Chapter 20 - Goddes of ice Yuriah Ivanov

After the intense match in the Quarter finals it was the day of the Semi finals and as Nathan enters the stage he would see a Woman with Bluish Silver hair wearing a jacket made for tundras and Nathan would ask

"Why are you wearing a jacket its not even Autumn?" and she would reply "eh its just vold hecause of my powers" and as they finish they'ee vonversayion the Announcer would say

"HERE WE ARE IN THE SEMI FINALS WITH FLAME ON THE LEFT CORNER AND YURIAH IVANOV IN THE RIGHT CORNER THE 1ST AND 2ND RANKED HUNTERS WHO WILL WIN NOW LET THE BATTLE BEGIN" and as the announcment is finished Nathan would summon Inferno and abyss and at the same time Yuriah would say

"[Frostbite]" as she summons a spear made of Ice and as both their weapons collide a massive explosion would happen and as the smoke clears Yuriah would summon a bunch of Ice arrows and hurl it at Nathan as she says "[Barrage of Frost]" and at the same time she would create a Tornado making the arrows orbit Nathan causing them to hurl at him at more random locations as she says "[Blizzard of the Storm]" and as Nathan says this he would use Heatwave to melt the ice away as he jumps at Yuriah and as she sees Nathan get closer she would hear

"First blade:Dusk" as she sees Inferno resembling a falling sun and as Nathan uses Dush Yuriah would create a wall of Ice as she says "[Frozen Guard]" however it would break still Inferno would become slower and as Inferno slows Nathan would see a bunch of Ice falling at hin from the clouds as Yuriah says

"[Gods tears]" Causing Nathan to dodge but would still be damaged

"Your strong i'll give you that...but your not stronger than Surtr" Nathan would say as he makes a new spell

"[Drought]" Nathan would say the ground starts to dry and the Arena becomes hotter and everywhere Nathan walks the ground would start to crack and all Yuriah's attacks melt

"its over i guess well i surrender...but next time i will beat you and take first place ya hear me" Yuriah would say as she storms off to the exit and the Announcer would announce the winner and as Nathan leaves he would smile

"Ah when people are angey they look cute especially that Yuriah person" Nathan Thought as he goes to Lily and at the same time Yuriah would smile as she think about Nathan

"That Flame dude was pretty cool i guess i wanna fight him again maybe i'll go to the UK to meet him heh"

and Later Nathan would return to his hotel and start preparing for his fight with Vanessa

Chapter 20 End