Back to the past. Pt1

“Ugh!” Kelvin grunted as he regained consciousness.

Had his head been hit by a freight train? Sure felt like it.

Blurred vision, ringing ears, and numbness all wracked his body.

Questions crept into his awareness.

Am I dead?

He lay on his back, the darkness above him came slowly into focus.

He was staring at a clear night sky, the stars and moon shone brightly.

When the ringing in his ears faded, he could hear the peaceful sounds of crickets and owls in the distance.

Kelvin's leg muscles stopped twitching and he finally found the strength to stand, and took in his surroundings.

He was outside in a small clearing of knee high grass illuminated by moonlight.

A gentle breeze swept across the plains and kissed his face.

"Where am I?" Kelvin asked no one in particular, his voice mending with the silent night.

With no knowledge of where he was or how he got to his current location, Kelvin tried to figure out what to do.

“Keep going in one direction,” he thought.