Chapter 12 - Sword of the Eclipse

"Yes i can win this!" Nathan would excitedly say after seeing the damage his technique did to Surtr and with him finally being sustainably damaged Surtr would become even more enraged and would start casting meteors at Nathan who would luckily dodge it thanks to his newly found wings

"This is actually better for me!" Nathan would think as he chuckled and starts to jump off and in the debris made by the meteors and would start accelerating faster

and as he gets faster he finally jumps into Surtr's direction

"[First Blade:Dusk]" Nathan would unleash yet another Dusk but this time he would deal much kore damage because of the acceleration and as Surtr get hit the system would say

(Surtr has taken damage 49% Health is remaining warning Boss has lost kore than half of his health entering a state of chaos and lost of all reason boss will no longer feel pain)

"Well shit" Nathan would Nervously chuckle

as Surtr Punches him onto the walls of the dungeon yet again

(warning! Health has fallen below 20% immediate retreat is recomended)

"ah is this how i die? no... the world still needs me hehe" Nathan would start laughing histerically as he bleeds and flies into the air once again howeaver he can no longer raise his hand making dusk useless

"ah my hand...doesent matter ill just make another technique to aid myself" Nathan would think as he and surter clash for the very last time and when Surtr's sword would make contact with Nathan he would dodge and leap onto Surtr's head

"Its the End..."

"[Sword of the Eclipse...Dawn]" Nathan would say as he swings his sword upwards enduring all the pain of his broken bones as Inferno uet again resembles a sun and abyss creates the mountain and with his final attack Nathan would split Surtr's head into two pieces

"Hows that you piece of shit..." Nathan would say as he falls into the ground along with Surtr

(Congratualations youa have leveled up to level 31)

(Congratualations for being the first Descendant of the great Gods to clear the first trial may your Ancestors protect you)

(The Trial has been cleared the first seal on the [God of Fire] has been broken you may now freely create armour and other equipment and even blacksmithing)

(Congratualations on slaying Surtr you have been granted Gem of Fire)

([Gem of Fire] you may merge this to a piece of equipment or a set of equipment do keep in mind if it is a set of equipment you need to wear the entire set for its effect to activate)

(For being the first to clear a trial you have been granted a A rank wish what may it be)

"First the wish... A rank regeneration and let me put the Gem of Fire on the Manslaughterer set" and as Nathan says this the system would appear once more

(you have been given A [Regeneration] and the Gem of Fire has transformed the Manslaughterer set into the [Demonic Manslaughter set]) and as the System finishes saying it he would start regenerating his wounds immediately

([Demonic Manslaughterer set] when equiped all Fire type skills and spells will do 2x more damage 50% less Damage from fire type spells and skills)

"Worth it" Nathan would say as he leaves the Trial