Finding Sanctuary

Jiro awoke to blaring emergency sirens as all residents rushed

towards reinforced staging halls throughout Sanctuary Zone Delta.


Loudspeaker announcements warned about perimeter scanner ruptures detected in Monitoring Grid 9 tracing back towards deserted urban sectors long abandoned to zombie swarms decades past according to official histories.

......Jiro tried calming nearby civilians shaken imagining another evacuation authored by ancestors whose science sins bred contagion origins dooming innocents fatewards still.

He knew withered skeleton cities concealed secrets better left buried, not exhumed exposing fresh outbreak risks uncontained.

As Zone Marshals ushered nervous crowds towards subterranean shelter bunkers promising impregnable security protocols,

....Jiro approached Captain Valez requesting an assignment supporting Barrier Troopers securing whatever breaches threatened sanctuary equanimity sustainably thriving despite surrounding wilds lawless and contaminated utterly.

The Captain agreed that "Reclamation Volunteer Forces" like Jiro's Rehab Squad offered capable reinforcements surveying landward frontiers most Outland Rangers feared revisiting on extended patrols.

Equipping plasma rifles and extra anti-toxin vials standard issue preparations outlined by Quartermaster Reiss,

Jiro committed towards unknown threats confronting civilization's fragile outpost challenging wasteland dominion bleeding inwards planetwide it seemed endless.

Riding shotgun alongside Ranger Kellis whose face tattoos told blood oath fury towards exterminating outbreak zones further,

Jiro studied forward lookout cams scanning derelict urban graveyards looming closer where automatic beacons betrayed perimeter disturbances.

Kellis explained monolithic towers beaming thermal collectors powered security arrays establishing contamination lines hold the living in against the deadlands.

Brigadier Holt demanded investigation efforts before deploying CRC elimination units towards neutralizing bio-vector incursions that still surprised sanctuary strongholds from time to time.

Kellis warned that whoever escapes quarantine traps out there inherits no name we register on species categorization charts anymore..."

Their recon jeep approached Monitoring Tower 7 with a giant gaping wound visible where reinforced blast walls appeared molten and breached somehow from within.

Jiro guessed only extreme temperatures or focused energy weapons could damage fortified casings that well. Stepping through twisted metal doors practically invitation further, Kellis raised eyebrows expecting welcomed wagons somehow from whatever party crushed remnants.


........Except deserted decay greeted ghostly halls where even carrion avoided the dead it seems. Finding master relay terminals remarkably still functional, Jiro crossed security firewalls accessing internal surveillance footage hoping to reveal clues about containment failure events and corresponding culprits originating the recent chaotic breakout.

"I guess we found Patient Alpha Zero then..." whispered Kellis frozen behind Jiro's shoulder.

Timestamped video logs displayed initially empty incarceration chambers used to imprison bizarre entities somehow collected roaming dead zones beyond habitat walls.


Updated streams then recorded laboratory technician groups led by Chief Pathologist Brower inspecting sedated bioforms already studied extensively back at the base.

..... Brower noted aggressively mutated subjects' brain wave scans indicating exponential synaptic integration rates like exponentially accelerated evolutions outmatched baseline models from prior captive cadavers.

Interspersed silent static barely registered scientist teams swabbing, biopsies and discussing upgrades planning elaborate "Abstract Harvest Replication" theories for presentation to Sanctuary Directors about domesticating weaponizable contagions.

Except suddenly holding pens violently shakes before displays cut darkness then back online showing blood-soaked cage shreds with savaged body chunks leaking everywhere. Jiro gasped seeing young ensign wade chest-deep through shredded carcasses trying door controls desperately before bog beasts break through vent shafts dragging his screaming bones back into unseen darkness farther than overhead night scopes reached.

Kellis crossed himself murmuring what sins sought hell brought forth towards heaven's last door.

Reviewing recorded breach logs proved useless when cellular deconstruction analysis showed Protean 22-Z viral proteins

rewriting security encryptions into useless digital mush afterwards. No lock seals might contain black biology cages open then it seemed.

Jiro stared past ruined gates marking where science ambitions welcomed indifference once more towards plaything monstrosities bred beyond harnessing hopes anymore.

