Back to the past. Pt6

“We shall see,” Uriel snorted.

The two Aspects paced back to their respective sides.

“Is this how humanity’s fate is to be decided?” Kelvin wondered. “One big Heaven-versus-Hell pissing contest?”

Kelvin watched from afar as each battle unfolded.

The first angel, chosen by the Aspect of Courage, struck down the champions of Pride and Gluttony before falling to Envy.

Envy and Greed were killed by Fortitude, while Fortitude and Kindness fell to Wrath.

Wrath and Justice killed each other before Sloth was then smote by Hope.

All that remained on Hell’s side was Asmodeus’ champion.

“Our victory is at hand!” said the shorter but stout angel known as the Aspect of Hope.

“They have but one champion and we have three. They cannot hope to win now.”

Uriel turned to the angel. “Don’t be so sure, Ramiel. Look at Asmodeus, he isn’t the least bit worried. Tell your champion to be on his guard.”