Chapter 24 - Duel

"Ehem uh William when did i agree to the engagement" Nathan asked as William replies with "You said if it was a woman you would be fine" and as William says this Nathan would get dragged by the Elven Knight into a the streets and as he gets dragged Nathan would Scream "OI YOU DUMBASS SHOULDNT WE ATLEAST FIGHT AT ARENA DO YOU EXPECT NE TO PAY FOR THE DAMAGES!!!" and as Nathan shouts the Knight would say "Fine i will wait untill a Arena is prepared" and as both finish their conversation Zhong Shen would say "Why dont you two fight at the training grounds" and as he finishes saying this both would head to the training ground to fight and as they prepare the Knoght would say "I am Elvis von Bauren the Eldest son of the Mighty Bauren family!" and as Elvis finishes saying this Nathan would reply with "I Guess i can say my real name...I am Nathan Walkers the Strongest Hod rank Hunter!" and as he finishes saying this Elvis would rush at him with his sword and seeing this Nathan would Summon Inferno and with both his hands he would block it and as both swords bounce of eachother Nathan would summon abyss and slash down causing Elvis to step back and as he steps bavkwards to avoid it Nathan would use the Third blade Meteor forcing Elvis to block and get pushed back to a wall and as Elvis starts stabalizing Nathan would rushhim bombarding him with fireballs as he uses Infernal Barrage and as Elvis gets bombarded with fireballs he would hear Nathan saying "Sword of the Eclipse...5th Blade Solar wave" and as he says this Nathan would swing his sword Horizontally causing Inferno to Resemble the sun creating a solar wave causing Elvis to get pushed back and with a final strike Nathan would use fire soear and as he crashes at a wall Elvis would admit defeat and as Nathan leaves Alexander would ask Aeriel "What do you think about him?" and Aeriel wpuld answer with "Of course he seems wuite strong...he i like him hehehe" Aeriel would say with her eyes turning pink and as Aeriel says this Nathan would think to himself

"Godman its fucking cold"