Zafira the succubus.

"My name is Zafira, and yes I am a succubus. You

should feel honored. I haven’t told anyone my

name and identity in centuries.”

“Why tell me then?” he asked, he wasn't really liking what was going on right now.

Zafira grinned. “Well, most do not live long enough to say it or expose me, so why bother?”

Kelvin gave her a puzzled look. “So you’re not here to kill me?”

Zafira smiled and ran her fingers lightly through Kelvin's short dark hair.

"I always did like the smart ones, they get me so antsy in my panties" she smirked.

Zafira uncrossed her legs in front of kelvin "if I were wearing any."

Kevin could not help but look, no panties were visible under her short dress only a glistening sheen of her inviting p---y, beckoning him to touch it.

"S-s-so, what is a succubus, exactly?" kelvin asked, trying not to stutter.

Zafira sighed in disappointment. "Perhaps I spoke too soon." She crossed her legs again.

"A succubus is a demon, a unique demon who brings vast amounts of sexual pleasure to weak-willed men." She said

Taking a pause, she leaned forward, lightly rubbing her foot against Kelvin's c----h and putting the deep valley of her cleavage inches from his eyes.

"And consumes their souls in the process." She completed with a sinister smile.

"A demon? Like, a demon from Hell? You can't be serious." Kelvin said, fright evident in his voice.

Zafira lowered her jacket from her shoulder and two large wings spread out from behind her back, stretching the width of the table.

"Ooooh Kelvin I'm very serious" she smiled coyly.

Kelvin felt a shiver down his spine, this was not a dream and he was not going insane. She claimed to not want to kill him, but her advances suggested she did, he was uncertain and anxious about his fate by the end of tonight.

"What do you want with me, then?" He asked

The wings folded back behind Zafira's back, disappearing inside her body.

She slid fluidly off the table and walked around it to the wall covered in crime scene photos, police documents, and news articles.

Everything piled throughout Kelvin's apartment was related to a single case.

She plucked a photo from the wall and stared at it intently.

"It's a shame what happened to your poor wife and adopted daughter. " She ran her fingers across the picture.

" You came home from a night of boring police work to find her and your daughter on the cold floor lying in the pool of their own blood, and just that morning, she told you she was pregnant." Zafira said, staring straight into Kelvin's eyes.

Kelvin felt his blood boil as Zafira retold that hideous event.

"How did you know all that? How did you know Mia is adopted? No one knew of her pregnancy but me!" He said

Zafira turned to him. "I can read minds, i knew everything about you from the moment your eyes met mine last night. Your name, your past, every secret and every kinky desire you ever had." She replied

Kelvin was mortified, he felt violated of his privacy, his most intimate thoughts.

"But I digress, let's get to the point shall we?" Zafira glided back around the table. She sat on Kelvin's lap and wrapped her strong arms around his neck.

He tried to hide his arousal, and then realised it was an exercise in futility if she could read minds.

"You see kelvin, i care about only one thing, and that's my survival" She said

(Author's note:Yes, that vote and those gifts, drop it!! Drop it now!!!)

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