Chapter 15- Tournament

After i cleared all my trials i started to clear D rank dungeons to ease my boredome since there was no monsters that could actually be dangerous for me so i still go bored until i heared the news

"Ringgg ringggg" Nathan's phone went and when Nathan answered his phone he smiled with excitement when he heared William's news

"Flame i heared from tour sister you were pretty bored so i came to tell you that theres going to be a competition in Washington beetween God ranks and Demi-god ranks so id uou want you can go there Vanessa is already has plans to go there you can tag along on her flight if you wanna participate" William said and after William finished Nathan Replied "Yes of course im gonna participate! did you know how bored i was?!"

"Alright the flight is in 3 days since the tournament starts in a week from now" Willian answered and as they finished they're call Nathan immeadietly called his sister

"Lily! wanna go outside i have a trip in 3 days wanna come with me?"

"Yeah sure where are we going though?" Lily asked and Nathan Answered "Washington im gonna participate in a tournament" Nathan says as he laughs and after 3 days and going shopping for their bags they would meet up with Vanessa and go to their flight and after a long day would arive in their hotel

"I should go to a restaurant ah" Nathan thought as he leaves his room to go outside

"Where are you going?" Lily asked Nathan

"Ah juat going to a steak house wanna come with me?"

"Yeah i havent eaten steak yet but how are you going to afford it?" Lily asked and Nathan answered

"Im a Hunter ya know" as they leave to eat and after 3 more days the tournament would start

"Welcome to the first [God tournament]! today will be the eliminations but if your wondering why everyone is in the same platform the eliminations is a free for all!!! it will only end until theres only 32 Hunters left!!! you will be out when you fall unconscious fall of the platform or even die! so begin" The Announcer would excitedly say as all hell breaks loose and as the battle starts Nathan puts on his mask and

"I always wanted to test this spell i have been thinking of since i finished my trials" Nathan would say as a wave of fire would come out of him in all directions and as this happens Nathan would say

"[Heatwave]" as he finishes the spell over half of the Hunters already fall of the platform however some hunters would either Block it with their abily like a Hunter who used her ice and another who used his Metal and some would just dodge it like Vanessa and the God of wind and after the attack most of the platform was already burned to a crisp