more difficult to listen from afar while drifting in and out of other conversations.


Al...alright. Who's listening? The Illuminati?


So you know of them.

Kane took notice of a Secret Service agent out the corner of his eye, keeping at a distance that would allow him to reach the President quickly. A Pian woman approached them then, wearing crab armor painted a dark shade of red, signifying her as a member of the king and queen's royal guard. Her weapon she had strapped to her back instead of at her hip, like other knights Kane had seen.


Greetings, I am Jony Saryimich and I bring salutations from my King and his beloved Queen Jysti, who extends to you an invitation to join them for breakfast as a guest of honor.


That's cool. I could eat.


We accept with gladness.


I'm afraid this invitation is for Earth's President Jerry Lake only. And his royal guard, of course. I'm sure a Superstar of your caliber has much training to do.

Lake prevents Kane from responding. He excuses the two of them and takes them out of earshot.


I want to go over everything I know, but not here. In a more secure area. In ten days, the battleball finals will take place over in Viridian. Do you know the city?


I've heard of it. Was planning to go see the game.


Good. You can join me in the presidential booth I'm having specially prepared. See you then. Good luck tomorrow, Kane.

They shake hands.


Thank you. Stay sharp, sir. Be aware of your surroundings.


Trust me, I know what we are up against.

Lake walks off with Jony, followed by five agents who appeared out the crowd.


I think I'm the one who needs to be more aware.


Kane arrives at his home with a bag. He places it gently on his kitchen table and goes to shower. As the hot water covers him, he grips the silver piece of coal hanging by a string around his neck.

Kane (voiceover)

I lived a modest, if not honest, life before the soul coal. Professional gambler isn't your typical everyday job, but that's why I like it. The higher the stakes, the better. Out thinking fellow gamblers gives me a thrill very little other things, besides exploring ancient Earth ruins, gives me. I've only been below the clouds once in my life; that experience has stuck with me more then most. At this moment, my nerves were raw. Getting caught in possession of a soul coal is punishable with five years in prison; using it to gain power, an additional twenty. I'm seventeen at the time and was half expecting CFTC officers to suddenly kick in my bathroom door, arresting me, all wet and naked.

After feeling clean again, Kane takes the bag from the kitchen to his bedroom that held a soft cushion chair and bed, holoview, mini fridge and games table. He pulls from the bag a long, brick red candle that, once lit, filled the dark room with a gentle glow that bounced the shadows with the slightest breeze. Kane takes the chair, arms resting in his lap, eyes closed.

Kane (voiceover)

Meditation is not something I excel at, especially when my mind is racing, thinking of the upcoming event. Narclite candles are illegal as well, due to the intense high and limited telepathy of long exposure, but I have a window open and the scent of the melting wax is all I need. Initial contact calms the mind, keeps thoughts from wandering. I try to visualize in my mind what I look like now, the clothes I'm wearing, my haircut, even the silver piece of coal around my neck. All I can picture is darkness. Was the info I got on how to activate a soul coal wrong? It's been one hundred and eleven days of constant contact, no slip ups. I'm calm, in a meditative state, the sweet smell of the candle engulfing my brain. It no longer mattered, the past seven years. The debt, my aunt, or my feelings. Nothing. I can see an archway of light. So bright in the darkness. Where am I? Under the archway is where I should be. A bright flash and sense of weightlessness. My skin tingles, so I open my eyes. A desert? Sand everywhere. A person standing over there. Now, I'm over there. He's my height, bald, wearing bright, silk robes and holding a staff with an orange sun at the top. Are those eyes in that sun? He smiled at me, teeth all neat and clean.


You are Kane Urasa. I am Glyp.


I'm Kane?


Yes, you are. You live on Earth. Born in New Zurham. Kam Urasa and Gentily Williams Urasa, your parents.


Yeah...yeah. I know all this.


Welcome to the astral plane. This is where you will learn the fundamentals of Soul Style. I will be your teacher.


What're you talking about? Oh yeah, the soul coal.


Why did you bond with my soul coal?


Your soul coal?


Yes. I left it for you to use. I need to know for what purpose you came here.


To learn Soul Style, of course.



Kane (voiceover)

I wasn't sure how much to tell this strange looking-


You can tell me all or nothing. I just want to know if you understand why you're here.


Fine. If you need to know, it's for revenge.


Revenge for what?


The murder of my mom.


Why not use the multitude of weapons mortals have imagined for themselves?


They would do no good. The guy I'm after is a Soul Style user.


A powerful one, at that.


If you know, why ask?


As stated, to see if you know. If I'm done repeating myself, what do you want?


I just told you!


I don't think you know why you're really here.


Teach me Soul Style already!


Why should I?


Because I want you to! Because Blair needs to die! Because... because...


Because she didn't choose you?

A scream of pent up rage escapes his lips. With it came an explosion of silver energy that scattered the sand about his shoes. Glyp stood before Kane's anger, silk robes whipping in the storm. When the Human realized his body glew like a deep sea beacon, he calms, gazing at himself. Tear soaked eyes turn to Glyp.


