Zarella snarled. “Your vanity is only surpassed by your vulgarity Zafira!”
Kelvin was puzzled. “So, you committed lust. But I thought demons and angels don’t have souls, then why would it matter?”
“Not that it is any mortal’s business, but I once served as the lieutenant of Sofia, the Aspect of Love. For many millennia, I was charged with influencing mortals so they may find love and eventually procreate. For untold centuries, I watched humans engage in this blissful pleasure, but I was forbidden to ever experience it for myself. It wasn’t fair.” Zarella explained
“When an angel commits a sin, they fall from grace. A fallen angel’s feathers turn from a white ascending glory to dead black. Because of this, no angel can hide what they’ve done from those in Heaven.” Zafira added.