Zafira laughed. “There is one itty-bitty perk I failed to mention before.”
“Which is?” Kelvin asked with a raised eyebrow
“A soul binding ritual is considered a formal union, so…” Zafira trailed off
The realization crashed into Kelvin's mind like a runaway train while simultaneously sending pulses straight to his c--k.
If it was considered a formal union, then it was basically a marriage. Then married people can have s-x.
"We can have s-x?!” he asked loudly.
He wanted to be really sure before he jumps into any conclusions.
She snickered. “Not the most romantic of responses. But yes, we can have s-x."
Kelvin got to his feet with renewed vigor. He had always anticipated this day, always wished and fantasized about it.
He reached for his demon bride’s hand, helping her up.
“My place or yours?” He asked.
Zafira tossed him her trademark sultry grin.
“Mine, It’s closer.”
She wrapped his arms around her neck and grabbed hold of his waist, her wings unfolded.