Now that we've got your soul nodes open, let's filter it some more, so you don't burn your body to a husk back home.


Day 38


I'll fight this one.


No, you won't! Get out of here! I'm in the shower!


Zane's still gone and I'm bored.


I don't care! Out!

Kane trips over the piece of shower curtain he accidentally cut when activating his Will Blade. He was aware enough to not slice the hotel bathroom door in his attempt to incapacitate his clone. Cursing, he picks himself up, turns off the water and decides to just get dressed. Afterwards, he looks at the day's brackets and saw his battle was originally the second of four, but had moved up to first. He was in the act of meditation, preparing for the coming battle, when a commotion in the hotel living room brought him out the master bedroom. The first thing he noticed was the smell of Dane cooking breakfast, the second, Zane, back against the door that led to the hallway, a look of barely avoided death on his face. He was breathing hard and covered in sweat.


What's going on?


Those dragonflies...they volatile. I went to pet one...tried to eat me.


Don't be afraid of it. I saw a lady walk in the gullet of one and she's fine today. Just let it happen.


This was a baby...I think.


You'll fit. There's the beep. I'm out. Make sure housekeeping refills the fridge.


For real, dude, when do one of us get to go?


Go whenever you like. Leave the key on the table.

Kane is teleported away two seconds later.


Next time, I'm gonna get to the omniband before he does.


Is something burning?



He zips into the kitchen area and Zane sits in front of the holoview, switching it on with a hand wave. Trumpeting music fills the room and an aerial view of a majestic castle of stone and fog-glass is shown. A sweet, high pitched voice begins to overlap the music.


It's time for some carnage! We are back, Papuru Galaxy, here on Pia, current home to Coalition Carnage. I'm, of course, your number one MC, Roxy Boss and this beautiful structure you see here is Castle Mishoria, centerpiece of Humburg, capital city of the Biquin kingdom. The royal families haven't skipped on the hospitality, either. Last night, a fantastic welcoming party was held and we have the footage of who was there and what they wear, but that's for later.

The pink, holographic form of the female Tilris floats into view over the castle, smiling broadly.


Four spectacular battles are on the card today, with a couple of moon busters that I'm sure many viewers have been wanting to see clash. We're starting off with the Superstar of Earth and the Soul Master of Blood, the Universal Champion himself. But first, coming to you live, all the way from the fifth planet of our galaxy, our Coalition Carnage charismatic correspondent, Grodin! What's happening, Gro bro?

The scene switches to the Ksush standing at a games table surrounded by beings of multiple races. The people were tossing cubed objects on the green tabletop. Beyond them, was a room full of similar tables, dozens of slot machines, booths for gambling televised sports, and men and women of all walks of life playing, laughing, drinking, and carousing.


And the former host of this fabulous competition. I'm here at the galaxy famous Casino Island, World Hub of Aphlis, and a gambler's haven. But, of the myriad of games available, not all are for monetary gains. This games table is for the best accommodations Casino Island has to offer. I'm taking a dice roll for the master suite, the best room anywhere on the planet. Here goes.

He tosses the die. Those around him cheer.


I won? I really won! Whooo! Yeahya! The master suite is yours truly.

Computer voice

Winner, player seventeen. Prize: all expenses paid vacation to Ksush.


What? The master suite-

Computer voice

The master suite prize table is to your left.

Those around him point at the table he was supposed to broadcast in front of. Grodin looks at his cam-bot, smiling.


Well, I won a free trip back home. I'm going to try more games. I mean, interview some people about their favorite Superstars. Back to you, Roxy.

The image of a room with bare metal walls, ceiling, and floor was shown. A maroon pyramid floated in its center.


With every geodome having been picked already, there's only one left; the one I've been waiting for. The Randomizer. Don't know what it does, but I'm eager to find out. Let's go!

When the floating cameras switch to Kane standing meters apart from Gorjon, with the Ksush towering over the Human, Zane sneers.


You're one lucky bastard, wrestler. If it were me, I'd cut you to pieces.


Racing across the sand with his new Quickening ability, Kane marvelled at the expanse, even landscape. Silver skies over a tan desert lacking any dunes; he could feel the heat of a sun he could not see anywhere overhead. The only thing he smelled was his own sweat as he ran for miles and miles. When he finally came to a stop, he was out of breath, sweaty and smelly. Glyp stood nearby, staff in hand, looking on impassively.


I... I thought said I wouldn't get...tired.


Quickening is speeding up time around your body without aging your cells. Running ten miles in one hour or one minute, you will still suffer from the same amount of fatigue. Using Sustenance simultaneously erases that.


I've been doing that.


Oh. Then your mind and body are not working in tune. It would be best for you to be able to achieve a meditative state without aid.


That's right! I been here two days and left that candle burning! My place probably burned down by now!


Two days here is two seconds there. You're not homeless yet.


Pretty funny for a guy living in a desert.


I don't live here. This realm is a place for the consciousness.


So this is a dream?


I thought you were smart.


This is all weird, okay. If this place is of the mind, then why do I have a body? And if this isn't real, then how will what I learn here transfer into the real world?


