Celebrating, pt1. R-18

“Honey! I’m home!” Kelvin shouted as he closed the front door of his house.

The sweet aroma of freshly baked brownies entered his nostrils as he sat his portfolio and laptop down on the couch.

He entered the empty kitchen and opened the oven to salivate over the delicious dish.

“Honey! The brownies are done!” he shouted again.

He grabbed an oven mitten, pulled the pan of brownies from the oven, and set them on the kitchen counter.

They smelled so delicious, and he could not wait.

He cut a small piece from the corner of the pan and took a bite.

“Ow! Ow! S--t! That’s hot!” Kelvin yelled as he chewed fast.

The brownie’s heat did not stop him from finishing it.

“Honey? Mia? Where are you?” Kelvin shouted into the house for the third time, but he got no reply.

It was not like her or Mia to not greet him when he came home, let alone Sarah leaving the oven unattended.

He walked to the living room where Mia was always playing with her toys, she wasn't there.