Whatever dark diety occultists whisper awaits children straying from sheltering grace vouchsafed survivors fighting for just another sunrise still felt closer to this demonic laboratory graveyard mocking ethical constraints protecting life and light hallowed.

Kellis clasped Jiro's shoulder affirming no evidence matters judging what justice demands destroying evolutionary abominations escaped pandora consequences running wild.

Jiro steeled himself towards necessary confrontation hunting aberrant specimens turned prowling predators out there before more innocents faced similar fates worse than death discovering such evil unleashed their world once more.

Emerging safely topside scanning clean bio-sensor sweeps, Jiro radioed Captain Valez requesting additional RRF support units outfitted

"Hazard Zone Protocols"

acknowledging enemy engagements likely on extended search & destroy sorties given boundary scan breaches evidenced biogen apparitions roaming beyond habitat walls.

Valez confirms Lieutenant Dodd's Eliminator Battalion mobilizes expecting gruesome inspection tasks underway returning site integrity against adverse entities filtering through quarantine periphery barricades previously impervious before recent surprise breakouts skewing threat models thought reliable for

decades securing civilized stability despite global wastelands surrounding everything else beyond sustainability walls reclaiming living places possible through enormous sacrifices holding future chances open blood paid for each generation forward facing night's terrors unending it felt.

.........Upon rendezvous,

Jiro transferred recovered data case files and specimen imagery towards Lieutenant Dodd for confirmation analysis against CORPSE databases documenting known extinction strains ranked most wanted for priority extermination duty.

....Dodd's eyebrows furrowed studying unclassifiable monstrosities more invisible almost on camera than tangible before inevitable bloodbaths betrayed what little substance constituted seemingly merciless swarms directed evolution engineering their relentless proliferation further across whole continents by now.

"What Crop did our grandfathers sow half-knowing towards such harvests eh?"

whispered Dodd ruefully.

Kellis spat curses against old military industrial warlocks brewing bioweapons once somewhere sacrificing morality before blowing unaccountable freedom paths towards destinies destroyed.

Deploying onward seeking containment against science sins resurrected, veteran Eliminator Teams took lead formations given their expert credentials for this kind of dirty extermination work.

Lt Dodd rallied the squads re-dedicating their live rounds towards necessary justice served lancing contagion's infinite feast forwards.

......."We who stand guard along fragile civilization's borderlines once more brave travesties thought banished behind abyss gates below by our ancestors struggling to sacrifice everything towards bequeathing chances still against the ancient immortal hunger called Death scratching relentlessly outside life's encampments poised always exploiting evolution's role call towards infinite predation.

May our humble day's work erase threats unleashed by arrogant generations passed assuming hungry gods sleep unaware their feast lays spread awaiting no law or ethic might restrain appetites eternal exterminating anything endangered along annihilation's banquet menu. "

Jiro throttled their heavy walker listening INT fields scanning for aberrant microbial signatures buried below rubble landscapes suggesting hot zones where these merciless monstrosities laired luring prey nearby.


Their Caravan rolled slowly avoiding pockets radiation loci showing fallout contours still smoldering through urban graveyards skeletal where acid rains eroded civilizations past towards barely trace elements unmourned anymore.

Jiro cued battlefield viewers suddenly recognizing their destination loomed close now - Tatchell City notoriously known as Cannibal Capital where rumours held ferocious tribal gangs dominated subterranean highways raiding outlander caravans

when ammunition supplies required replenishing by body parts bounties hunters claimed righteously promoting frontier justice through survival extremes beyond norm or law.

Kellis crossed himself expecting routes forwards already signed through somebody's blood this doomed day destiny's demons demanded now.

........Jiro psyched himself ready to repeat Captain Venkman's rallying cry towards exorcising ghosts resurrected from scientific sins that sacrificed innocents towards progress goals claiming no gods


...... may govern the universe's evolutionary trajectories ultimately tracing technologies and ethics always racing catch-up behind indifferent trajectories tracing biological transformations challenging moralities and imagination beyond sustainable equilibrium recovery ever possible again it seemed facing Anthropocene mass extinction thresholds already tripped past points preventing for generations forward at least...