She looked towards the bed. “And over there rests a very big piece.”
Asmodeus observed the human slumbering on her bed.
“My, how you have fallen from my unholy grace. Soul-binding yourself to a mortal? Such an abomination you’ve become.” Asmodeus crackled.
“He isn't just any mortal, he is a pure soul, and he's the one I love. It was my love for Simon that empowered me to stand against you before and it is my love for Kelvin that will enable me to kill you now.” Zafira snarled
Asmodeus folded his arms, “Touching, i think it will take more than ‘love’ to kill me, however.”
“How about this, then?” Zafira walked to the centre of her dwelling where the cursed sword Ragnarok rested.
She grasped the intricate handle and she lifted the sword from its golden pedestal, and pointed it at Asmodeus.
“His pure soul provides me with the energy to wield Ragnarok again.” she declared