"Lian Fengran. My name is Lian Fengran," Leo stated as he gave the alias he'd likely continue to use in this world should he be able to adapt here and have a reason to return.
"Then I suppose Senior Brother Lian it is then," Jing Rui said with a smile on her face. A skip was evident in her steps as she continued to walk down the road with Leo.
Seeing Jing Rui's reaction to learning his name, Leo reasoned that she must have thought that this meant she had made a friend.
'I can't tell if she's faking it or not. Then again I can be overthinking things, but it doesn't hurt to be more careful. I'm in an unfamiliar place after all,' Leo thought as he stared at Jing Rui from the corner of his eye.
As they spoke more, though Leo did not let down his guard, he felt a little bit more comfortable than moments ago.
"Senior brother Lian?" Jing called out to Leo before pouting.
"I know it might be annoying to hear again but are you heading into the city because of the sects disciple recruitment ceremony?" Jing Rui asked as she stared at Leo.
'Ah, this. How do I answer this?' Leo was suddenly put in a dilemma.
He thought of several things to say but all looked like they'd give him an unwanted effect.
A thought then came to Leo as he stared Jing Rui.
'Wait! Isn't this like an opportunity for me to gain information about this world through her?' Leo thought before realisation hit him.
'I need to say something though and one that would not put me in an unfavourable position.'
In the end, Leo decided to bite the bullet and answer Jing Rui with part truth.
"'The truth is I don't know anything about the sects in the city. I'm just sort of heading there for reasons," Leo said.
"Ahh!" Jing Rui exclaimed before turning to look at Leo like she was observing a zoo animal.
"The sects in Lotus City are quite popular, as four even belong to the four great sects of the Sacred Dynasty. It's weird that Senior Brother doesn't know about them," Jing Rui stated.
'Ahh shoot. Did I just shoot myself in the foot?'
Just as Leo was thinking of what to say while believing that he had just messed up his first chance at gaining information about this world, Jing Rui spoke again.
"Then again, looking at Senior Brother's appearance, I don't think it's weird anymore."
'Ehn? What is she saying?'
"Senior Brother Lian is not from the Sacred Dynasty, right? Your appearance doesn't really look like you're from around here. If you were, you would at least know a little about the sects in Lotus City," Jing Rui stated.
'Is this girl misunderstanding me right now?' Leo thought as a slight, barely noticeable smile appeared on the edge of his lips.
Now that Jing Rui was conveniently giving him an excuse, he'd be rude not to accept.
"Mhmm, you guessed right. I'm indeed not from around here," Leo stated, silently realizing just how truthful his words just now were.
"I knew it!" Jing Rui said with a heavy nod, looking proud that she had apparently guessed wisely.
"Then is it that Senior Brother Lian came here when he heard of the sects recruitment to check it out?" Jing Rui then asked Leo, to which he replied immediately.
"You're right," Leo answered. Jing Rui was conveniently giving him excuses while looking proud of her 'geniusness.'
'As long as everything is fine, I guess,' Leo thought as Jing Rui suddenly asked him another question that made him almost trip.
"However, I've been wondering about something, Senior Brother Lian. Why do you have no belongings on you?"
'Ahh crap.'
"I-It w-was stolen," Leo reflexively replied before realizing it.
'Damn! What kind of lame excuse is that?!'
"That's so unfortunate, Senior Brother Lian. I pray those thieves get robbed as well!" Jing Rui said as she balled her tiny fist in anger.
'Wait! She believed me?!'
"H-Haha," Leo didn't know how to quite respond. Fortunately, it seemed Jing liked to speak a lot because she spoke up again after a few seconds.
"Seeing that Senior Brother Lian is new to this place, then will Senior Brother Lian like for me to tell him a little about this place so he's not completely lost again?" Jing Rui asked with a smile.
'Yes, Please!'
Hearing Jing Rui's words, Leo really wanted to take her hands into his and shout yes to her question, but while he was very excited on the inside, he tried to maintain good composure on the outside.
"Yes, please. I would really love that since it would help a lot. Thank you," Leo spoke with sincerity as he bowed his head a little.
Jing Rui hurriedly addressed him when she saw this.
"No, not Senior Brother Lian. Telling about what the natives here already know is nothing special, but you're welcome, hehe," Jing Rui stated with a giggle.
Leo nodded at her.
Seeing Jing Rui smile again this time, Leo chose to appreciate it rather than be cautious towards it.
"So where would Senior Brother Lian want me to start from?" Jing Rui asked.
Hearing Jing Rui's question, Leo did not take long to reply. He figured to progress the conversation further and try to glean more information; he should ask about something Jing Rui would be interested in.
'She kept asking about sects, and that should be the reason she should be here, so let's start with that.'
"I would like it if you could tell me about the city we're currently heading to and the sects, please," Leo stated, as a bright smile appeared on Jing Rui's lips.
"Then let's talk about........"