Chapter 17 - Goddess of the Wind Cindy Klein

After the first battle of round 1 Nathan just watched the remaining fights with Lily and of course Vanessa won her fight on hee batch whilst Nathan's batch had a lot of heavy hitters and after a day of waiting the first battle of the second round had started

"THE START OF THE SECOND ROUND IS NOW HERE FIRST ON THE RIGHT SIDE WE HAVE FLAME THE CURRENT NUMBER 1 HUNTER AND ON THE LEFT CINDY KLEIN OF GERMANY THE CURRENT RANK 6TH HUNTER!!! NOW BEGIN!!!" the announcer would say as both hunters enter the platform and jump at eachother and as Nathan gets closer to Cindy she would say "[Wind Slicer]" as a gust of wind get proelled at Nathan slicing the ground like a shark's fin in the water and in response Nathab would create a new spell

"[Sheild of Darkness]" and as he finishes saying this shadows would form a sheild blocking the wind and as the sheild starts to dissapear Nathan would summon Inferno and Abyss and use Infernal slash and a new spell called [shadow slicer] and as both slashes start to unite it would Create a X and as Cindy sees this she would use her wind to fly upwards think Nathan could not reach him and as Nathan sees Cindy fly he would use Wings of Fire and fly towards her and he would use a new spell creating a much larger Fireball [Blazing fire] and throw it at Cindy and as she sees the fireball she would use her wind to block it creating a smoke cloud and the smoke cloud starts to vanish Nathan would pop out Knocking Cindy out with a fireball and as Cindy Falls the announcer would devlare Nathan as the Winner and as the announcer announces Nathan as the winner he would leave the arena with his hands in his pocket once again and after the dight he would go to his sister to watch the remaining games and after Vanessa won again they would meet up and return back to their hotel

Chater 17 End

(Hello this is the Author i had something important happen yesterday so i could only make one chapter since i got home at 9:17 so it will return to normal 2 chapters today)