The soul coal is the key. It creates a double that it sends here. It links this you to the real, so anything that happens to you here, happens to your body there.


That sounds ominous. What happens if the soul coal breaks or someone takes it off?


Your mind will violently snap back to your body and probably shatter your consciousness into thousands of itty, bitty pieces.


Sounds delightful. So, where do you come from?

The strange being gestured to Kane's left. An arched door with gold markings floated inches above the sand. Kane frowned.


That always been there?


Before you can open that door, you must know what to do with your virgin energy.


I already know what I want to do. The same Soul Style as my favorite Superstar of all time, Will Lord Drax.


Every Human who arrives here want to be him. None since him have the strength of will for that particular style. Willard Drax was a unique individual. It would be difficult to follow in his footsteps. I wouldn't recommend it.


Will Lord Drax had the most powerful style ever.


He also had the drive to back up his intentions. You don't even know why you're here.


I know why. This is what I want.


Beyond that door is a world of nightmares. Creatures so dangerous, even strong beings have fled instead of enter. Go head and open it.

Kane hesitates briefly, then boldly strolled to it, grabbing the gold doorknob. He looks back to Glyp, who was statue still. Kane took a breath before he flung open the door. If he could walk on air, Kane could have walked straight through the door and into the black hole that sat a million miles away. The only sources of light were the streams of white whatevers being sucked into the gravity giant, along with a black star outlined in red. What looked to be about two hundred feet below where he stood, the light of the astral plane shone on monsters straight out of a Hollywood writer's drunken fantasy.

Teeth and claws rip into flesh as dark as midnight. Kane saw a creature that looked like a wheel with spikes steamrolling over smaller monstrosities, impaling them before using a long, forked tongue from its center to lap up the morsels. Another sanity shattering thing that resembled two spiders glued back to back was feasting on the carcass of a dead reptile that could have been mistaken for a Pian dragonfly. Kane's mouth hung open and was like the desert he was currently standing in, eyes big, soaking in as much horror his mind would allow. Glyp was next to him, a smile playing lightly at the corners of his thin lips.


Do you have the mental fortitude to conquer that?


This is insane! What am I even looking at!?


The true nature of reality. This is the type of darkness that resides in every mortal being. The difference between your kind and them; these creatures don't need an excuse to tear each other apart. Labels like revenge or love mean nothing to them. Only the will to survive. Do you have that will?


I...I don't know.


Then, why are you here?

Kane (voiceover)

My mind raced. Every Superstar, past and present, had to do this? Why hadn't any of them said anything about a planet full of monsters? Do I really want to kill Blair so badly that I would throw my soul into such a visceral display of indiscriminate slaughter? Or did I have a newfound death wish over rejection?


To never feel helpless again.

Glyp smiles, the sun atop his staff glew ever brighter.


As fearsome as they are, they fear me something awful. I will be there with you and ensure only the weaker ones get through.

Without another word or thought, Kane dove into the madness.


Gorjon was flexing at a female Ksush who lounged in a chair up against a steel wall. Many carnies of mixed species were present to watch this battle up close, unafraid of any potential danger. The woman just sat watching him, not even cracking a smile. Gorjon turned to glare down at his Human opponent, his face held a look intrigue.


Your kind is known for frailty, but your Soul Style is interesting. Never seen anything like it.


You've never heard of Will Lord Drax?


The only Earthling to ever win Coalition Carnage. Of course I have. That's all any Earth person talks about. But I think he wasn't as great as your legends say. If he were here, right now, I would kick his ass.


I'm a fan of yours. I've watched and bet on a lot of your matches. You're a sure thing in a championship match; in a wrestling ring. Here though, you seem to lack drive. The will to win. Drax would end you, one hit KO.


Too bad you're not Drax!

Gorjon's haymaker was fast, but Kane's Will Blade swipe was faster. He played it through the wrestler's midsection, eyes locked on his. Gorjon's rolled up in his head and he toppled past Kane to fall on his face on the cold metal flooring. The blade disappeared, Kane never took his eyes off his defeated foe.


Just like that, it's over! Superstar Gorjon failed to make the ten count. Superstar Kane is the victor!!! And I still don't know what the Randomizer does!!!

The scattering of carnies clap politely; with none being Human, Kane didn't think they really cared. The lone Ksush carny was laughing softly with a shake of her head. Roxy came down to settle next to him.

Roxy (whispering)

Congrats on the win, but next time, drag it out a bit. Nothing wrong with a squash match now and again, but the people want a show.


The first match was their show. I was having fun with a friend. I'm not playing anymore. Gorjon was unlucky enough to draw me when I'm serious. I just showed the Superstars that this time, Earth has someone with the will to dominate all of them. I don't give a damn about their wants or desires or needs. I will win the 100th Coalition Carnage. You can bet your ass on that.

Kane (voiceover)

Because, I'm betting mine on it.

Every viewscope picked up his declaration for all to hear. All except his Syncs, who were just sitting down in front of the holoview with plates of food.


It's over already?


Next time, fix my plate when I tell you to, jackass!

End chapter