Decision time

She pointed at the pistol on the ground where she tossed it earlier, snapping her fingers again, the steel weapon crumbled into rust.

"Ashes to ashes," Zafira said, winking at Kelvin.

Then she walked casually to her dress puddled on the ground, like she did not just do something that goes against everything that men believe in.

Her tail, wings, and horns all returned inside her body, leaving just a tattooed nude beauty in the moonlight.

"So where were we?" Zafira said as she slipped her dress back on.

Kelvin stood motionless, trying to sort out all that had just transpired.

He was almost mugged, then he watched two guys f--k Zafira and have their souls ripped from their bodies, then their lifeless got set on fire before it vanished without a trace.

All of that, while experiencing the best o----m he had ever given himself.

It was just too unreal, a succubus is a normal myth, getting your soul sucked out is far fetched and producing fire from God knows where is just unbelievable.

This is not a f-----king movie

"’Oh my God, am I losing my mind?’

But she was standing right in front of him, in the flesh and his o-----sm was real. He wasn't crazy, yet.

She stood in front of Kelvin and clicked her fingers in front of his eyes. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

"Oh! Um…..we were discussing terms, I think." Kelvin said absentmindedly

She gave him a stern look. "It's decision time Kelvin. Do you agree to our deal, or not?"

Kelvin paused for a moment, he knew she had powers that he didn't yet fully understand, he also knew he had no one to turn to for help in finding Sarah and Mia's killer.

What choice did he really have?

"Okay, I'll do it." he replied.

"Great!" Zafira said, jumping up and hugging him.

"If you are certain of your answer, then kiss me. It's how we succubus seal these types of arrangements." She said

He was hesitant, but he leaned forward and gave Zafira a small peck on the lips.

"You call that a kiss?" she scolded.

"Fine." Kelvin leaned in and kissed her passionately this time.

Their lips pressed together and fireworks exploded in Kelvin's mind, the way her kiss felt was unlike anything he had ever experienced with Sarah, which he was ashamed to admit to himself.

"That was much better. I'm actually impressed," Zafira said.

"Thanks, I guess." Kelvin said.

Zafira looked at herself. "Whew, I'm sweaty and dirty from all that I need a shower, thankfully my lair isn't far from here. Care to walk me home?"

Kelvin nodded, there were still things he didn't understand, plenty more that he needed to discuss with her, visiting her lair would be a good place to start. And so they walked with Zafira's arm around Kelvin's back and her head rested on his shoulder.